Insights Dashboards

Insights Attribution Dashboards

CaliberMind Insights Attribution Dashboards let you view your attribution data in a number of ways using multiple models. Be sure to check out best practices before you dive in.

Insights ROAS Dashboard

Return on ad spend is one of the most difficult metrics in marketing to calculate. Fear not! You have CaliberMind to take those UTM parameters and tie them back to advertising data.

Insights Engagement Dashboard

CaliberMind Insights Engagement Dashboards were created in a way that allows you to drill down into greater detail to answer questions on the fly. Because we allow you to view your data using multiple models in multiple ways, we recommend you start here for best practices.

Insights Data Health and Integrity

The CaliberMind data integrity concept encompasses data quality, data enrichment, and location intelligence. The CaliberMind goal is to ensure the value and accuracy of an organization's data for the time it is being created, analyzed, and archived.
