Table of Contents

Campaign Detail - Search Results

Why search for a Campaign in CaliberMind?

Searching for a record in CaliberMind can reveal a ton of details about that record, which makes the detail pages ideal for:

  • Which personas and account types have interacted with your campaign
  • Training marketers on how to think about ROI or campaign performance
  • Showing sales the reach of a particular campaign
  • Troubleshooting reports

What can I see when I search for a campaign in CaliberMind?

When people search for a campaign in CaliberMind, they will be presented with highly detailed lists and summary information related to the products they have purchased in CaliberMind. For example, if (and only if) a customer has purchased funnels, they will see funnel journeys associated with the given campaign.

The following is a description of each possible section and how someone may benefit by using it.

The Campaign Result Header

The Campaign header is meant to display identifying information to help you confirm that you're viewing the campaign you intended.

campaign search result header
  1. Campaign Name - The name of the campaign in the source system.
  2. Campaign ID - The unique ID string for the campaign. The ID can either be generated by your CRM, an advertising platform, or CaliberMind - depending on the type of touch.
  3. Campaign Type - The type field associated with your CRM campaign record or a logic-based value assigned to non-CRM campaign activities.
  4. Parent Campaign - The ID of the parent campaign associated with your campaign.
  5. Program - The name of the parent campaign.

Campaign Tab Options

The tabs beneath a campaign record's headers allow you to see summary information specific to that campaign.

campaign search result tabs

Here are a few reasons you may want to use each tab:

Members: "I want to know who interacts with this campaign." "I want to understand what kind of persona is attracted to this content."

Attribution: "I want to see exactly how attribution is being attributed to this campaign." "I want to understand how much pipeline I'm attracting versus how much I spent on this campaign."

Engagement: "I want to see the details associated with activity logged against this campaign.

Funnels: "I want to see which stage in the buyer journey people are likely in when they engage with this campaign."

Events: "I want to see a complete history of every interaction we've captured for this campaign."

The Campaign Result "Members" Tab

Campaign Members are a record that capture who interacted with a campaign, when it happened, and details about what they did.

Members Tab Metrics

campaign member metric widgets

Total Members - The count of people associated with the campaign.

Total Companies - A distinct count of accounts associated with people who have interacted with the campaign.

campaign member chart over time

New Members Over Time - This chart displays how many members were added to the campaign by month.

Campaign Member Table

We have obscured personal information to protect the privacy of contacts.
campaign member detail report
  1. Response Date - The initial date the person responded to the selected campaign.
  2. Name - The name of the person who responded to the selected campaign.
  3. Title - The job title of the person who responded to the selected campaign.
  4. Job Level - the job level of the person who responded to the campaign.
  5. Event Detail - This is either the member status on the CRM campaign member record or additional detailed information pulled from an alternate source system.
The Campaign Result "Attribution" Tab


campaign result attribution metrics
  1. Pre-Opp Attribution - Dollars associated with campaign touches that were recorded before the opportunity was created.
  2. Opps Attributed - A distinct count of opportunities with attribution dollars associated with campaign touchpoints that happened before the opportunity was created.
  3. Post-Op Attribution - Dollars associated with campaign touches that were recorded after the opportunity was created and before it was closed.
  4. Opps Attributed - A distinct count of opportunities with attribution dollars associated with campaign touchpoints that happened after the opportunity was created and before it was closed.
  5. Cost - The total cost of the campaign either as it is listed in your CRM campaign record or linked advertising platform.
  6. Forecasted ROI - The weighted pipeline attributed to the campaign divided by the total cost.
  7. Actual ROI - The closed bookings attribution to the campaign divided by the total cost.

Attribution Over Time

attribution over campaign time

This chart shows attribution dollars organized by when the touchpoint or event happened (not by pipeline creation or bookings closed).

Attribution Detail Table

Attribution detail table for Campaign
Identifiable information has intentionally been obscured on the screenshot.
  1. Name - The name of the opportunity.
  2. Type - The value in the standard Type field on the Opportunity (or Deal) object in your CRM.
  3. Company - The name of the company associated with the opportunity.
  4. Created Date - The date the opportunity was created.
  5. Closed Date - The date the opportunity has or is scheduled to close.
  6. Stage - The current stage of the opportunity.
  7. Probability - The probability associated with the opportunity stage in your CRM.
  8. Pipeline Touched - Dollars from the opportunity that are attributed to the selected campaign. This likely will not match your Opportunity Amount.
  9. Pre-Opp - The sum of dollars associated with the selected campaign against touchpoints that took place before the opportunity's creation.
  10. Post-Opp - The sum of dollars associated with the selected campaign against touchpoints that took place after the opportunity's creation and before its close.
  11. Opportunity ID - The CRM ID string of the opportunity.
The Campaign Result "Engagement" Tab


campaign engagement tab metrics
  1. Weighted Score - The sum of points assigned to all events associated with this campaign after multipliers and decay are applied.
  2. Raw Score - The sum of points generated against the campaign before multipliers and decay are applied.
  3. Engaged People - The count of unique individuals that have interacted with the selected campaign.
  4. Engaged Companies - The count of unique companies that have interacted with the selected campaign.

Engagement Over Time Chart

campaign engagement over time

This chart displays the raw and weighted scores of campaign activity over time.

Most models have a time decay, and the natural behavior of these models is to weight more recent engagements more heavily than those that took place in the past.

Engagement Details

Campaign engagement details
Identifiable information is intentionally obscured from the screenshot.
  1. Name - The name of the person associated with the campaign activity.
  2. Title - The raw text title of the person associated with the campaign activity.
  3. Job Level - The job level derived from the raw text title of the person associated with the campaign activity.
  4. Inbound Touches - The count of inbound touches associated with this person against the given campaign.
  5. Outbound Touches - The count of outbound touches associated with this person against the given campaign.
  6. Current Weighted Score - The engagement score associated with this campaign member after multipliers and decay are applied.
  7. WoW Change - (Week over Week Change) The change in the raw engagement score from last week to this week.
The Campaign Result "Funnels" Tab


campaign funnel metric meaning
  1. Journey Count - The number of journeys that have recorded an interaction with the selected campaign.
  2. Active Journey Count - The number of currently active journeys that have recorded an interaction with the selected campaign.

Events by Stage

campaign funnel chart meaning

A chart that shows which stage the account journey was in when someone took an action against the given campaign.

Funnel Detail Table

funnel stage details for the campaign
  1. Stage - The funnel stage name.
  2. Events - The count of events for the selected campaign for the given funnel stage.
  3. Companies - The count of unique companies associated with events for the selected campaign for the given funnel stage.
  4. People - The count of unique people by funnel stage associated with events for the selected campaign for the given funnel stage.
The Campaign Result "Events" Tab

A list of all activities logged for this campaign, including details about the associated person and company. This list is filterable and ideal for troubleshooting "missing" campaign data.

campaign event detail table
  1. ID - The ID string of the record as it is listed in the source system for the activity.
  2. Event_Datetime - The date the brand interaction or "touch" or "event" took place.
  3. Event_Name - The name of the event. This may be a campaign name, task name, or some combination of system labels.
  4. Company - The name of the company associated with the logged activity or event.
  5. Company_ID - The unique ID string of the company associated with the logged activity or event.
  6. Company_Domain - The domain associated with the company listed on the logged activity or event.
  7. Person - This is often the email address of the person listed on the logged activity or event.
  8. Person_ID - The unique ID string of the person associated with the logged activity or event.
  9. Person_Name - The name of the person associated with the logged activity or event.
  10. Person_Title - The raw title string of the person associated with the logged activity or event.
  11. Person_Domain - The domain of the person's email associated with the logged activity or event.
  12. Event_System - The system in which the activity was originally logged.
  13. Event_Class - They classification or normalized type of the logged activity.
  14. Event_Type - A descriptive quality of the activity logged.
  15. Event_Detail - A collection of medata associated with the logged activity.

How did we do?

Company or Account Detail - Search Results

Person Detail - Search Results
