Table of Contents

Attribution Overview: Explore Tab

Angie C. Updated by Angie C.

Analytics: Explore Tab in Attribution Overview

Common Use Cases & Questions Answered with the Explore Tab

If you're a Marketing Analyst looking to analyze how different campaigns perform across various company tiers, use the Attribution Explore feature: 

  1. Choose "Month" as the Date Period and "All Time" as the Date Aggregation.
  2. Set the "Organization default Model" as the Attribution Model.
  3. Select "Opportunity Create" as the Opportunity Date Category.
  4. In the Attribution Explore Table, set the Row to "Company Tier," Column to "Campaign," and Measure to "Pre-Opp Attribution."
  5. Use filters to focus on specific Campaigns or Company Tiers for a detailed analysis.

If you're a Data Scientist analyzing the impact of different Event Types on Total Attribution, use the Attribution Explore feature:

  1. Choose "Year" as the Date Period and "This Period" as the Starting Period.
  2. Set the "Organization default Model" as the Attribution Model.
  3. Select "Touch Date" as the Opportunity Date Category.
  4. Configure the Attribution Explore Table with Row set to "Event Type," Column to "Company Region," and Measure to "Total Attribution."
  5. Utilize filters to focus on specific Company Regions or Event Types for detailed insights.

If you're a Sales Manager looking to assess the impact of Post-Opp Attribution across different Industries, use the Attribution Explore feature:

  1. Choose "Quarter" as the Date Period and "This Period" as the Starting Period.
  2. Set the "Organization default Model" as the Attribution Model.
  3. Select "Opportunity Close" as the Opportunity Date Category.
  4. Configure the Attribution Explore Table with Row set to "Industry," Column to "Campaign," and Measure to "Post-Opp Attribution."
  5. Utilize filters to narrow down the analysis based on specific Campaigns or Industries.

Explore Tab

This Dashboard shows you aggregated Attribution data and allows you to see which activities have been most successful at contributing to Opportunity creation.

Important Note: All filters apply to all widgets as a rule.

The KPI metrics shown at the top display for the Summary, Comparison and Explore tabs.

  1. Pre-Opp Attribution displays the sum of all of your Pre-Opp Attribution, or Attribution that occurs prior to an Opportunity being created
  2. Opps Attributed displays the count of all Opportunities that have Pre-Opp Attribution
  3. Post-Opp Attribution displays the sum of all of your Post-Opp Attribution, or Attribution that occurs after an Opportunity has been created
  4. Opps Attributed displays the count of all Opportunities that have Post-Opp Attribution
  5. Total Attribution displays the sum of all of your Pre-Opp and Post-Opp Attribution
  6. Opps Attributed displays the count of all Opportunities that have Attribution
  7. Total Pipeline displays the total dollar amount of all of your Opportunities, regardless of whether or not they have Attribution
  8. Total Opps displays the count of all Opportunities, regardless of whether or not they have Attribution

Attribution Explore Table

This widget allows you to choose exactly how you want to slice and dice your attribution data by custom filtering your rows. In the other tabs, there are the most used scenarios to look at data, but with Explore, you can create a view for your specific needs.

Change the View of Your Data in the Filter Drawer

  1. Rows allows you to select what data will display for the rows:
    Campaign, Campaign Type, Channel, Company, Company Region, Company Segment, Company Tier, Country, Customer Status, Event Type, Industry, Opp Close Date, Opp Create Date, Opp Status, Opp Type, Pre-Opp, Program, Touch Date
  2. Columns allows you to select what data will display for the columns:
    Campaign, Campaign Type, Channel, Company, Company Region, Company Segment, Company Tier, Country, Customer Status, Event Type, Industry, Opp Close Date, Opp Create Date, Opp Status, Opp Type, Pre-Opp, Program, Touch Date
  3. Metric allows you to select what data will display for the metric:
    Campaign, Campaign Type, Channel, Company, Company Region, Company Segment, Company Tier, Country, Customer Status, Event Type, Industry, Opp Close Date, Opp Create Date, Opp Status, Opp Type, Pre-Opp, Program, Touch Date

How did we do?

Attribution Overview: Comparisons Tab

Attribution Overview: Opps Tab
