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Insights - ROAS Dashboard Use Cases

Use Case: How to Compare ROAS Over Time

Remember: Return On Ad Spend data is cohorted by the date the touch took place. This means we are NOT narrowing by the date the opportunity was created, pipeline was added, or dollars were booked.

It's critical that you factor in your average time to sale from first touch (first logged inbound touch) when judging Return On Ad Spend as "Final." In other words, this month's touches won't likely have pipeline or bookings associated with them until a later date and your ROAS will seem anemic until time passes.

One of the core reasons people want to see Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) is to answer the age-old question:

Is my CaliberMind return on investment positive (ROAS)?
Am I spending less on advertising than we're generating in bookings?

The Question - Is ROAS Next to Impossible to Calculate?

Traditionally, this calculation has been near impossible because:

  • Marketing automation isn't always "wired" to capture UTM parameters
  • Teams aren't always consistent in their use of UTM parameters
  • It's hard to connect inbound touch activity to digital ad platforms through UTM parameters AND maintain a clear view into your campaign responses (hand raises)

CaliberMind looks at activity in two dimensions:

  1. The campaign activity in your CRM or "hand raise." This is how the person interacted with your brand and includes examples like webinar attendance, form fills, chat engagements, and so on.
  2. The thing your prospect clicked on before they interacted with your brand, which is communicated through a UTM string passed in your URL.

The tricky things about understanding UTM parameters are being able to persistently track back to the source (if someone clicks around on your page you don't want to lose the source) and mapping the UTM in your system of record. Fortunately, CaliberMind does both of these things.

The Answer - No!

Below are multi-steps to accomplish this report. Skill Level needed - PROFICIENT.

To answer whether my return on advertising spend is getting more efficient over time, I'm going to compare a few time periods. I know it takes at least six months from the time a company first touches our website or an intent signal to opportunity close (if not nine months). I'm going to compare three time periods that are a sufficient amount of time away from today's date.

Time Period 1:

1/1/2020 - 5/31/2020

Time Period 2:

6/1/2020 - 12/31/2020

Time Period 3:

1/1/2021 - 5/31/2021

Step-by-Step Instructions to Run a ROAS Analysis:

  1. Select the Attribution model. In this example I'm using the multi-touch model that my business agreed upon (Even Weighted):
select the CaliberMind ROAS attribution model you want to run with
  1. Choose the time frame related to the first time period (1/1/2020-5/31/2020):
CaliberMind ROAS time frame date filters
  1. Narrow the Campaign Source to my Digital Advertising sources:
CaliberMind ROAS ad platform selection
  1. Add a Filter of Attribution Type = Won:
Adding a Caliberind ROAS  filter
  1. Note the results and then follows steps 1-4 to collect data for the comparison.

Video: Use Case - Comparing ROAS Performance

(Using a template dashboard)

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Building Formulas with Functions

Creating and Editing a Widget Formula
