Table of Contents

Funnel Stages Configuration and Stage Definitions

Funnel Stage Configuration & Stage Definitions

CaliberMInd Funnel Configuration
The intent of this tutorial is to aid the user in understanding the purpose and meaning of each funnel stage and the functionality of the drop-down menus, toggle buttons, and other options within the configuration screen. All examples are easily implemented within your business's Salesforce instance.Unlock the power of CaliberMind's Funnel Application using custom configuration tools for each funnel stage. Before getting started, keep in mind that the fields, events, and triggers shown in the following examples are unique to the CaliberMind SalesForce instance.
It is highly recommended if custom funnel development is required that your organization reach out to your Customer Success representative for further assistance.

Stage 1

CaliberMind Funnels Stage 1 Definitions
Explanations, Definitions, and Usage
  1. The 'Awareness' Stage Name is customizable to meet the unique needs of each organization
  2. This event is recognized as a Salesforce system.
  3. This event was NOT an event associated with a Salesforce Campaign.
  4. All rules are set up within each Salesforce system and are comprised of events that specifically match criteria identified by predefined Salesforce objects. In this example, the inbound activity is identified as an anonymous website page visit and is NOT a part of any Salesforce campaign.
  5. Each rule may be deleted ad-hoc. Note that if a rule is deleted it would be permanently deleted. A delete button [trash can] is available throughout all rules within the system.
  6. The event is considered anonymous inbound - such as an anonymous (lead is non-identifiable) visit to a webpage.
  7. The operator picklist shows 'is true.' The options shown below are available on ALL the operator picklists.
CaliberMind Operator  Picklist Options
  1. Optionally, rules may have multiple layers and be comprised of several events created within your organization's Salesforce system. All rules have multi-layer functionality. Add a new rule by clicking the ADD RULE button.
CaliberMind Add Rule Icon
  1. Inactivity timeout presets are optional. In this example, if the visitor has not performed any other activity for 180 days. The lead will time out of the system and no longer be counted within an active journey. Timeout presets are optional within the entire application.
  2. It is inevitable that some prospects will exit the funnel without converting. Develop rules that identify what constitutes an early exit within your marketing or sales funnels in order to decrease the chance of prospects exiting. Afterward, implement them at each appropriate stage. Early are optional within the entire application.
  3. Boolean Operators are an optional feature within the application. Boolean Operators are simple words (AND, OR) resulting in more focused and productive results. Using these operators can greatly reduce or expand the number of records returned.
    AND—requires both terms to be in each item returned. If one term is contained in the document and the other is not, the item is not included in the resulting list. (Narrows the search)
    OR—either term (or both) will be in the returned document. (Broadens the search)
  4. Save or Delete the entire Stage permanently using these buttons. The Save or Delete buttons are available at the bottom of all stages.

Stage 2

CaliberMind Funnels Application Stage 2
Explanations, Definitions, and Usage
  1. The 'Automatically Qualified' Stage Name is customizable to meet the unique needs of each organization.
  2. This event is an inbound event that has met a trigger that moves the lead to Stage 2.
  3. The event is associated with a Salesforce Campaign.
  4. The campaign is an object in Salesforce.
  5. The 'Campaign ID' has been established in Salesforce.
  6. The 'Campaign ID' number associated with the Stage 2 trigger is identified
  7. The id number in Salesforce begins with or is '701'.

Stage 3

CaliberMind Stage 3 Funnel
Explanations, Definitions, and Usage
  1. The 'Sales Qualified Account' Stage Name is customizable to meet the unique needs of each organization.
  2. The trigger that has occurred in the example of the 'OppStage: 0. Pre-demo/Discovery' is defined as an early-stage opportunity where a meeting has been set. This trigger moves the lead to Stage 3.
  3. The 'Inactivity Timeout' has been set to 0 which has disabled the inactivity counter. At this point, the lead will remain in stage 3 only if - and when - it meets an 'Early Exit' criteria.
  4. An 'Early Exit' criterion has been established.
  5. The 'Early Exit' criterion begins with a trigger.
  6. The trigger in the Salesforce system is identified as 'OppStage: 6 (Closed: Lost.)'

Stage 4

CaliberMind Funnel Stage 4 Configuration
Explanations, Definitions, and Usage
  1. The 'Opportunity' Stage Name is customizable to meet the unique needs of each organization.
  2. The trigger that has occurred in the example of the 'OppStage: 1. Demo/Discovery' has been identified by inside sales or an account executive as ready for sales - it is a 'real opportunity.' A meeting(s) and meaningful conversation(s) have occurred. This trigger moves the lead to Stage 4.

Stage 5

CaliberMind Funnel Stage 5
Explanations, Definitions, and Usage
  1. The 'Customer' Stage Name is customizable to meet the unique needs of each organization.
  2. The 'OppStage: 5 - Closed/Won' indicates that the prospect has become a customer. A handoff will now occur and the new customer will now be serviced by Customer Success for onboarding.

Add Additional Stages

Explanations, Definitions, and Usage
CaliberMind Funnels - Add Additional Stages
  1. Additional stages can be added if desired. The 'ADD STAGE' button is located at the bottom of the Stage Configuration Screen.
    The number of stages should not exceed 6 or 7.
  2. Between each Stage is a light gray circle with an arrow. You can add additional stages when you click this arrow.

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How to Set Up and Configure Funnels

Funnels FAQs Technical Documentation
