Channel Ranking Logic

Channel Ranking Logic

In order to support the use case where users want Session Sequence Rank to be enforced over Event Timestamp we have added a toggle to the Settings page available in the Channel Admin tab.

  1. Navigate to the Admin area by clicking the cog in the top right corner.
CaliberMind Settings cog
  1. Click the Channel Menu on the left navigation bar. The Channel Settings landing page will appear.
CaliberMind Channel Landing Page
  1. Select the Session Sequence Rank from the dropdown list to view the Session Sequence configuration.
CaliberMind Session Sequence Link
  1. To edit the Session Sequence Rank you may either click the Settings Tab at the top of the dashboard or the 'change this setting' link located within the yellow notification bar.
CaliberMind Sequence Setting Link

How did we do?

Standard Channel Logic

Custom SQL Data Transformations
