System Overview
Getting Started
New to CaliberMind - Start Here!
CaliberMind Home Page & Navigation
Home Page Navigation Redesign
How do I use CaliberMind's search functionality?
Company or Account Detail - Search Results
Campaign Detail - Search Results
Person Detail - Search Results
Opportunity Detail - Search Results
How Does CaliberMind Define a "Channel"?
What Is a CaliberMind Event or Event Table?
How to use Dashboards
Connectors / Integrations
CaliberMind Connectors - Start Here!
Adding Your First Connector
CaliberMind Connectors
How to Connect: Act-On
How To Connect: AdRoll / RollWorks
How to Connect: G2, Bombora, or 6sense
How to Connect: Google Ads [via FiveTran]
How To Connect: Google Analytics
How to Connect: Google Sheets
How To Connect: HubSpot
How to Connect: Klaviyo [via FiveTran]
How To Connect: LinkedIn Ads
How To Connect: Marketo
How To Connect: Microsoft Dynamics
How To Connect: Outreach
How to Connect: Pardot [via FiveTran]
How to Connect: Salesforce [via FiveTran]
How to Connect: Segment [via FiveTran]
How to Connect: Twitter [via FiveTran]
How to Connect: ZoomInfo / DiscoverOrg
How To Connect: Google Campaign Manager 360
Setting Up the LinkedIn Push Connector
Setting Up the Salesforce Push Connector
How to Connect: Slack
Power BI/ Tableau/ Looker Connectors Article
Connecting Your Data Warehouse to CaliberMind - Start Here!
Connecting Tableau to CaliberMind
CaliberMind Data Export to Google Cloud Storage
Ingesting CaliberMind Data Into Snowflake
Pushing CaliberMind Person Engagement Data to Salesforce
Integrations Appendix by Connector
SFTP Connector - Updated 2021
Replicating CaliberMind Attribution Data to Salesforce
How to Connect Facebook Ads
How To Connect: Google Search Ads 360
KickFire De-Anonymization in CaliberMind
Field History SFDC Limits (Salesforce)
SFTP Synced Files - Making a Data Change
Connections - Email Notifications
CaliberMind Data Access FAQs
Microsoft Bing Connector [via FiveTran]
Connector Health and Web Tracker Health reports
Connectors Status Page
In-App Notifications
CaliberMind IP Addresses for Whitelisting
Developer Guide
Developer Guide - Start Here!
CaliberMind Entity Relations and System Tables
What is Google BigQuery
CaliberMind Common Data Sources
CaliberMind Identity Levels
System Configuration
Configuring Funnels
How to Set Up and Configure Funnels
Funnel Stages Configuration and Stage Definitions
Funnels FAQs Technical Documentation
Funnel Company Inclusion Configuration
Event Explore for Funnels
Funnel History Event Configuration
Funnel Static Event Configuration
Funnel Person Inclusion Configuration
Funnel Person Status Exits
Object Manager: Campaign Member
How to See Your Object Manager History and Revert Back to Previous Versions
Setting Your Saved Filters for In-App Reporting
Setting Up UTM Mapping in CaliberMind
UTM Parameters Formatting and Best Practices
Standard Channel Logic
Channel Ranking Logic
Custom SQL Data Transformations
Add BigQuery Users within CaliberMind
Remove a BigQuery User within CaliberMind
Adding Custom Columns in Salesforce
How to Email CaliberMind Reports
Setting Up Account Trend Emails
How does CaliberMind normalize the raw data for use?
List Builder
List Builder - Start Here!
What are Lists?
Creating a List Using the List Builder - Step-by-Step Instructions
Use Case Videos - Creating a List Using the List Builder
Importing a List
Downloading a List - Step-by-Step Instructions
Account List Upload - File Requirements
People List Upload - File Requirements
Campaign List Upload - File Requirements
Creating an Account List From a Campaign
Creating Company Lists in List Builder
Creating Company Lists using SQL
How to create a list of all Opportunities that have a very low Engagement
Where is my Segments Menu?
Keyboard Shortcuts using SQL
Web Tracker Installation & Settings
Web Tracker and Installation Settings - Start Here!
Installing AnalyticsJS (CaliberMind snippet)
Two ways to identify prospects that submit a form containing email address using AnalyticsJS
Install AnalyticsJS on a HubSpot website
Using AnalyticsJS Identify on embedded Hubspot forms
Using AnalyticsJS Identify on embedded Marketo forms
Types of Analytics.js Calls
Analytics.JS Overview
Using Analytics.js to Track Web and Product Events
How Cookie Settings Affect the Analytics.JS Tracking Script
Google Tag Manager (GTM) Ad Blockers
Using AnalyticsJS with Drift
Using AnalyticsJS with Qualified
How to check your AnalyticsJS implementation
Identify users using Intercom Messenger
CaliberMind's Most Popular Flows | Automations
How to use QuickFlows
Flows Status Page
Merge records in Salesforce CRM
Add a Quick-Flow to Salesforce Campaign
Using ClearBit Flows
Setting Up Workflow - Lead Deduplication
ZoomInfo - Add-to/Enrich your database
Setting Up Workflow - Website Repair
Setting Up Workflow - Account Deduplication
Creating Sales Campaigns from Salesloft and Outreach Activities
Setting Up Workflow - Contact Deduplication
Campaigns - Start Here!
Custom Programs for Campaigns
Campaign-Program Membership
Custom Campaigns
Program Logic for Campaigns
Setting Up Answers
Setting Up Answers - Start Here!
Using CaliberMind Answers to Understand Campaign Performance
Using CaliberMind Answers to Understand Account Engagement
Using CaliberMind Answers to Understand Funnel Performance
Using CaliberMind Answers to Understand Funnel Impact
Using CaliberMind Answers to Understand Funnel Flow
User Administration & SSO
Administration and SSO - Start Here!
Single Sign On (SSO) Setup
Manage Users - Viewing, Inviting, Updating Users and Roles
User Authentication and Provisioning
CaliberMind Data Warehouse Access in Google BigQuery
CaliberMind Insights Dashboards
Working in Insights
CaliberMind Insights - Browser Requirements
CaliberMind Insights - Sharing Dashboards & User Permissions
CaliberMind Insights - Navigating to Insights/Dashboard
CaliberMind Insights - Using Dashboards
CaliberMind Insights - Dashboard Refresh Schedule
CaliberMind Insights - Application Concepts and Terminology
CaliberMind Insights - Filters & Aggregation Type
Building Dashboards - Insights
Attribution Dashboards - Insights
Insights - Attribution - Start Here!
Insights - Attribution Terminology and Key Concepts
Insights - Attribution Overview Dashboard 2.0
Engagement Dashboards - Insights
Insights - Engagement - Start Here!
Insights - Engagement - Dashboard Terminology & Key Concepts
Insights - Engagement Overview
Insights - Engagement - System Account Detail
Insights - Engagement - Person Detail
Build Insights Dashboards - Start Here!
Creating a Custom Pipeline Dashboard (VIDEO)
CaliberMind Insights - Creating Custom Dashboards
Build Your Own Insights Pipeline Dashboard
Building Formulas with Functions
Insights - ROAS Dashboard Use Cases
Creating and Editing a Widget Formula
Using Conditional Statements
How is CaliberMind ROAS Reporting Different than Insights ROI?
Insights - ROI - Start Here!
How to Create a Filter Bookmark
Create Date Range Filters - Step-by-Step
Creating Formulas Based on Criteria and Conditions (Filters)
Insights Data Connector Health Dashboard
Dashboard Function Reference
Introduction to Formulas - Start Here!
Insights Web Tracker Health Dashboard
Using Quick Functions
Insights - ROAS Terminology & Key Concepts
Insights Engagement Dashboard - Aggregation Dates
Object Mapping for Filters - Start Here!
Custom Configuration for Object Mapping
Object Mapping Filters
How to Map Your Salesforce Opportunity Revenue Field
Object Mapping: Create a Filter
Object Mapping: Create a Mapping
Object Mapping: Create a Replacement
Object Mapping: Create a Campaign Substitution
Filters Update for Creating Filter Sets
Filter Drawer Definitions
CaliberMind Sandbox
GDPR Compliance with CaliberMind
Data Dictionary
Attribution Overview: Summary Tab
Attribution Overview: Comparisons Tab
Attribution Overview: Explore Tab
Attribution Overview: Opps Tab
Attribution Overview: People Tab
Attribution Overview: Events Tab
Campaign Types: Best Practices for Easy-to-Read Attribution
Virtual Campaigns in CaliberMind
Attribution - CaliberMind versus Embedded Attribution in Salesforce?
Removal effect with a Markov chain model
Attribution Reports Summary
Demand Generation
Data Integrity
Customer Success
Understanding Reports
CaliberMind Analytics Concepts
Overview of Analytics and Attribution
Filters and Hyperlinks
Using the Engagement Trending Report
Analytics Reporting: Salesforce Custom Column Filter Support
Using Tags to Organize Your Lists
Attribution Overview - Campaign Performance Table
Using Campaign Lists in Dashboards
Using Company Lists in Dashboards
CaliberMind Metrics Definition
Product Attribution Dashboard
Self-Hosting CaliberMind AnalyticsJS
Revolutionizing Marketing ROI: CaliberMind's Innovative New Approach
Return On Ad Spend Dashboards
Revenue Contribution Reports Summary
Channel ROI Overview
Creating and maintaining a custom advertising budget for ROAS
Best Practices for Tracking Return-on-Ad-Spend (ROAS)
Why Is CaliberMind ROAS or ROI Different Than My Ad Platform?
Campaign ROI Overview
Budget for ROI Channel Reporting
Attribution Models
Choosing the Right Attribution Model
Attribution Models: First-Touch
Attribution Models: W-Shaped
Attribution Models: Middle
Chain-Based Attribution Model
The A-Shaped Model
Ad Performance Report - Summary Tab
Ad Performance Report - Attribution Tab
Funnels 101
Funnels - Start Here!
Marketing & Sales Funnel Foundations
What is a Marketing Funnel?
Sales Funnel Journey: Questions and Answers
Common Funnel Issues
Sales Funnel Glossary
Funnel Stage Definitions
Funnel Terms and Concepts
Sales Funnel Metrics
What is the difference between an Active Journey and a Journey?
In-App Funnels
Funnel Overview: Summary Tab
Funnel Overview: Progression Tab
Funnel Overview: Cohort Tab
Funnel Overview: Stage Analyzer Tab
Funnel Overview: Comparison Tab
Funnel Overview: Journeys Tab
Insights Funnels
Funnels Use Cases
What channels move journeys through a given stage?
How can I see the number of journeys in or passing through a funnel stage during a period of time?
What touches are influencing each step in the funnel?
How do I see the first event (or "tipping point") in each stage of my funnel?
Where are my customers stuck in journeys?
How do I know the last event that happened before a journey stage change?
How do I identify stage conversion rates?
Funnel Configuration - Insights
Funnel Trigger Events Dashboard
Insights Funnels Reports Explained
Funnel Trend Dashboard
What is a Starter Funnel?
Funnel Cohort Analysis Dashboard
Funnel Cohort Analysis Use Cases
Funnel Data Explore Dashboard
Introducing CaliberMind's Funnels
Funnels - Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity Statuses and Stages
Pressure Event Dashboard 101
Demand Generation Funnel Dashboard
Engagement and ABM
Engagement Scoring
Model Configuration
Customize Engagement Scoring Models - Start Here!
Engagement Scoring Models Overview
How to Change Event Touch Scores
How to Add or Change Engagement Score Multipliers
Add or Change Engagement Score Filters
Create Multiple Engagement Score Models
Which touches and events are we scoring?
Sales Opportunity Data Model
Engagement Scoring Time Decay - How It Works & How to Change It
Custom Attribution Configuration - Custom Weighting
Using Engagement Score to Trigger an Update in Salesforce
Default ABM Scoring Logic
Recommended Weights for Engagement Scores
Engagement Reporting
Engagement: Summary Tab
Engagement Overview: Companies Tab
Engagement Overview: People Tab
Engagement Overview: Campaigns Tab
Engagement Overview: Explore Tab
Company Engagement AI Summary
Account-Based Marketing Reports
Linking to CaliberMind Reports in Salesforce
ABM Best Practices
Account-to-Lead (A2L) Matching
Lead-to-Account Matching (L2A)
Pushing CaliberMind ABM Scoring Fields to
Slack AI Company Engagement Summary
3rd Party Intent Signals with Bombora
Tutorials and Use Cases
Digital Marketing Terminology
Customizing Report Visibility (Show/Hide)
How to Manage Your Offsite Events Using CaliberMind
How can I manage my BDR/SDR team activities with CaliberMind?
Combining Engagement Score with Attribution
Enabling the Sales Teams to see the Entire Buyers Journey
How Can I Identify High Risk Opportunities?
How does Sales leverage CaliberMind? Some key use cases.
Running a Sales/Pipeline Review with CaliberMind
How Is CaliberMind Different From My CRM Attribution?
CRM Campaign Member Status and Campaign Response Best Practices
How Do I Optimize Advertising Spend?
Campaign Best Practices Across Systems
How do I use CaliberMind to shorten our sales cycle?
Answering Business Questions Using CaliberMind Reports
Which of my leads are the most engaged?
How Do I Know If a Campaign Is Good or Bad?
How to Flatten Your Campaign Structure in Salesforce
- All Categories
- Tutorials and Use Cases
- How to Manage Your Offsite Events Using CaliberMind
How to Manage Your Offsite Events Using CaliberMind
Updated by Eric Westerkamp
Many B2B organizations attend Events as a way of increasing awareness of their brand, meeting with prospects, and generating pipeline. One of the difficulties with events is all the work that marketing and marketing operations have to go through to make sure the event has a positive impact on the companies' pipeline. A typical list of activities may include:
- Getting a list of companies that are going to attend the event - often the list only contains company names and maybe domains.
- Turning that spreadsheet into a list of key contacts that you want to both market and reach out to prior to the event. This often means hours or days matching company names to details in SalesForce, then enriching the accounts of interest for prospects that may attend the show.
- Marketing and Outbound calls designed to drive people to your booth and also book meetings for the field sales team.
- Attending the show and tracking who you met with and their activities.
- Post event marketing and follow ups by the team.
And finally, reviewing the success of the event in generating and influencing pipeline and revenue, and then calculating the Return on Investment(ROI) for the event itself.
What if you could just start with a list of companies and have CaliberMind automate the rest for you? That is exactly what we are going to outline for you below.
Step 1. Figure out which current prospects and opportunities are attending the event
To figure out the cross over, first upload your source list of account names into CaliberMind using the list builder tool. Name this list something like <event_name>_sourcelist_<datetime>. This list will then be used to help figure out exactly what accounts/contacts you already have and which you may need to further enrich.
Now you can take that list and match the accounts to what you have in Salesforce by simply creating a new CaliberMind List and joining it together with all the matching accounts in Salesforce. In the example below, we take a source list and match it to all accounts in HubSpot and Salesforce that have an ICP (our score that tells us how good a fit the company is) over 50 that have also engaged with CaliberMind in the last three months. These are high probability targets for the event.
Example -
Using the List Builder you can segment your event list any way you like, pulling signals from CaliberMind, your CRM, your Marketing Automation Platform and any other system connected to CaliberMind.
You want to then save this list with a name like <event_name>_engagedtargets_<datetime>. We will use this list later when we get to marketing and sales activities.
Step 2. Enrich and create a target list of people you want to reach prior to the event
Now the next step is to enrich both the companies and potential prospects for the show using a data-vendor. This will make sure that your final set of targets contains all the companies going to the show (that you care about) and the right titles and roles.
At this stage you would normally have to get your list of companies/domains, go to your enrichment product, enter them into a field, and start to bulk enrich the accounts. Afterwards, you typically would need to figure out who the targets were, download them into a spreadsheet, then re-upload them into Salesforce to create a campaign with the proper members.
Or… let CaliberMind just do all that for you.
Say you only have a list of companies attending, you can enrich your event list using one of our supported data partners. In this case we are going to demonstrate Clearbit.
Go to Settings, then Add Connector, and add your data enrichment vendor’s API token and setup the Connections. You can read more about how to setup the connection HERE.
Next, go to Data Manager -> New Flow and pick from our Flow Templates
a. Use Name to Domain Enrichment to augment your list of companies with domains. You can read about exactly how to use the Clearbit Flow HERE. You only need to use this if your original list does not contain domain names.
B. Use Prospector Enrichment to add missing prospects by titles to your list of companies.
Once you have a list of all target domains (either from the original source list OR through name to domain), enrich all of your target titles. This will enrich for ALL companies (not just who you already have in Salesforce or your Marketing Automation Platform). You can rename this output and call it something like <event_name>_prospects_<date>.
Step 3. Run your Marketing and Sales Campaigns
Now that you have a list of target accounts and contacts, you can track how engaged they are and are aligned with Sales on who are net new prospects vs. existing, and proceed to kicking off your pre-event efforts.
You can now:
- Take the list(s) you created in CaliberMind and push it directly into your Marketing Automation Platform to kick off email nurture campaigns.
- Upload the target companies and their titles to LinkedIn for targeted Ads.
- Create a campaign list for Sales so that your BDR/SDR team can reach out and start to book appointments.
All the while, you are tracking complete engagement of those companies across all our platforms (Ads, Web-site, Email and Sales).
For example, say you want to push the list of companies attending the show and are already engaged with you in a Salesforce campaign. This campaign may be used by your BDR/SDR team to try and setup appointments. To do this, simply create a new Flow in CaliberMind using Create/Update records in Salesforce and send it the list we created in Step 1.
Next you may wish to push the list of prospects into HubSpot or Marketo for an email nurture campaign inviting the prospects to meet you at the show. Do that by starting one of the Marketing Automation Flows and send the list created in Step 2.
Finally, you may wish to take the list of targets and upload them directly into an Ad platform. For that just download your list(s) and upload it to the platform of your choice.
There are unlimited options, and CaliberMind can help support most of your engagement channels.
Step 4. Track the engagement of the target companies - is engagement increasing as you get closer to the event and post event?
At this point you can easily start to track engagement. You’ve kicked off your marketing and sales outreach, are prepping for the event and it’s time to see if you are making progress with the accounts. There are really two types of tracking you will want to do for the event:
- Track the engagement of target accounts leading up to and following the event - did the event create more engagement than if you had not attended?
- Track the Attribution of the event for Pipeline, Revenue and ROI. This will tell you how effective the event was against your top and bottom lines.
To view engagement, head to Analytics -> ABM or search for Surging Accounts and pull the ‘Which accounts have surging engagement’ report.
You can click on List to filter and only pick your event list (<event_name>_prospects_<date>).
This report gives you the following insights:
- Accounts engaged
- Engagement Score Trend (up or down on timeline).
- Engagement Score in correlation to Pipeline & Revenue
- Opportunities created and $$$ value
You can drill down and see specific account activity and contacts engaged.
...And the best part? CaliberMind pushes all this data back to your CRM, so your sales team never has to leave Salesforce!
Now marketing and sales are aligned on:
- Is the set of target accounts increasing in engagement leading up to and post event?
- Which event drove what engagement and when?
- What was the pipeline sourced/ influenced from that event?
- Is engagement trending up or down following the event?
- Plugging in the event cost (in Salesforce Campaign Cost or by connecting your Google Sheet event budget), CaliberMind can even show you the event ROI!
For Attribution, you can now look at three core metrics:
- How this event compares to others you may be performing
- The details around the campaign itself
- The Return on Investment for the campaign
Go to the Attribution Screen via Analytics → Attribution→ Attribution Overview and view how the campaign compares to the others you are working on.
Check out the specific campaign by clicking on it in your list and viewing the details.
Finally, review the ROI specifically for the campaign on the ROI screen which you can access at Analytics→ Attribution→ Campaign ROI