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CaliberMind Identity Levels

CaliberMind Identity Levels

Within our data ecosystem, customers capture interactions at a variety of identity levels including anonymous, person, company, and linked person-company. Below we give a brief overview of each of these levels.


The most common source of anonymous data for customers is anonymous page visits to their websites. These are typically captured by AnalyticsJS page calls. They are a measure of overall incoming activity to a website including where they came from and what content they interacted with. UTM parameters can provide contextual information about what ad campaigns and efforts drove them to the site. While we may not know who these visitors are, their activity can still inform notions of the impact particular campaigns or channels have on attribution and engagement.


In some cases, we can connect identified users to earlier anonymous activity via identify calls. An example of this would be someone coming to a website and looking around only to later provide identity information when they download a whitepaper or sign up for an email list. If the user is visiting via the same browser with cookies enabled, it is typically possible to link their earlier anonymous activity to their new consented identity. There are a host of factors that could impact this capability including cross-device connection, browser type, plug-in configuration, etc.

Within CaliberMind, this connection between the anonymous_id seen in page visits and an identified user_id currently show up in two distinct ways.

  1. Once an anonymous_id <> user_id link is established, all subsequent AnalyticsJS calls with that anonymous_id will persist that identity information. This is handled at the AnalyticsJS layer by Metarouter, Segment, or other providers.
  2. With CaliberMind, once the identity link is established, AnalyticsJS events on the cm_event table with that anonymous_id are backfilled to connect to the relevant identifying information (typically a visitor_email field)

Common CRM Identity Objects

There are a number of identity-related objects that are useful to understand.


Lead records are often the initial landing spot for newly acquired information about a person or companies of interest for a company.


While leads can be thought of as the initial entry point for most companies when it comes to collecting information about persons of interest, contacts can be considered the next step up in the informational hierarchy. Contacts differ from leads in that they typically are qualified, meaning they have met some criteria set forth by sales and marketing to indicate potential value and chance of becoming a customer.


Opportunities are leads that have made it far enough along in the sales process where a potential monetary value has been attached and Sales believes there is a significant chance of becoming a customer.


Accounts link businesses of interest with their related contacts. Accounts have a 1-to-many relationship with leads or contacts. Additionally, accounts tend to include firmographic, geographic, and enriched information.


The concept of a person in CaliberMind is primarily defined based on a customer’s CRM. Specifically, persons can arise from two sources: Leads and Contacts.

Data Normalization

CaliberMind carries out data normalization and standardization on the lead and contact records before consolidating them into a uniform collection of people. This includes a robust collection of mapping rules for accurately grouping various titles and levels that may differ in spelling, abbreviation, or interpretation.

Other Sources

While the most common source of personal information is based on your CRM, you may have other sources you wish to integrate into CaliberMind. CaliberMind can accomplish this integration as well. Seek advice from your CS representative.


Company identity information primarily comes in through CRM integration, with dependencies on the lead, account, contact, and opportunity objects.

As with Person level information, our internal CM processes include data normalization and cleaning efforts.

Person Company

Most downstream CaliberMind processes make use of a joined version of person-level and company-level information that has been cleaned and deduped to reflect unique individuals.


The idea of events is one of the core concepts within the CaliberMind platform. An event is defined as

 Any specific, timestamped activity that can be tied to an identified or anonymous person or company.

The purpose of this definition is to cover the wide variety of ways that companies interact with potential customers. Using these activities, we can understand what works and what doesn't work for customers. Attribution is based on events.

The types of events within CaliberMind are constantly expanding as we integrate more data sources and bring on new customers. Some of the most common types of events are

  • Outbound Activity: emailing leads, setting up meetings, sending documents
  • Inbound Activity: visiting a booth, downloading a whitepaper, visiting a website
  • Interacting with Ad Campaigns: clicking on ads, interacting with social media content
  • Change to Customer State: moving through funnel stages, opportunity creation
  • Internal Events: generating predictive MQA/MQL scores

As we touched on in the Anonymous portion of the Identity section, AnalyticsJS is a common toolset for capturing various information about inbound activity on a customer’s website. Within CaliberMind we currently register three main types of AnalyticsJS events:

  • Page Events: These events capture general information whenever someone visits a customer’s website. These are typically anonymous but can be tied to a tracked identity if a linkage has been previously established. These are by far the most common and high-volume AnalyticsJS events within the CaliberMind system. These events are a measure of overall incoming activity to a website including where they came from and what content they interacted with. UTM parameters can provide contextual information about what ad campaigns and efforts drove them to the site.
  • Identify Event: These events capture identifiable actions that a user takes on a customer’s website. Typically this involves a voluntary, opt-in action like providing an email address for a newsletter, downloading a whitepaper, etc. The volume of these events is dramatically lower than page events. Once an identified event occurs, a linkage is built between that identity and any persisted cookies within a customer’s browser. Under many circumstances that linkage can persist and identify subsequent page visits. Within the CaliberMind platform, we backfill that linkage to connect page events that occurred before an identified event.
  • Track Events: Track events occur when a customer wants to track specific actions a visitor to their website might take. This might include clicking certain links, form submissions, interacting with key features, etc. These are similar to page events but contain additional information about the nature of that interaction. While track events are a common use case for AnalyticsJS as a whole, they are not terribly prevalent within the CaliberMind customer base. This is primarily due to page and identified events being primary drivers for our attribution capabilities. As such they are not a part of our default AnalyticsJS implementation we provide customers. As of June 2022, only one customer utilizes track events in their CaliberMind integration.

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