Object Mapping: Create a Filter

Filter rules are used when you want to only include a subset of data in the CaliberMind version of your table. When you set up your rules, this configuration tool is mimicking what a 'Where' clause would do in SQL.
Note that the rules determine what IS included, not what is excluded. For example, if you want to exclude all Accounts with Record Type equal to Partner, you would set up a Filter rule that states Account Type not equal to Partner. This would ensure all records imported into your table are not Partner type accounts.
  1. Go to the Settings Cog in the top right-hand corner:
    Head to the CaliberMind Settings Cog
  2. From the object list on the left-hand menu, select which table you would like to modify. In this example, we’ll use the Campaign table for Salesforce.
    From the CaliberMind Object List, Select the Table You Want to Modify
  3. Click on the “Create Filter” button. If a filter was already created, you will see the rule, when it was last edited, and who created it. If there’s a rule that you would like to change, you can click “View Filter” to make changes.
    Click on the CaliberMind Create Filter Button. If a Filter was Already Created, You'll See the Rule, When it Was Last Edited and Who Created It
  4. Select “Add Rule” to begin creating your Filter.
    Select CaliberMind Add Rule to Begin Creating Your Filter
  5. When you’ve created your first statement, you can decide whether or not you need additional logic in order to filter your data. You can also choose whether this new rule will be an “AND” statement or an “OR” statement.
    You Can Choose Whether This New CaliberMind Rule Will Be an AND or OR Statement
  6. You can create Groups of rules by clicking the “+” which allows you to create more complex logic with nested groupings.
    You Can Create Groups of CaliberMind Rules by Clicking on the + Icon
  7. You add a non-grouped rule logic by selecting “Add Rule.” This will give you the ability to create a separate rule and include an “AND” or “OR” statement.
    You Can Add a Non-Grouped Rule Logic by Clicking on the CaliberMind Add Rule Button
  8. If you have a grouped set of rules and then add an additional rule (by hitting “Add Rule” rather than “+”), the first group of rules will be considered first, then the second rule will be evaluated. In the case outlined below, the first grouping would need either value to be true AND the second rule to evaluate to true in order for the accounts to be included in your CaliberMind tables.
    If You've A Grouped Set of Rules and Then Add an Additional Rule, the First Group of Rules Will Be Considered First, Then the Second Rule Will be Evaluated

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Object Mapping: Create a Mapping
