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CaliberMind Connectors

CaliberMind Connectors

CaliberMind lets you connect to over 100 data sources, so you can use the data from your organization's system or application

Using CaliberMind, you can aggregate data from different sources using both pull and push connections.

Pull Connector Integration systems:

CaliberMind Pull Connectors
Pull Connector List:

AdRoll, Microsoft Bing, Dynamics 365 Sandbox, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Eloqua, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Sheets, Hubspot, Instagram Business, Klaviyo, Linkedin Ads, Marketo, Pardot, Salesforce, Salesforce Marketing Could, Salesforce Sandbox, Segment, Twitter Ads, Zendesk.

Push Connector Integration systems:

CaliberMind Push Connectors
Push Connector List:

Facebook Ads, Google Campaign Manager, Linkedin, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Dynamics Sandbox, Salesforce, Salesforce Sandbox.

FiveTran Library Connectors

Through our ETL partner, FiveTran, our collector library has been augmented with access to a world-class and comprehensive list of ETLs and connectors for integration. This means that there are over 100 additional connectors available, including almost every major data system in the market today. This partnership provides the ability for every one of your systems to connect to our platform, allowing all of your organization's data sources to be measured and analyzed no matter the source type.

Inside the CaliberMind Platform, we provide a list of the most commonly used connectors by our customers.

In addition to these most commonly used connectors, our ETL partner has a list available with the over 100 systems that are able to be connected. This means that as long as your system is available on the list here, your data can be used within the CaliberMind Platform.

If on the off chance there is a system that you would like to connect, which either isn't listed inside of your account or listed on our partner's site - not a problem! Feel free to send us an email or click on the "Contact" button at the top-right to discuss the possibility of integrating it as well.

How did we do?

Adding Your First Connector

How to Connect: Act-On
