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Engagement Scoring Models Overview

CaliberMind's Engagement Scoring Models Overview

Only CaliberMind administrators can make changes to Engagement Scoring Models.


A core tenant of any Account Based Marketing (ABM) strategy is to focus on a specific set of target accounts and coordinate between marketing and sales to increase their engagement with your organization. Most organizations manage customer engagement across multiple platforms, including their Marketing Automation Platform (Marketo, Hubspot, Pardot, Eloqua), their CRM (Salesforce, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Hubspot), website, sales email tools, etc, with each platform managing engagement through its own siloed scoring system.Since the data is spread out between many platforms, it becomes almost impossible to get a single, holistic engagement score. In addition, most systems manage engagement at the Contact or Lead level because they were designed with B2C in mind. These systems rarely understand the importance of role and title in the decision making process, engagement mechanisms don’t decay over time (showing when counts are becoming less engaged), and they don’t provide a framework for creating a single source of truth.

CaliberMind helps B2B marketers better understand how contacts and accounts are engaging across the organization by creating an engagement score that:

  • Can see data from all the platforms (MAP, CRM, Website, …)
  • Rolls up everything to the Account level
  • Provides a single source of truth back to both Marketing and Sales

Data Sources

CaliberMind easily integrates with Marketing Automation Platforms, CRM, and other data sources through Connectors. This provides you with a plethora of data, all eligible as attributes in your Engagement Scoring model. 

With a holistic view of your data at your fingertips, it’s time to build out an engagement scoring model. This can be overwhelming at first. Thankfully, CaliberMind is incredibly flexible, and the ABM Scoring Model user interface allows Administrator users the ability to configure their own models directly within CaliberMind.

There are a few things you should consider when building your scoring model:

  • Which data points matter to your marketing team, sales team, and the rest of your organization?
  • Which data points matter most, or what does the relative weighting of each data point need to be?
  • How long is a data point valuable? Is there decay? For example after 90 days a signal could be worth 50% and 0% after 180 days.

Scoring Model

Out of the box, most engagement scoring models are a combination of three factors:

  1. An inbound activity's raw score
  2. A "fit" multiplier
  3. Time decay

The simplest aspect of engagement scoring is the Touch Score. These are raw points allocated to a particular activity type. For example, meetings may be a better selling signal than a content syndication read, so you may give meetings 5 points and content syndication .5 points.

Unlike traditional marketing automation platforms, we factor "fit" into the score itself instead of breaking it out into a grid. You may use demographic or firmographic data when designing a multiplier, and this Multiplier does exactly what it sounds like and multiplies the raw Touch Score points by a chosen Multiplier.

For example, if a meeting is worth 5 points and I want to multiply any interaction with a VP by 3, a meeting with a VP would be worth 15 points.

Finally, our engagement models all include a linear time decay, and the timeframe for that decay is included in the model's name. For example, Inbound30 gives an event's full "points" on day one, half the points on day 15, and zero points on day 30.

With all components included, our engagement score for a single touch looks something like:

Sample CaliberMind Engagement Scoring Model

Chain-based models are a completely different beast and are not modified using configuration screens. In short, Chain-based engagement looks at activities associated with won opportunities and learns which activities in what sequence are most likely to lead to a sale. We figure out your fit and touch score for you, then events, people, and accounts are scored according to how closely they fit the gold standard with a 365 decay.

What Can I Control?

Similar to marketing automation platform scoring models, you can determine how many points you'd like to give to each event type. Unlike traditional models, we allow you to incorporate any event, including inbound events, tasks, opportunities, and campaign members from your CRM and data from your advertising platforms, and even intent data!

We also allow you to specify multipliers for demographic or firmographic matches to your ideal customer profiles.

Keep in mind our best practice guidelines:

  • Test first. Before you assume an event type has a higher conversion rate or certain titles are best, check your database to verify. Don't let an executive or salesperson dictate something your database may not be able to support.
  • Simple is best. Low point scores for event types and a small number of multipliers are less likely to dilute your score and obscure important, high-value touches. For example, a VP from the perfect company downloading a piece of contact may not lead to a sale as quickly as a demo request from a contact that hasn't been enriched yet. Make sure you don't lose the high-converting money tree in a forest of shiny objects (that metaphor really didn't work out as we pictured).
  • Stay focused. Engagement with your brand is ultimately what we're trying to measure here. Outbound activities really don't have a place in engagement scoring because it's an indicator of how engaged your company is with the prospect--not the other way around.
  • When in doubt, ask for help. It's easy to over-engineer anything customizable. If you're not sure about what you've put in place, we're happy to help.
  • Verify & Celebrate. Set it and forget it is terrible advice when it comes to engagement scoring. Particularly when you first role out your model, run the numbers to verify that your scores are lining up with your sales team's successes. Then tell everyone about those successes. Trust us - it's the quickest way to sales buy-in.

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Customize Engagement Scoring Models - Start Here!

How to Change Event Touch Scores
