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How do I use CaliberMind's search functionality?

When Should I Use the Search Functionality in CaliberMind?

There are many reasons why you may want to search for key records in CaliberMind including the following:

  • Pulling up an example account to show sales an example of a full buyer journey
  • Demonstrating which interactions CaliberMind tracks to an executive
  • Inspecting a person's interactions with your brand when troubleshooting
  • Verifying your engagement models are scoring key account touchpoints
  • Understanding how anonymous activity plays into a buyer journey
  • Demonstrating how attribution is calculated against specific touchpoints across different models

When you're socializing complex models with your company, using example records and showing exactly what prospects are interacting with and how the models "think" about these interactions can go a long way in building trust.

For example, at CaliberMind, we used example accounts in meetings with sales and marketing to illustrate how our multi-touch attribution model gave "credit" to different touchpoints. Sales was able to make a compelling argument for including more of their interactions in the model to make it feel "fairer." After we made the adjustments and showed the sales team proof the adjustments were in place, we were able to use attribution reports in the board room.

There are other practical reasons to use the search functionality including troubleshooting models and checking data connections using accounts we *know* had certain interactions with an integrated data source.

How Does Searching Work in CaliberMind?

  1. From any page in the CaliberMind app (excluding Insights), you can access the search functionality in the top right-hand corner of the app:
Search in CaliberMind

  1. Use the dropdown to select which object you'd like to search for:
search object selection
  1. Use an identifying characteristic (name, email address, or source system ID string) to look up the record:
valid search terms
Examples of identifying characteristics for each object will be included below. In general, CRM ID strings, names of records, email addresses connected to people, and ad platform campaign ID strings can be used when searching for the respective object's records.

How Do I Search for Accounts or Companies?

Examples of valid search terms for an account include:

  • A full or partial name
  • A CRM Lead ID string (18 char in SFDC)
  • A CRM Account ID string (18 char in SFDC)

If you enter a search term that could result in multiple results (like a partial name), you will see the ID string displayed. Keep in mind that Salesforce Lead records may show up under the account name and their ID string starts with "00Q."

CRM lead identifier

Valid CRM account records in Salesforce will start with "001."

CRM account identifier

For details about the reports available on the Account Detail page, click here.

Video: How Do I Search in CaliberMind?

How Do I Search for Campaigns?

Examples of valid search terms for an account include:

  • A full or partial campaign name
  • An ID string from the data's source system
Campaign records may be pulled into CaliberMind from a variety of systems. Because we're connecting to multiple systems, the related ID may be what's assigned in your CRM. It could also be a marketing automation system's identifier or the campaign ID string in your ad platform.
example campaign search term results

For details about the reports available on the Campaign Detail page, click here.

How Do I Search for People?

Examples of valid search terms for a person include:

  • A full or partial email address
  • A full or partial name
  • An ID String from your CRM or marketing automation platform
If you use a text-based search term, email records and name fields will cause a record to show up in the results.

For details about the reports available on the Person Detail page, click here.

How Do I Search for Opportunities?

Examples of valid search terms for an opportunity include:

  • A full or partial opportunity name
  • An ID String from your CRM

For details about the reports available on the Opportunity Detail page, click here.

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Company or Account Detail - Search Results
