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Dashboard Function Reference

Dashboard Function Reference

The following is a list of all the functions you can use in Sisense’s formula editor. Aggregative functions are marked with (A) next to their names; row functions have (R) next to their names. Functions that are only supported for ElastiCubes are marked with (EC) next to their names. All other functions are supported for both ElastiCube and Live models.


Analytical Engine requires that every measure defined in the formula editor be aggregative.For example, instead of DDiff(<Discharge Time>, <Admission Time>), use AVG(DDiff(<Discharge Time>, <Admission Time>)).

Statistical Functions

Average (A)

The Average function returns the average value of a range.

Syntax: Avg(<group-by field>, <aggregation>)



Group-by Field

Any database column containing numeric or textual values by which you want to group


Aggregation function (such as an average, sum, or minimum) of a numeric field

Example: Avg( Product, Total Sales)

Result: Returns the average total sales per product.


Contribution calculates the percentage the value represents of the total.\

Syntax: Contribution(<numeric field>)



Numeric Field

Any database column containing numeric values

Example: Contribution( Total Sales )

Result: Returns the percentage of total sales per group (e.g., per day or per product) out of total sales (for all days or all products).

Correlation (A) (EC)

Returns the correlation coefficient of two numeric fields.

Syntax: CORREL(<Numeric Field a>, <Numeric Field b>)



<numeric field a>

Any database column containing numeric values.

<numeric field b>

Any database column containing numeric values.

NOTE: Date and Time data types are not supported.

Example: CORREL(Revenue, Cost)

Result: Returns the correlation between revenue and cost.

Correlation (A) (EC)
This variation of the formula returns the coefficient of two fields grouped by another field.

Syntax: CORREL(<group by field>, <aggregation a>, <aggregation b>)



<numeric field a>

Any database column containing numeric values.

<numeric field b>

Any database column containing numeric values.

<group-by field>

Any database column containing numeric or textual values by which you want to group

Example: CORREL(Products, AVG(Revenue), AVG(Cost))

Result: Returns the correlation between the average of revenue and cost per product.

Count (A)

Counts the number of unique values within the given values.

Syntax: Count(<Numeric Field>)



Numeric Field

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example: COUNT([Category ID])

Result: Returns the number of different category IDs within the given list of items.

Count All (A)

Returns the actual item count of the given list of items, including duplicates.SyntaxDupCount(<Numeric Field>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

ExampleDupCOUNT([Category ID])Returns the actual count of category IDs in the list of items.

Covariance (Population) (A) (EC)

Returns the population covariance of <Numeric Field a> and <Numeric Field b>.SyntaxCOVARP(<Numeric Field a>, <Numeric Field b>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Date and Time fields are not supported in this formula.

ExampleCOVARP(Revenue, Cost)Returns the population covariance of revenue and cost.

Returns the population covariance of two fields aggregations grouped by another field.SyntaxCOVARP(<group by field>, <aggregation a>, <aggregation b>)Arguments



<group-by field>

Any database column containing numeric or textual values by which you want to group

<aggregation a>

Aggregation function (such as an average, sum, or minimum) of a numeric field

<aggregation b>

The same aggregation function on another numeric field

ExampleCOVARP(Products, AVG(Revenue), AVG(Cost))Returns the population covariance of the average revenue and the average cost per product.

Covariance (Sample) (A) (EC)

Returns the sample covariance of <Numeric Field a> and <Numeric Field b>.SyntaxCOVAR(<Numeric Field a>, <Numeric Field b>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

ExampleCOVAR(Revenue, Cost)Returns the sample covariance of revenue and cost.

Returns the sample covariance of two fields aggregations grouped by another field.SyntaxCOVAR(<group by field>, <aggregation a>, <aggregation b>)Arguments



<group-by field>

Any database column containing numeric or textual values by which you want to group

<aggregation a>

Aggregation function (such as an average, sum, or minimum) of a numeric field

<aggregation b>

The same aggregation function on another numeric field

ExampleCOVAR(Products, AVG(Revenue), AVG(Cost))Returns the sample covariance of the average revenue and the average cost per product.

Exponential Distribution (EC)

Returns the exponential distribution for a given value and a supplied distribution parameter lambda.SyntaxEXPONDIST(<numeric value>, <lambda>, <Cumulative (true/false)>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values


Any number


TRUE = Cumulative distribution function,

FALSE = Probability density function.

ExampleEXPONDIST( Count(Leads), 2, False )Returns the exponential distribution density of the number of leads per country where lambda is 2.

Intercept (EC)

Returns the intercept of a linear regression line through the provided series of x and y values.SyntaxINTERCEPT(<field>, <numeric field>)Arguments




Any database column containing numeric values.

Note: Date and Time data types are not supported. Convert these types to custom numeric fields.

<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleINTERCEPT(, Total Sales)Returns the intercept of the regression line that represents the trend of items sold for each month.

Largest (A)

Returns the k-th largest value in a field.SyntaxLARGEST(<Numeric Field>, <k>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values


Any number to indicate the ordering of the value in the list of values

ExampleLARGEST(<Total Sales>,<3>)Returns the third-largest Total Sales value.

Maximum (A)

Returns the maximum value among the given values.SyntaxMax(<Numeric Field>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

ExampleMAX([Total Revenue])Returns the item with the maximum Total Revenue.

Median (A)

Calculates the median of the given values. The median of a set of data is the middlemost number in the set. The median is also the number that is halfway into the set.SyntaxMEDIAN( <Numeric Field> )Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

ExampleMEDIAN([Total Revenue])Returns the item whose Total Revenue is the middlemost number in the set.

Minimum (A)

Returns the minimum value among the given values.SyntaxMin(<Numeric Field>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

ExampleMIN([Total Revenue])Returns the item with the minimum Total Revenue.

Mode (A)

Returns the most frequently occurring value from the column.

If there is more than one mode value, the Mode function returns one of them randomly.

SyntaxMODE(<Numeric Field>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

ExampleMODE([Country ID])Returns return the country ID that is the most frequently occurring in the list of items.

Normal Distribution (EC)

Returns the standard normal distribution for a given value, a supplied distribution mean and standard deviation.SyntaxNORMDIST(SUM(Numeric Field a), <Mean (Numeric Field), All(Numeric Field)>,<Standard Deviation (Numeric Field), All(Numeric Field)>, <Cumulative(true/false)>)




<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values


Any number representing the distribution mean

<Standard Deviation>

Any number representing the standard deviation


TRUE = Cumulative Normal Distribution Function

FALSE = Normal Probability Density Function

ExampleNORMDIST(Score, ( Mean(Score), All(Score)), ( STDEV(Score), All(Score) ), False )Returns the normal probability density of a given student score.


Returns the k-th percentile value from the given field.SyntaxPERCENTILE(<Numeric Field>, <k>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values


Any number between 0...1 (inclusive) to indicate percentiles

ExamplePERCENTILE(<Total Sales>, <0.9>)Returns the 90th percentile of Total Sales.

Poisson Distribution (EC)

Returns the poisson distribution for a given value and a supplied distribution mean.SyntaxPOISSONDIST( <numeric value>, <mean>, <Cumulative (true/false)&gtArguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values


Any number representing the distribution mean


TRUE = Cumulative distribution function

FALSE = Probability mass function

ExamplePOISSONDIST( Score, ( Mean(Score), All(Score) ), ( STDEV(Score), All(Score) ), False )Returns the poisson probability density of a given number of scores.


Returns the k-th quartile for the given field. Can return minimum value, first quartile, second quartile, third quartile, and max value.SyntaxQUARTILE(<Numeric Field>, <k>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values


Use these values to indicate the quartile:

  • k = 0 returns the Minimum value
  • k = 1 returns the first quartile (25th percentile)
  • k = 2 returns the Median value (50th percentile)
  • k = 3 returns the third quartile (75th percentile)
  • k = 4 returns the Maximum value

ExampleQUARTILE(<Numeric Field>, <k>)Returns the quartile of the given item.


Returns the rank of a value in a list of values.SyntaxRANK(<numeric value>, [DESC/ASC], [Rank Type], [<group by field 1>,... , <group by field n>])Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values


Optional. By default, sort order is descending.

[Rank Type]

Optional. Use these values to select ranking type:

  • 1224 - standard competition ranking (this is the default if no rank type is selected)
  • 1334 - modified competition ranking
  • 1223 - dense ranking
  • 1234 - ordinal ranking

[<group-by field 1>,... , <group-by field n>]


ExampleRANK(Total Cost, "ASC", "1224", Product, Years)Returns the rank of the total annual cost per each product, sorted in ascending order.

Skewness (Population) (A) (EC)

Returns the skewness of the distribution of a given value in the population.SyntaxSKEWP(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Note: Date and Time data types are not supported. Convert these types to custom numeric fields.

ExampleSKEWP(Score)Returns the skewness of the distribution of scores in the population.

Skewness (Sample) (A) (EC)

Returns the skewness of the distribution of a given value in a sample.SyntaxSKEW(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Note: Date and Time data types are not supported. Convert these types to custom numeric fields.

ExampleSKEW(Score)Returns the skewness of the distribution of scores in the sample.

Slope (A) (EC)

Returns the slope of a linear regression line through the provided series of x and y values.SyntaxSLOPE(<field>, <numeric value>)Arguments




Any database column containing numeric values.

Note: Date and Time data types are not supported. Convert these types to custom numeric fields.

<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleSLOPE(, Total Sales)Returns the slope of the regression line that represents a trend of items sold for each month.

Standard Deviation (Population)

Returns the Standard Deviation of the given values (Population). Standard deviation is the square root of the average squared deviation from the mean. The standard deviation of a population gives researchers the amount of dispersion of data for an entire population of survey respondents.SyntaxSTDEVP( <Numeric Value> )Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Note: Date and Time data types are not supported. Convert these types to custom numeric fields.

ExampleSTDEVP(score)Returns the Standard Deviation of the given values in the population.

Standard Deviation (Sample)

Returns the Standard Deviation of the given values (Sample). Standard deviation is the square root of the average squared deviation from the mean. A standard deviation of a sample estimates the amount of dispersion in a given data set, based on a random sample.SyntaxSTDEV( <Numeric Value> )Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Note: Date and Time data types are not supported. Convert these types to custom numeric fields.

ExampleSTDEV(score)Returns the Standard Deviation of the given values in the sample.

T Distribution (EC)

Returns the student’s T-distribution for a given value and a supplied number of degrees of freedom.SyntaxTDIST( <numeric value x>,<degrees_freedom>, <Cumulative (true/false)>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values


Any value ≥ 1 representing the degrees of freedom


TRUE = Cumulative Distribution Function

FALSE = Probability Density Function.

ExampleTDIST( Score, 3, TRUE )Returns the student’s T-distribution of a given score, with 3 degrees of freedom.

Variance (Population)

Returns the Variance of the given values (Population). Variance (Sample) is the average squared deviation from the mean, based on an entire population of survey respondents.SyntaxVARP( <Numeric Value> )Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Note: Date and Time data types are not supported. Convert these types to custom numeric fields.

ExampleVARP( <Grade> )Returns the variance of grades in the student population.

Variance (Sample)

Returns the Variance of the given values (Sample). Variance (Sample) is the average squared deviation from the mean, based on a random sample of the population.SyntaxVAR( <Numeric Value> )Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Note: Date and Time data types are not supported. Convert these types to custom numeric fields.

ExampleVAR( <Grade> )Returns the variance of grades in a random sample.

Mathematical Functions


Returns the absolute value of the given value.SyntaxAbs(<Numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleABS(Cost), where the absolute result for the value ‘2’ or ‘-2’ is ‘2’.


Returns the angle, in radians, whose cosine is the given numeric expression. Also referred to as arccosine.SyntaxACOS(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleACOS(Total Revenue) will return the angle, in radians, whose cosine is the given total revenue.For a detailed example of how you can use this function when trying to determine the distance for logistical purposes (i.e., delivery service, flights, the distance between customers, etc.).


Returns the angle, in radians, whose sine is the given numeric expression. Also referred to as arcsine.SyntaxASIN(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleASIN(Total Revenue) 'o will return the angle, in radians, whose sine is the given total revenue.


Returns the angle in radians whose tangent is the given numeric expression. Also referred to as arctangent.SyntaxATAN(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleATAN(Total Revenue) will return the angle in radians whose tangent is the given total revenue.


Returns a number rounded up away from zero, to the nearest multiple of significance.SyntaxCEILING(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleCEILING(Total Cost), where the result of ‘83.2’ is rounded up to ’84’.


Returns the trigonometric cosine of the given angle (in radians).SyntaxCOS(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleCOS(Average Angle) will return the trigonometric cosine of the average angle.

Cosh (EC)

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given value.SyntaxCOSH(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleCOSH(Total Revenue) will return the hyperbolic cosine of the total revenue.


Returns the trigonometric cotangent of the given angle (in radians).SyntaxCOT(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleCOT(Average Angle) will return the trigonometric cotangent of the average angle.


Returns the exponential value of the given value.SyntaxEXP(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleEXP(Sales) will return the exponential value of sales.


Returns number rounded down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of ‘1’.SyntaxFLOOR(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleFLOOR(Revenue), where the result of ‘88.6’ rounded down is ’88’.


Returns the base-e logarithm of the given value.SyntaxLN(<numeric value>)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExampleLN(Cost) will return the base e-logarithm of the interest rate.


Returns the base-10 logarithm of the given value.

Syntax:LOG10(<numeric value>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example:LOG10(Revenue) will return the base-10 logarithm of the interest rate.


Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor.

Syntax:MOD(<numeric value>, divisor)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.


Any number you want to divide by.

ExampleMOD(Cost, 10), where the remainder of ‘255’ divided by ’10’ is ‘5’.


Returns the results of the given value raised to a supplied power.

Syntax:Power(value, power)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.


Any number you want to raise by the power of.

ExamplePOWER(Revenue, 2) will return revenue raised by the power of 2.


Returns the integer portion of a division.SyntaxQUOTIENT(<numeric value>, divisor)Arguments



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.


Any number you want to divide by.

ExampleQUOTIENT(Cost, 2), where the integer portion of ‘5’ divided by ‘2’ is ‘2’.


Returns number rounded to a specified number of digits.

Syntax:ROUND(<numeric value>, num_digits)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.


The number of digits you want to round to.

ExampleROUND(Revenue, 2) will return the revenue rounded to two decimal places.


Returns the trigonometric sine of the given angle (in radians).

Syntax:SIN(<numeric value>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example:SIN(Average Angle) will return the trigonometric sine of the average angle.

Sinh (EC)

Returns the hyperbolic sine of the given value.

Syntax:SINH(<numeric value>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example:SINH(Total Revenue) will return the hyperbolic sine of the total revenue.

Square Root

Returns the square root of the given value.

Syntax:SQRT(<Numeric value>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values. Accepts only positive values.

ExampleSQRT(Cost) will return the square root of cost.

Sum (A)

Calculates the total of the given values.

Syntax:Sum(<Numeric Field>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example:Sum(Cost) calculates the total Cost across all items.


Returns the trigonometric tangent of the given angle (in radians).

Syntax:TAN(<numeric value>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example:TAN(Average Angle) will return the trigonometric tangent of the average angle.

Tanh (EC)

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the given value.

Syntax:TANH(<numeric value>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example:TANH(Total Revenue) will return the hyperbolic tangent of the total revenue.

Time-Related Functions

Day Difference

Returns the difference between <End Time> and <Start Time> in days.

Syntax:DDiff(<End Time>, <Start Time>)



<End Time>

Any column containing dates

<Start Time>

Any column containing dates

Example:DDiff(<Discharge Time>, <Admission Time>)Returns the difference in days from the time of admission to hospital to the time of patient discharge.

Month Difference

Returns the difference between <End Time> and <Start Time> in months. Returns whole numbers.

Syntax:MDiff( <End Time>, <Start Time>)



<End Time>

Any column containing dates

<Start Time>

Any column containing dates

Example:MDiff(<Departure Time>, <Arrival Time>)Returns the difference in months from the time a ship departures from its departure port to the time of arrival in its destination port. Returns whole numbers.

Quarter Difference

Returns the difference between <End Time> and <Start Time> in quarters. Returns whole numbers.

Syntax:QDiff( <End Time>, <Start Time> )



<End Time>

Any column containing dates

<Start Time>

Any column containing dates

Example:QDiff(<StartSemester>, <EndSemester>)

Returns the difference in quarters from the first academic semester to the graduation semester. Returns whole numbers.

Year Difference

Returns the difference between <End Time> and <Start Time> in years. Returns whole numbers.

Syntax:YDiff( <End Time>, <Start Time> )



<End Time>

Any column containing dates

<Start Time>

Any column containing dates

Example:YDiff(<Sentence Start>, <Sentence End>)Returns the difference in years from sentence start to sentence end. Returns whole numbers.

Second Difference

Returns the difference between <End Time> and <Start Time> in seconds.

Syntax:SDiff( <End Time>, <Start Time> )



<End Time>

Any column containing dates

<Start Time>

Any column containing dates

Example:SDiff(<Landing Time>, <Leaving Time>)

Returns the difference in seconds from the time of landing on the page to the time of leaving the page.

Minute Difference

Returns the difference between <End Time> and <Start Time> in minutes.

Syntax:MnDiff( <End Time>, <Start Time> )



<End Time>

Any column containing dates

<Start Time>

Any column containing dates

Example:MnDiff(<Landing Time>, <Payment Completed Time>)

Returns the difference in minutes from the time of landing on the page to the time of leaving the page.

Hour Difference

Returns the difference between <End Time> and <Start Time> in hours. Returns whole numbers.

Syntax:HDiff( <End Time>, <Start Time> )



<End Time>

Any column containing dates

<Start Time>

Any column containing dates


Returns the difference in hours between the check-in time to the Emergency Room and time of attendance by the doctor. Returns whole numbers.

Past Week Difference

Returns the difference between this week's data and the data from the previous week. Use this function when the time resolution used in your widget is day or week. Otherwise does not display correct data.

Syntax:DiffPastWeek( <numeric field> )



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

Example:DiffPastWeek([Total Sales])

Returns the difference between this week's sales and previous week's sales, for the displayed time resolution.For example, for day resolution: (sales in current day - sales in same day one week back).For week resolution: (sales in current week - sales in previous week)

Past Month Difference

Returns the difference between this month's data and the data from the previous month.For example, for day resolution: (sales in current day - sales in same day one month back).Use this function when the time resolution used in your widget is 'month'. Otherwise does not display correct data.

Syntax:DiffPastMonth(<numeric field>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

Example:DiffPastMonth( <Total Sales> )

Returns the difference between this month's sales and previous month's sales, for the displayed time resolution.

Past Quarter Difference

Returns the difference between this quarter's data and the data from the previous quarter.Use this function when the time resolution used in your widget is 'month or 'quarter''. Otherwise does not display correct data.

Syntax:DiffPastQuarter( <numeric field> )



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

Example:DiffPastQuarter([Total Sales])

Returns the difference between this quarter's sales and previous quarter's sales, for the displayed time resolution.For example, for month resolution: (sales in current month - sales in same month one quarter back).For quarter resolution: (sales in current quarter- sales in previous quarter)

Past Year Difference

Returns the difference between this year's data and the data from the previous year. All time resolutions in the widget are available for this function (year, quarter, month, week, day).

Syntax:DiffPastYear( <numeric field> )



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

Example:DiffPastYear( <Total Sales> )

Returns the difference between this year's sales and previous year's sales, for the displayed time resolution.For example, for month resolution: (sales in current month - sales in same month one year back).For quarter resolution: (sales in current quarter - sales in the same quarter one year back).For week resolution: (sales in current week - sales in same week one year back).

Past Period Difference

Returns the difference between this period's data and the data from the previous period. Formula: (current value - compared value).Accepts any time resolution (day, week, etc.).

Syntax:DiffPastQuarter([Total Sales])



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

Example:DiffPastPeriod([Total Sales])

Returns the difference between this period's sales and previous period's sales.


Calculates growth over time. Formula: (current value – compared value) / compared value.Accepts any time resolution (day, week, etc.) in the widget.

Syntax:Growth( <Numeric Field> )



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

Example:Growth([Total Quantity])

If this month your Total Quantity is 12, and last month it was 10, your Growth for this month is 20% (0.2).Calculation: (12 – 10) / 10 = 0.2If this year your Total Quantity is 80, and last year it was 100, your Growth for this year is -20% ( -0.2).Calculation: (80 – 100) / 100 = -0.2

Growth Rate

Calculates growth over time. Formula: (current value – compared value) / compared value.Accepts any time resolution (day, week, etc.).

Syntax:GrowthRate( <Numeric Field> )



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

Example:GrowthRate([Total Quantity])

If this month your Total Quantity is 12, and last month it was 10, your Growth Rate for this month is 12/10 = 120% (1.2).Calculation: 12 / 10 = 1.2.If this year your Total Quantity is 80, and last year it was 100, your Growth for this year is 80/100 = 80% ( 0.8).Calculation: 80 / 100 = 0.8

Growth Past Week

Calculates the growth from the past week to the current week. Use this function when the time resolution in your widget is weeks or days. Otherviews does not display any data.

Syntax:GrowthPastWeek(<numeric field>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

Example:GrowthPastWeek([Total Sales]) 

Calculates the difference between this week's sales and previous week's sales, for the displayed time resolution.For example, for day resolution: (sales in current day - sales in same day one week back) / sales in same day one week back.For week resolution: (sales in current week - sales in previous week / sales in previous week)

Growth Past Month

Calculates the growth from the past month to the current month. Use this function when the time resolution in your widget is month or day. Otherwise, does not display any data.

Syntax:GrowthPastMonth( <Numeric Field> )



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

Example:GrowthPastMonth([Total Sales])

Calculates the difference between this month's sales and previous month's sales, for the displayed time resolution. For example, for day resolution: (sales in current day - sales in same day one month back) / sales in same day one month back.

Growth Past Quarter

Calculates the growth from the past quarter to the current quarter. Use this function when the time resolution in your widget is month or quarter. Otherwise, does not display any data.

Syntax:GrowthPastQuarter(<numeric field>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

Example:GrowthPastQuarter([Total Sales])

Calculates the difference between this quarter's sales and previous quarter's sales, for the displayed time resolution.For example, for month resolution: (sales in current month - sales in same month one quarter back) / sales in same month one quarter back.For quarter resolution: (sales in current quarter - sales in previous quarter) / sales in previous quarter.

Growth Past year

Calculates the growth from the past year to the current year. Use this function when the time resolution in your widget is week, month, quarter, or year.

Syntax:GrowthPastYear(<numeric field>)



<numeric field>

Any database column containing numeric values

ExampleGrowthPastWeek([Total Sales])

Calculates the difference between this year's sales and previous year's sales, for the displayed time resolution.For example, for week resolution: (sales in current week - sales in same week one year back / sales in same week one year back).For month resolution: (sales in current month - sales in same month one year back / sales in same month one year back).


Returns the Time period Member in <Time Field> which is N periods back from the current member.This function works will all time resolutions. However, make sure that the active time resolution in the widget matches the time resolution in the function. For example: If the function is “([Total Quantity], Prev([Months in Date], 2))”, the active time resolution must be ‘months’.This function can only work as a parameter inside another formula, and not by itself.

Syntax:((<numeric field>), Prev(<Time Field>, [<N>]))



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

<Time Field>

Any database column containing dates.


The number of time periods that we go back.

Example:([Total Quantity], Prev([Months in Date], 2))

This formula returns the Total Quantity value for the month that occurred two months ago.


Returns the value for the time-period member in <Time Field> which is N periods after the current member.This function works will all time resolutions. However, make sure that the active time resolution in the widget matches the time resolution in the function. For example: If the function is “([Total Quantity],Next([Weeks in Date], 2))”, the active time resolution must be ‘weeks’.This function can only work as a parameter inside another formula, and not by itself.

Syntax:((<numeric field>), Next(<Time Field>, [<N>]))



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

<Time Field>

Any database column containing dates.


The number of time periods that we go forward.

Example:([Total Quantity],Next([Months in Date], 2))

This formula returns the Total Quantity value for the month occurring two months ahead.


Returns the value for the current time period. The Now function receives a date dimension and its level and returns all the members in that dimension which match the current query execution time.

Use this function when the time resolution in your widget is day, month, quarter, year.

This function can only work as a parameter inside another formula, and not by itself.

Syntax:((<numeric field>), Now(<Time Field>))



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

<Time Field>

Any database column containing dates.

Example:([Total Quantity],Now([Months in Date]))

This formula returns the Total Quantity value for the current month.

Past Day

Returns the value for the previous day. Accepts the time resolution day.

Syntax:PastDay( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

ExamplePastDay(<Total Sales>)

If you’re looking at a specific day, you will see the value one day back.

Past Week

Returns the value for the same period in the previous week. Accepts the time resolutions day, week.

Syntax:PastWeek( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example:PastWeek(<Total Sales>)

Returns the Total Sales value one week back for the displayed time resolution. If you’re looking at a specific day, you will see the value of the same day one week back.

Past Month

Returns the value for the same period in the previous month. Accepts the time resolutions day, month.

Syntax:PastMonth( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example:PastMonth(<Total Sales>)

Returns the Total Sales value one month back for the displayed time resolution. If you’re looking at a specific day, you will see the value of the same day one month back.

Past Quarter

Returns the value for the same period in the previous quarter. Accepts the time resolutions day, month, or quarter.

Syntax:PastQuarter( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example:PastQuarter(<Total Sales>)R

eturns the Total Sales value one quarter back for the displayed time resolution. If you’re looking at a specific day, you will see the value of the same day one quarter back. If you’re looking at a specific month, you will see the value of the same month one quarter back.

Past Year

Returns the value for the same period in the previous year. Accepts any time resolution (day, week, etc.)

SyntaxPastYear( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric values.

Example:PastYear(<Total Sales>)

Returns the Total Sales value one year back for the displayed time resolution.If you’re looking at a specific day, you will see the value of the same day one year back. If you’re looking at a specific month, you will see the value of the same month one year back.

When using the Past Year function in a weeks table and using a week filter, no results are returned.

Week to Date Average

Returns the running average starting from the beginning of the week up to the current day.

Returns null if the active time resolution is years, quarters, or months.

Syntax:WTDAvg( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.

Example:WTDAvg(<Total Sales>)

Returns the running average of Total Sales starting from the beginning of the week up to the desired day.

Week to Date Sum

Returns the running total starting from the beginning of the week up to the current day or week.

Returns null if the active time resolution is years, quarters, or months.

Syntax:WTDSum( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.


Example:WTDSum(<Total Sales>)

Returns the running total of Total Sales starting from the beginning of the week up to the current day.

Month to Date Average

Returns the running average starting from the beginning of the month up to the current day. The formula gets the active date scope from the filters and presentation scope and can calculate over future dates.

Use this function when the active time resolution in your widget is 'days.'

Returns null if the active time resolution is quarters, years, or weeks. The active time resolution is determined by the minimum date level of the date dimension used for presentation and filtering. If there is no active time resolution, the formula returns null.

Syntax: MTDAvg(<numeric field>)



Numeric Field

Any database column containing numeric data

Example: MTDAvg([Total Quantity])

Result: Returns the running Total Quantity average starting from the beginning of the month up to the current day.

Month to Date Sum

Returns the running total starting from the beginning of the month up to the current day. Use this function when the active time resolution in your widget is 'days'.Returns null if the active time resolution is quarters, years, or weeks.

SyntaxMTDSum(<numeric field>)



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.

Example:MTDSum([Total Quantity])

Returns the running total of Total Sales starting from the beginning of the month up to the current day.

Quarter to Date Average

Returns the running average starting from the beginning of the quarter up to the current day or month.Returns null if the active time resolution is weeks.

Syntax:QTDAvg( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.

Example:QTDAvg(<Total Sales>)

Returns the running average of Total Sales starting from the beginning of the quarter up to the desired day or month.

Quarter to Date Sum

Returns the running total starting from the beginning of the quarter up to the current day or month.Returns null if the active time resolution is weeks.

Syntax:QTDSum( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.

Example:QTDSum(<Total Sales>)

Returns the running total of Total Sales starting from the beginning of the quarter up to the current day or month.

Year to Date Average

Returns the running average starting from the beginning of the year up to the current day, week, month, quarter or year. Returns null if the query is invalid or returns no result.

Syntax:YTDAvg( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.

Example:WTDAvg(<Total Sales>)

Returns the running average of Total Sales starting from the beginning of the week up to the desired day, week, month, quarter or year.

Year to Date Sum

Returns the running total starting from the beginning of the year up to the current day, week, month, quarter, or year. Returns null if the query is invalid or returns no result.

Syntax:YTDSum( <numeric field> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.

Example:YTDSum(<Total Sales>)

Returns the running total of Total Sales starting from the beginning of the year up to the current day, week, month, quarter or year.

Other Functions


Ignores the scope set on the dimension. This function can only work as a parameter inside another formula, and not by itself.

Syntax:All(<Numeric Field>)



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.


Returns the sum of all items, ignoring filters.


Returns the result_expression of the first condition evaluated as true. When no condition is true, else_expression is returned, if one is defined. For example, the below function will return '1' when the Total Sales value is between 100 and 1000. It will return '2' if the Total Sales value is above 1000. It will return '3' in any other case (meaning, when Total Sales are below 100).

Syntax:(WHEN <condition> THEN <result_expression> [...] [ESLE <result_expression>] END)




Any formula or a function that is evaluated.

<result expression>

Any number, formula or a function that is returned if the relevant condition is true.

Example:CASEWHEN Sum(Sales) &lt; 100 THEN 1WHEN Sum(Sales) &lt; 1000 THEN 2ELSE 3END

Returns '1' when the Total Sales value is between 100 and 1000. Returns '2' if the Total Sales value is above 1000. Returns '3' in any other case (meaning, when Total Sales are below 100).


Returns numeric expression '1' when the condition is true, and expression '2' when the condition is false. Nested conditional statements are supported.

Syntax:IF (<condition>, <numeric expression 1>, <numeric expression 2>)



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.

Example:IF(Count(Sales)>100, Sum(Sales)*1.1, sum(Sales))

If the number of unique values within the Sales values is larger than 100, the function will return the Total Sales x 1.1 (sales increase of 10%). Otherwise - if the number of unique values within the Sales values is lower than 100, will return only the Total Sales, without an increase.


Returns true if the expression doesn't contain data (Null).

Syntax:(<numeric value>)



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.

Can be used as a condition when writing conditional statements.

Ordering (EC)

Returns the numeric order position of rows sorted into ascending or descending order, breaking ties with further arguments. The expressions must be aggregated by applying the MIN/MAX functions.




<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.

Example:ORDERING(MIN([Sales Person Name]), MIN([Days in Transaction_Date]), -1*Sum([Sales]))

Rdouble (EC)

Returns a numeric result for a given R expression and a list of numeric values. The R expression is passed to the running Rserve.

Syntax:RDOUBLE(<R expression>, [<ordering>], <numeric value 1>, [<numeric value2>, ..., <numeric value n>] )RDOUBLE(<recycle>, <R expression>, [<ordering>], <numeric value 1>,[<numeric value 2>, ..., <numeric value n>] )



<R expression>

Your R code, wrapped in double quotes. R expects the return type to be an array with the same size as widget’s row count. Nulls will be used to make up for shorter arrays, and longer arrays will be trimmed.

Use single quotes to wrap strings within your R code, so that there will be no double-quote collision with the quotes wrapping your R code.

<Numeric Field>

Numeric values can be passed as arguments to your R code.All arguments are passed to R as a 1-based list named “args”. Each item in the list contains an array that represents the field.

For example:

  • args[[1]] will return an array which represents the first field that was used as an argument.
  • args[[2]][3] will return the 3rd data value within the 2nd field that was used as an argument.


Optional. Defines the sort order in which numeric data is sent to R. The argument of the Ordering parameter can be an index in your data source or you can use the ORDERING() function to determine the order of your fields. This function arranges the values of the arguments into ascending or descending order, breaking ties by further arguments.

For example:`ORDERING([Total Sales], -1*[COUNT Salesman], MIN(<Office Name>))`


Optional. Controls whether the results from R should be recycled (cached), so that consequent queries will not have to be recalculated unless they or the data have changed.

Generally, this behavior is automatically managed by the ElastiCube automatically. However, since R code might have non-deterministic components to it (such as randomality functions or date-specific functions), the ElastiCube cannot rely on a data-set and function that hasn’t changed not to return a different result in multiple executions.

TRUE (default) – Results will be cached for unchanged functions and data.

FALSE – Results will not be cached. Use this option if your R code contains randomality or other non-deterministic content.

Example:RDOUBLE(“m <- log(matrix(unlist(args), ncol=2)); kmeans(m,3)$cluster”,[Total Cost], [Total Revenue])

Returns the k-means cluster (R expression) of the args: [Total Cost] and [Total Revenue].

Rint (EC)

Returns an integer result for a given R expression and a list of numeric values. The R expression is passed to the running Rserve.

Syntax:RINT(<R expression>, [<Ordering>], <numeric value 1>, [<numeric value 2>,..., <numeric value n>] )RINT(<recycle>, [<Ordering>], <R expression>, <numeric value 1>, [<numericvalue 2>, ..., <numeric value n>] )



<R expression>

Your R code, wrapped in double quotes. R expects the return type to be an array with the same size as widget’s row count. Nulls will be used to make up for shorter arrays, and longer arrays will be trimmed.

Use single quotes to wrap strings within your R code, so that there will be no double-quote collision with the quotes wrapping your R code.

<Numeric Field>

Numeric values can be passed as arguments to your R code.All arguments are passed to R as a 1-based list named “args”. Each item in the list contains an array that represents the field.

For example:

  • args[[1]] will return an array which represents the first field that was used as an argument.
  • args[[2]][3] will return the 3rd data value within the 2nd field that was used as an argument.


Optional. Defines the sort order in which numeric data is sent to R. The argument of the Ordering parameter can be an index in your data source or you can use the ORDERING() function to determine the order of your fields. This function arranges the values of the arguments into ascending or descending order, breaking ties by further arguments.

For example:`ORDERING([Total Sales], -1*[COUNT Salesman], MIN(<Office Name>))`


Optional. Controls whether the results from R should be recycled (cached), so that consequent queries will not have to be recalculated unless they or the data have changed.

Generally, this behavior is automatically managed by the ElastiCube automatically. However, since R code might have non-deterministic components to it (such as randomality functions or date-specific functions), the ElastiCube cannot rely on a data-set and function that hasn’t changed not to return a different result in multiple executions.

TRUE (default) – Results will be cached for unchanged functions and data.

FALSE – Results will not be cached. Use this option if your R code contains randomality or other non-deterministic content.

ExampleRINT(“m <- log(matrix(unlist(args), ncol=2)); kmeans(m,3)$cluster”, [TotalCost], [Total Revenue])

Returns the k-means cluster (R expression) of the args: [Total Cost] and [Total Revenue].

Running Sum

Returns the running total of the measure by the defined dimension according to the current sorting order in the widget.

By default, RSUM accumulates a measure by the sorting order of the dimension. To accumulate by another order, the relevant measure should be added as an additional column and sorted.

Syntax:RSUM ( <numeric value> ),RSUM ( <numeric value> , <continuous> )



<Numeric Field>

Any database column containing numeric data.

<Continuous >

A boolean value that accumulates the sum continuously when there are two or more dimensions. The default value is FALSE.

Filtering the RSUM column by Values will filter the dimensions and recalculate the RSUM from the first filtered value.


RSUM([Total Revenue], FALSE)

Returns the running total of the Total Revenue measure.

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