Table of Contents

How To Connect: AdRoll / RollWorks

Nic Zangre Updated by Nic Zangre

Connecting with Ads and Retargeting platforms to CaliberMind can help your organization make better data-informed decisions! Digital Marketing Managers, Demand Gen professionals, and Marketing Executives can benefit from the AdRoll connector - especially to help track Return-on-Ad-Spend. You can confidently answer:

  • Which ad campaigns and groups perform best?
  • For each dollar spent on advertising, how many dollars do I get back in marketing attribution?
  • Which ads have the highest conversion rates and lowest cost-per-lead?

These metrics are typically elusive to marketers because the Ad Platform doesn't connect to the CRM and Web Activity log. CaliberMind allows this!

Steps to connect AdRoll / RollWorks:

  1. Create Pull Connector in your Settings --> Choose the AdRoll Connector
  2. Start connecting all 3 record types. This is important - you will need to authorize all 3 record types separately to connect AdRoll correctly.

  1. You will be prompted to sign into your AdRoll / RollWorks account after you click Authorize:

  1. Make sure your AnalyticsJS PAGE and IDENTIFY calls are enabled on your marketing website. (This may require help from your web team)
  2. Make sure all AdRoll URLs have the proper tracking parameters:
    1. Campaign ID (campaign_id)
    2. Ad ID (ad_id)
    3. UTM_source (UTM_source)
    4. UTM_medium (UTM_medium)

Example URL

If you wish to use another naming convention for your URL parameters, we recommend you speak to your CSM to adjust your system views.

Once, this is configured, you'll see updated reports on ROAS refreshed daily!

How did we do?

How to Connect: Act-On

How to Connect: G2, Bombora, or 6sense
