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Using Quick Functions

Using Quick Functions

Quick functions are another feature to make working with formulas easier. The Widget Designer provides a variety of predefined commonly used functions that you can easily apply in the Data Browser when selecting a Value to be included in a widget.

Quick Functions instantly add a time dimension to any existing value and formula. These functions include calculations for past values, change over time, contribution, and running totals. Quick Functions include all the Time Functions previously discussed but they can only be accessed by clicking on a formula that is already present in a widget.

A simple example of a Quick Function is a finance manager who is reviewing total costs per month but needs to track the accumulated annual costs. They can simply use a quick function to calculate the year-to-date total for costs.


To use a quick function:

  1. In the data panel of the Widget Designer, hover and click a numeric field’s menu icon, and select Quick Functions, as shown below:

A list of commonly used functions is displayed.

  1. Select a function. The widget updates immediately.

Adding Aggregate Functions

You can also add aggregate functions to your formula without opening the formula editor.

To add an aggregate function to your formula without the Formula Editor:

  • Click the value icon to open a list of aggregate functions, and select the function to apply to your formula.

Starring Formulas with Quick Functions

Starring refers to isolating and identifying favorite formulas. A more complex example uses starring with multiple quick functions. Let’s say a finance manager also wants to compare year-to-date costs to the same period for the previous year. They can first apply the year-to-date function to total cost and then save it to the formula repository. They can then add the saved year-to-date formula but apply another quick formula for past values which will perform the same calculation but on data from the previous year.

Note: Starred (favorite) formulas are shared with other users.

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