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KickFire De-Anonymization in CaliberMind

Tyler Nguyen Updated by Tyler Nguyen

CaliberMind is excited to offer customers a way to de-anonymize website traffic through a partnership with KickFire!

What Is KickFire?

KickFire is an IP de-anonymization tool. This integration will compare the IP address of your website visitors to a robust database, enabling you to determine the companies they work for.

How Effective Is KickFire?

KickFire is only as effective as a web visitor's willingness to share their information. In our instance, KickFire de-anonymized approximately 3% of our total web traffic beyond what Clearbit Reveal exposed (which de-anonymizes approximately 30% of our total traffic).

Who Gets KickFire IP De-Anonymization?

The KickFire implementation is designed to work for all customers. It is currently set up to leverage the incoming AJS data in the and ajs.identify tables - so to get the benefit of KickFire, you’ll need to have the web tracker script installed on your website. From there, KickFire extracts the IP addresses from our AJS tables, and queries KickFire for any matching data. KickFire will return data for almost every valid IPv4 address used. But most of the data coming back isn’t considered successful unless all of the isISP, isMobile, and isWifi flags are false.

Is There a Monthly Limit?

Yes, Each customer is given 5,000 successful IP lookups for free each month. You will receive a warning when you are approaching the limit and another alert when the limit has been reached. Once the limit is reached, we will not look up new IP addresses but will fill in data for IP addresses that were previously de-anonymized.

Your organization’s limit will be reset at the end of the month.

Can I Upgrade My Limit?

Yes. Please use your dedicated CaliberMind Slack channel or to increase your limits.

How does KickFire work with GDPR compliance?

Since we are not installing KickFire code to your website, the data we collect is not changed. This means that if people block cookies via an installed app on your website or through an ad blocker extension, we will not collect their information. For more information on CaliberMind’s GDPR policies, click here.

What Happens If KickFire Finds an Account That Isn’t In My CRM?

De-anonymized data is only stored in CaliberMind tables without additional flows set up in CaliberMind.

At CaliberMind, we’ve decided to search our CRM for existing companies. When KickFire identifies a company not already in our database, and it’s a suitable account for our sales team to sell to, we’ve created a flow to add the account to our CRM. We’re happy to turn this feature on for your organization - just use your dedicated CaliberMind Slack channel or email

What’s the Drawback to Only Storing These New Accounts in CaliberMind?

If you choose not to enable an account creation flow in your CRM, these accounts and person-anonymous visits will still appear in your CaliberMind instance. The main drawback is that the part of your organization that primarily relies on your CRM will not see week-over-week engagement changes or engagement scoring for these accounts if you have the engagement fields mapped over to your CRM (for more on how to do this, check out this article).

How Do I Check for My KickFire De-Anonymized Data?

We have built an in-app dashboard that allows you to track for the performance of KickFire De-Anonymization Data.

You could access this dashboard through Settings -> Website -> Visitor Enrichment or here

Sample CaliberMind KickFire Dashboard

How did we do?

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