Table of Contents

Object Mapping Filters

Why Use Object Mapping Filters?

Object Mapping Filters are great in instances where you want to prevent certain data from ever showing up on your reports and dashboards. Perhaps you want to exclude Marketing Operations Campaign Types or Accounts with "Test Account" in their name. If you can think of a global exclusion scenario, Object Mapping Filters are for you.

Note that Object Mapping Filters take effect the day after you configure them. The change is not immediate, but it will stay in place until you reset your Object Mapping Filters.

To apply global account filters, click on the Settings cog in the upper right corner and go to:

Object Mapping -> Object Name -> Filters

Navigating to CaliberMind Object Mapping Filters

You can filter on:

  • Account (CRM table)
  • Company (CaliberMind table that combines unmatched Leads and Accounts)
  • Person (both Leads and Contacts)
  • Opportunity (CRM table)
  • Campaign (CRM or MAP tables)
  • Event (combination of CRM and stand-alone even data from web logging and tools not integrated with your MAP or CRM)
If your business unit may want to see a certain Company/ Account/ Person/ Opportunity/ Campaign/ Event type at any point in time, we recommend avoiding global object filters and using dashboard or widget filters instead.

Video 1: Exclude Marketing Ops & Test Campaigns

Video 2: Exclude Test & Partner Accounts

Video 3: Exclude Contacts At My Company

Object Mapping Filter Types Supported

CaliberMind supports the following column types:

  • String: A combination of letters and/or numbers.
  • Numeric: Numbers only.
  • Boolean: True/False.
  • Date & Timestamp: The supported format for the date portion is 'mm/dd/yyyy' and you may go as far back in time as '01/01/1000'. The supported format for the timestamp portion is 'hh:mm:ss'.

Operator Filters


The 'equals' operator includes accounts where the column value equals exactly the filter value, including spaces and capitalization.

Does not equal

The 'does not equal' operator excludes accounts where the column value equals exactly the filter value, including spaces and capitalization.


The 'contains' filter is not case-sensitive. All values with the filter value provided will be included in the report.

Does not contain

The 'does not contain' filter is not case-sensitive. All values that contain the filter value provided will be included in the report.

Is null

You can exclude populated or known results by adding an 'is null' for the column. Null means that the column value is unknown or not given.

Is not null

You can exclude empty or null results by adding an 'is not null' for the column. Null means that the column value is unknown or not given.

Is empty string

This filter counts the numbers of characters in a field and if the count returns zero, the record will be included with 'is empty string.'

Is not empty string

This filter counts the numbers of characters in a field and if the count returns zero, the record will be excluded with 'is not empty string.'

Null vs. Empty String: Null means the absence of data (i.e. there is no value), while empty string means there is a string value of zero length.

Is before mm/dd/yyyy

This filter checks whether the date in a field occurs prior to a given value. If it does, the record is included.

Is after mm/dd/yyyy

This filter checks whether the date in a field occurs after a given value. If it does, the record is included.

Is on mm/dd/yyyy

This filter checks whether the date in a field occurs on the given value. If it does, the record is included.

Is less than

This filter is used for numeric values and includes records if the field value is less than the given amount.

Is greater than

This filter is used for numeric values and includes records if the field value is greater than the given amount.

Equal to

This filter is used for numeric values and includes records if the field value is equal to the given amount.

Is true/ false

You can filter results for boolean data types by true/ false.

AND and OR Logic

You may notice when structuring a filter that if you add more than one condition, an AND or OR is listed between the conditions:

Structuring a CaliberMind filter with more than one condition activates the AND or OR clauses
The toggle button to the right of 'AND' can be used to switch between AND and OR.

The logic works as follows:

  • When you are comparing conditions with an OR, the presence of one TRUE condition in either variable renders the entire argument TRUE and the record will be included.
  • When you are comparing conditions with an AND, the presence of one FALSE condition renders the entire argument FALSE and the record will be excluded. 

For details on how this works, you can read up on Truth Tables, specifically Logical Conjunction (AND) and Logical Conjunction (OR).

How did we do?

Custom Configuration for Object Mapping

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