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Create Date Range Filters - Step-by-Step

Core Dashboard Building Skills

In order to make a useful, functioning dashboard, there are certain components you'll need to know how to build. Below are video tutorials with step-by-step instructions.

Test First. We encourage you to try different things out and compare your results to confirmed reports. In other words, we encourage you to try new things, but always check your data against what you know and can prove out to be true. If your numbers line up, the dashboard rollout will go much more smoothly!
Why Use Date Range Filters

Why Use It? Date ranges can be hard to translate into stand-alone text. That's why we recommend using the Date Range Filter widget, which allows you to clearly define the start and end date using a calendar view--which is very similar to Salesforce reporting functionality. As an added bonus, you can even preset date ranges to make selections easy for your end-users (more on that next).

Step-by-Step Instructions to Create a Date Range Filter [Basic]

  1. Click on the +Widget tool on the top right of the main toolbar.
CaliberMind - Top Right Toolbar
  1. Click the Advanced Configuration button located on the bottom left of the dialog box.
CaliberMind App - Advanced Configuration
  1. Select the Date Range Filter Paldi Extension from the drop-down list on the top left of the screen.
    CaliberMind App - Date Range Filter
  2. Click on the + next to filter dimensions to select the appropriate date field.
    CaliberMind App - Filter Dimension
  3. In this example, I will select 'Opp Create Date' field.
    CaliberMind App - Dimension field
  4. The filter will appear in the middle of the screen.
CaliberMind App - Filter view
  1. Click the green Apply button on the top right of the screen
    CaliberMind App - Apply button
  2. Your screen will refresh and your dashboard will appear with the new filter at the bottom of the page.
  3. Move the filter to the desired location by resting your mouse pointer on the border of the widget. Click and hold on the 4-headed arrow. While holding drag the filter to its resting place.
    CaliberMind App - Move Filter
Video Instructions to Create a Date Range Filter

Step-by-Step Instructions to Create a Default Date Range Pre-sets [Advanced]

Why Use It? If you use fiscal periods, default date ranges are a great way to avoid arguments over data because of different date ranges. By selecting specific date ranges, you can create pre-set filters that adhere to your organization's fiscal calendar.

Create the Pre-set filter #1 Instructions
NOTE: We need to use a simple snippet of code. Don't panic! We are going to 'copy-paste' our snippet from the Filter Dimensions dialog box. Why? To quickly select the type of filter needed in the first Pre-set selection.
  1. To Configure the filter select the edit (pencil) icon on the Date Range Filter at the top right of the widget.
    CaliberMind App - Edit Widget
    1. Click on the Filter icon within the Dimension.
      CaliberMind App - Filter Icon
    2. Determine the filter range you want to use as the baseline code. Click on the Filter Dimension 'Opp Created Date.'
    CaliberMind App - Filter Icon
    1. Select the desired time frame. In this example select 'This Year.'
    CaliberMind App - Select Time Frame
    1. Click on the Advanced button at the bottom left of the dialog box.
    CaliberMind App - Advanced button
    1. Copy all the code as it appears. (Make sure you copy all the code from the beginning { to the ending })
      CaliberMind App - Copy the code
    2. Click the green OK button on the bottom right of the dialog box.
    CaliberMind App - Ok button
    1. Click the Design toggle on the top of the Filters & Design menu located to the top right.
      CaliberMind App - Design
    2. Click the Filter Drop-down list to display the Filter settings.
      CaliberMind App - Filter drop-down
    3. Enter the Date Period filter name within the Create Date Period field. The name of this filter is 'This Year.'
    CaliberMind App - Create date period name
    1. Paste the snippet of code in the Enger filter config section. (Make sure you paste all the code from the beginning { to the ending })
    Paste this Snippet of Code in the CaliberMind Enger Filter Config Section
    1. Select the Years level from the Select level drop-down list.
      CaliberMind App - Select level
    2. Click the blue Save Filter button. Your first Pre-set filter has been created!
    CaliberMind App - Save Filter
    1. The filter name appears in the Filter List.
      CaliberMind App - Filter List
    2. Click the Apply button. The dashboard will refresh. Your 1st Pre-set filter has been applied to your filter drop-down list.
    CaliberMind App - Filter applied

Create the Pre-set filter #2 Instructions
CaliberMind App - Remember the snippet?

Now that you have created your 1st Pre-set filter you will use the snippet of code again; only this time with a few changes to set up the 2nd Pre-set filter.

CaliberMind App - Learn
CaliberMind App - Copy the code
CaliberMind App - Go back

  1. Type the new Date Period name - 'This Month.'
  2. Paste the snippet code.
  3. Select 'Months' from the drop-down list.
  4. Click the Save Filter button
Click on the CaliberMind Save Filter Button
  1. The filter name appears in the Filter List.
CaliberMind App - This Month
  1. Click the Apply button.
CaliberMind App - Apply

  1. Click the Apply button. The dashboard will refresh. Your 2nd Pre-set filter has been applied to your filter drop-down list.
CaliberMind App - Month and Year drop-down list
Video Instructions to Create Default Date Range Pre-sets

Why Use It? If you use fiscal periods, default date ranges are a great way to avoid arguments over data because of different date ranges. By selecting specific date ranges, you can create pre-set filters that adhere to your organization's fiscal calendar.

Video: Creating Filter Catalogs

Why Use It? Typically, businesses have specific ways they prefer to slice and dice their data. You can make this easier for your end-users by placing front and center standard filters on your dashboard. It's also a great way to prevent odd filters from being added and distorting metric results.

Video: Creating an Indicator Metric

Why Use It? Indicators are a great way to highlight or display a core metric. For example, if you have charts and tables displaying closed bookings in different views, adding an Indicator widget with the total bookings for the period helps give people a frame of reference when they are looking at similar data.

Video: Creating a Widget-Specific Filter

Why Use It? Sometimes you need a subset of data displayed on your dashboard. For example, if you're looking at all pipeline organized by Closed Date, you'll probably also want to know the total Closed Won bookings and a Close Rate. Applying filters to specific widgets lets you narrow data to the specific subset you want to see without impacting other widgets.

Video: Creating a Column Chart

Why Use It? Charts function very similarly, whether it's a column, pie, bar, or line graph. Understanding which measures or segments correspond to which labels are essential for creating a chart that makes sense.

Video: Building a Pivot Table

Why Use It? We remember discovering our first pivot table and feeling giddy with the power that view unlocks. You can segment data by multiple dimensions, narrowing down even the most difficult data into understandable chunks. Even if you don't share our affection for pivot tables, you have to admit they are useful.

Video: Adding a Locked Dashboard Filter

Why Use It? People like to build things themselves, but sometimes they do it without understanding the nuances in the data and create some chaos with misaligned metrics. Fear not. You can create a filter that exists in the background and applies to the entire dashboard so their data is right without them having to take any extra steps.

Structured Use Case Training

Build Your Own Insights Pipeline Dashboard

How did we do?

How to Create a Filter Bookmark

Creating Formulas Based on Criteria and Conditions (Filters)
