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Funnel Person Status Exits

CaliberMind Funnel Person Status Exits

What are Person Status Exits?

CaliberMind What is a person status exit?

You may want funnel journeys to end based on who the active participants are. Occasionally, a journey may need to be terminated if there is no one qualified to continue at the company at the beginning of the funnel journey stages. While a person’s status can be used to terminate a journey, a change in status can also be used to start a new journey.

The Person Status Exit - Purpose

For instance, you might be speaking with someone whose Salesforce status indicates they are Marketing Qualified. There may be additional individuals in that account who have Marketing Qualified statuses or statuses further down the sales cycle. It may be worthwhile for you to continue this journey. Alternatively, if there is no one in the organization qualified to advance a journey, you may want to terminate the journey. Journey terminations can be configured in this section.

The Funnel Person Status Exit - Assumptions and Considerations for Usage

Your organizations CRM will need to have the following features turned on for the Person Status Exit to function:

  • The lead is in one of the top three funnel stages
  • Salesforce CRM needs to be in operation
  • Lead History needs to be turned on
  • Contact History needs to be turned on
  • A Field that tracks status will need to be turned on

You do not need to fill out this section if:

  • This section does not need to be filled out if the stage you are configuring is not a People stage (such as an opportunity-based stage).
  • Alternatively, if you want to terminate a journey without using Person Status changes, you can use timeout logic or Early Exit logic instead.

Funnel Person Status Exit - Description

CaliberMind Person Status Exit
CaliberMind Person Status Exit

The lead statuses you select in this section determine whether a journey remains active. A lead's status being updated to the Disqualified status will trigger the Journey Termination evaluation if any non-selected statuses are entered.

CaliberMind Person Status Exit

In this section, you can select the status of any contact that is considered valid so that a journey can remain active. An evaluation for Journey Termination will be initiated if a contact's status is changed to Disqualified after the entry of a status or statuses.

CaliberMind Person Status Exit

This determines how logic is applied. The toggle is set to "Any" by default, meaning that if any contact or lead in that business is disqualified, the journey will be terminated. To end the journey, you must have disqualified statuses on all contacts or leads within that business.

Funnel Person Status Exit - Use Case Scenario and Analysis

The following use cases have been developed based on the perspective of the user type. An explanation of the type of information is provided, as well as a dashboard from where you can easily obtain that information.

Who Would Use the Person Status Exit Process?

Role: Marketing Tacticians, and Operations, Account and Sales Executives

Person Status Exit Use Case Scenarios
Q: This opportunity isn't going anywhere but I want to be able to put the account back into the pool as qualified for another event. How do I recycle this lead?
Person Status Exit Process
A: You would create a rule using the Person Status Exit process within the settings of the desired funnel.

  1. Access the Person Status Exit feature within the funnel settings.
CaliberMind Funnel Person Status Exits
CaliberMind Trigger Analysis

Analysis: In the example have the sales executive (SA) has determined that the prospect is not ready to move to the next stage within the sales process. The SA would like to keep the prospect within the pool as qualified for a future event. Using the Person Status Exit process will allow the person to proceed through the qualification process again thus providing time for the sales team to determine if the lead is a 'go or no go.'

Action: Knowing that this logic of recycling a "person" within the CRM is typically used in stages two and three using the Person Status Exit process is the proper methodology to retain and recycle a lead found in this situation.

How did we do?

How do I identify stage conversion rates?

Introducing CaliberMind's Funnels
