How To Connect: Outreach

Why Connect Outreach?

While Outreach interactions are normally integrated with your CRM, there are some key data points that can be extremely helpful to your SDR or sales teams. Even internally at CaliberMind, we've had a ton of questions from our sales team about which of their sequences or campaigns are translating into revenue. With a direct integration between Outreach and CaliberMind, we can finally tie their sequences to revenue!

As a best practice, we recommend integrating sales inbound activities into your multi-touch attribution models.


Capturing key integrations across multiple departments makes your attribution model less marketing "biased," making it an easier sell across your executive team.

Setting Up Outreach

Pre-setup Checklist

You will need:

  • A login to Outreach
  • Administrator rights in Outreach

How To Connect To Outreach

At this time, we recommend connecting with your customer support representative prior to attempting a connection. Connecting to Outreach requires some changes to your data model so we integrate the activities properly.
  1. In the CaliberMind app, click on the Settings Cog in the top right-hand corner:
    Navigate to CaliberMind Settings Cog
  2. Select Connectors:
    Select CaliberMind Connectors
  3. Select Create Pull Connector:
    Select CaliberMind Create Pull Connector
  4. Click on Add Connector under the Outreach logo.
  5. Acknowledge Fivetran's security statement.
  6. You'll be prompted to log into Outreach to give CaliberMind access to the application. Once you log in, click Save & Test to complete the connection.
  7. Contact your customer support representative. We will need to update your data model to break Outreach sequences into campaigns.

That's it! Your work is done here.

How did we do?

How To Connect: Microsoft Dynamics

How to Connect: Pardot [via FiveTran]
