How to Connect: Google Ads [via FiveTran]

Google Ads Connector (via FiveTran)


To connect Google Ads to CaliberMind, you need a Google Ads account.

Step 1 - Find customer ID

  1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Locate your Google Ads customer ID and make a note of it. You will need it to fill in your Google Ads setup form.
Make a Note of Your Google Ads Customer ID as You  Will Need it to Fill Your CaliberMind  Google Ads Setup Form

Finish CaliberMind Configuration

  1. Enter your chosen destination schema name in the connector setup form.
  2. Enter the Google Ads customer ID you found in Step 1.
  3. Click Authorize to allow CaliberMind to access your Google Ads account via OAuth.
  4. Select your sync mode. You can choose Sync All AccountsSync Specific Accounts, or Sync Specific Manager Accounts.
  5. If you chose Sync Specific Accounts or Sync Specific Manager Accounts, a new Accounts field will appear that lists every account that CaliberMind can access. Select which accounts you'd like to sync.

    Note: In the Sync Specific Manager Accounts mode CaliberMind will find and sync the client accounts that are direct children of the selected manager accounts. If a manager account has sub-manager accounts, their clients won't be synced.

  6. Click Add report.
  7. Enter your chosen destination table name. It must be unique within the connector.

    Note: Give the table a name you will find easy to identify with the report in the future. When you want to enable or disable the sync for a particular report once it is set up, you will do so by selecting its table in the connector's schema tab.

  8. Select the Configuration Type: Pre-built Report or Custom Report.
  9. If you choose Use Pre-built Report, select one of the available Prebuilt Reports you'd like to sync.
  10. If you choose Use Custom Report, select which reports and fields you'd like to sync. Use the following Google resources to choose your reports and fields. Note that the Date field is required because the reports are synced by day.

    Note: Universal App Campaigns only support a small subset of reports and will result in no data delivered for any other report type.

    Note: The following reports are not supported:

  11. Click OK to save the report.
  12. If you want to add another report, repeat steps 6 — 11.
  13. (Optional) If you want to set the conversion window size, click Show Advanced Options to show conversion window size options.
  14. (Optional) Select from the drop-down list the size of a conversion window or set it to AUTO if you want to detect the window size automatically.
  15. Select how many months of reporting data you'd like to include in your initial sync.
  16. Click Save & Test.

UTM Setup and Tracking

With your Google Ads account now connected, please be sure to complete the following steps to ensure that your ads are being fully tracked after a user clicks on them.

  • Make sure AnalyticsJS PAGE and IDENTIFY calls are enabled on your marketing website. (This may require help from your web team)
  • Make sure all GoogleAds URLs have the proper tracking parameters:
    • Campaign ID (typically campaign_id, cmp_id, hsa_cam)**
    • Ad ID (typically ad_id, hsa_ad)**
    • UTM_source (typically utm_source)
  • For Google Ads, this is available via the URL TRACKING TEMPLATE EDITOR.
    • For example ?ad_id={creative}&campaign_id={campaignid}
    • Here's an example global template: {lpurl}?utm_source=adwords&utm_term={keyword}&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign={_utmcampaign}&ad_id={creative}&mt={matchtype}&src={network}&ad_grp={adgroupid}&kw={keyword}&campaign_id={campaignid}&tgt={targetid}

Example URL

**if you wish to use another naming convention for your URL parameters, we recommend you speak to your customer success manager to adjust your system views.

How did we do?

How to Connect: G2, Bombora, or 6sense

How To Connect: Google Analytics
