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How to Change Event Touch Scores

What Is a Touch Score?

Any newly created model will take up to 24 hours to update for use.

Behind our scoring models, we allow you to control how many points each event type can get. This includes anything in the event table which is a combination of Salesforce Tasks, Events, and Campaign Members, and any interactions recorded in your ad platforms and marketing automation platform.

During the onboarding process, your customer success manager helped you set up a scoring model. These vary from customer to customer, but a common example may look something like this:

Event Type


Meeting or Opportunity




Content Download, Key Page Visit




Advertisement or Paid UTM


Otherwise (All other INBOUND event types)


See our article on Multipliers to update the demographic/firmographic portion of the scoring logic.

Why Would I Want to Change the Score of a Touch?

Things change in marketing. Sometimes a tactic that used to bring in scores of leads fizzles out and at other times, the inspiration to try something new hits. Our lead score configuration tool will help you make adjustments as you need them. Here are a few more common use cases:

  1. Your marketing department decides to try out Direct Mail for the first time and wants to do something fancy involving a QR code.
  2. You've found that an intent provider has been successfully flagging prospects who are ready to buy and the sales team wants to incorporate key signals into your scoring model.
  3. Your sales team complains that the accounts with high scores are from content syndication and they aren't ready to buy yet, prompting a decrease in points for that Event Type.
  4. Your department finds that a certain tactic is more effective than expected, prompting your team to increase the points.

As a best practice, scoring models should be evaluated on an ongoing basis (ideally, quarterly) to determine whether the highest scores correlate to more wins and if there have been any changes in ICP or market fit.

How to Change a Touch Score

You must have administrator access to CaliberMind to make these changes.
Touch score rules are processed in the order they are listed on your screen from top to bottom. The order matters!
  1. From the CaliberMind app, navigate to the Settings page by clicking the cog icon in the top right-hand corner:
    Navigate to the CaliberMind Settings Cog
  2. Click ABM on the left-hand vertical menu:
    Click on the CaliberMind ABM Section
  3. Find your Default touch score (likely labeled Inbound) and click the name of the model:
CaliberMind ABM engagement score model list
  1. Make sure to the Touch Score tab is highlighted before making edits to your configuration:
Ensure the CaliberMind Touch Score tab is highlighted
  1. Enter the first rule that you would like the system to reference when assigning a score. In this example we want to reward the most points for “event_type” contains “meeting” AND “event_class” starts with “opp.” We want these events to get 5 points before considering time decay or a multiplier.
    Input the First Rule You Want CaliberMind to Reference When Assigning a Score
  2. To enter an additional tier of points, we've added an additional Block. Events with “event_type” contains “tradeshow” and “event_class” starts with “inbound” will receive a score of 3 before multipliers or time decay:
    To Input an Additional Tier of Points, You can Add an Additional CaliberMind Rule Block
  3. After entering several more tiers for scoring with a different point set allocated to each tier, we entered a final "Otherwise" statement as a catch-all to assign 1 point to any Inbound activity: 
    After Inputing More Tiers for Scoring with a Different Point Set Assigned to Each Tier, CaliberMind Enters a Final OTHERWISE Statement As a Catch-All
We do not recommend scoring outbound events or including them in your engagement model. Engagement models are intended to show proactive or inbound engagement as an indicator of a person or account's readiness to buy.

How did we do?

Engagement Scoring Models Overview

How to Add or Change Engagement Score Multipliers
