Table of Contents

Attribution Overview: People Tab

Angie C. Updated by Angie C.

Analytics: People Tab in Attribution Overview

Common Use Cases & Questions Answered with the People Tab

If you're a Marketing Analyst seeking to understand the impact of Campaigns on People, use the Attribution by Opportunity Type feature:

  1. Choose "Year" as the Date Period and "All Time" as the look-back period.
  2. Set the "Organization default Model" as the Attribution Model.
  3. Select "Opportunity Create" as the Opportunity Date Category.
  4. Access the Attribution by Opportunity Type widget under the "People" tab.
  5. Examine metrics such as Person name, Company, Title, Department, Job Level, Pre-Opp Attribution, Post-Opp Attribution, Total Attribution, and Attributed Touches.
  6. Apply filters to focus on specific Campaigns, allowing you to evaluate the impact of marketing efforts on individual contributions.

If you're a Sales Manager wanting to understand your team’s impact on Opportunities, use the Attribution by Opportunity Type feature:

  1. Choose "Month" as the Date Period and "All Time" as the look-back period.
  2. Set the "Organization default Model" as the Attribution Model.
  3. Select "Opportunity Create" as the Opportunity Date Category.
  4. Navigate to the Attribution by Opportunity Type widget under the "People" tab.
  5. Analyze your team’s metrics, including Pre-Opp Attribution, Post-Opp Attribution, Total Attribution, and Attributed Touches.
  6. Use filters to focus specifically on your team’s data, allowing you to understand your influence on Opportunities.

People Tab

This Dashboard shows you aggregated Attribution data focusing on the Person object.

Important Note: All filters apply to all widgets as a rule.

The KPI metrics shown at the top display for the Opps, Events and People tabs.

CaliberMind People Tab Dashboard

  1. Total Touch Value displays the sum of all of your Pre-Opp and Post-Opp Attribution
  2. Opps displays the count of all Opportunities that have Attribution
  3. Touches displays the count of all Touches that happened over the time period selected
  4. Companies displays the count of all Companies with Attribution over the time period selected
  5. People displays the count of all People with Attribution over the time period selected

Attribution by Opportunity Type

The numbers below represent the definitions of the respective numbered rows in the image above:

  1. This widget allows the user to see the People that have generated Attributed Touches
  2. Person displays the name of the Person that has an Attributed Touch, you can also quickly link to the Person Detail Overview
  3. Company displays the name of the Company that has an Attributed Touch, you can also quickly link to the Company Detail Overview
  4. Title displays the title of the Person with the Attributed Touch
  5. Department displays the department of the Person with the Attributed Touch
  6. Job Level displays the Job Level of the Person with the Attributed Touch
  7. Pre-Opp Attribution displays the sum of Pre-Opp Attribution associated with the Person
  8. Post-Opp Attribution displays the sum of Post-Opp Attribution associated with the Person
  9. Total Attribution displays the Total Attribution associated with the Person
  10. Attributed Touches displays the count of Attributed Touches associated with the Person

How did we do?

Attribution Overview: Opps Tab

Attribution Overview: Events Tab
