Table of Contents

Attribution Overview: Comparisons Tab

Angie C. Updated by Angie C.

Analytics: Comparisons Tab in Attribution Overview

Common Use Cases & Questions Answered with the Comparisons Tab

If you're a Marketing Operations Manager looking to analyze how attribution creation has evolved over the last quarter, use the Attribution Comparisons by:

  1. Setting "Quarter" as the period and "This Period" as the Starting Period.
  2. Selecting "3" for the Number of Periods to Compare to analyze the last three quarters.
  3. Exploring the Attribution Comparison chart to understand if there's an increasing trend in Attribution creation.
  4. Analyzing trend details like Attributed Touches, Pre-Opp Attribution, Post-Opp Attribution, Total Attribution, Pipeline Touched, Companies Attributed, and People Attributed

If you're an Executive seeking a high-level overview of how attribution has evolved over the past year, use the Attribution Comparisons by: 

  1. Selecting "Year" as the period and "This Period" as the Starting Period for an annual overview.
  2. Setting the number of Periods to Compare, considering a longer duration for comprehensive trend analysis.
  3. Leveraging default filters or customize Campaigns, Channels, or Company Tiers as needed.
  4. Examining the Attribution Comparison chart and trend details to understand the overall impact of attribution creation on key metrics.

If you're a Marketing Manager evaluating the effectiveness of Post-Opp Attribution strategies, use the Attribution Comparisons by: 

  1. Selecting a period (e.g., Quarter) and Starting Period (e.g., This Period).
  2. Adjusting the Number of Periods to Compare to focus on recent trends.
  3. Utilizing filters to narrow down the analysis to specific Campaigns, Channels, or Opportunity Types.
  4. Analyzing the Attribution Comparison chart and trend details to identify the effectiveness of Post-Opp Attribution and make informed decisions for future marketing strategies.

Comparisons Tab

This dashboard shows you aggregated Attribution data and allows you to see how you’ve performed over time. You can customize this experience by making selections with the following filter drawer sections:

  • Time Period - filter by the timeframe you want to look at (ex: Week, Month, Quarter, Year)
  • Starting Period - filter data that includes this period or start with the last completed period
  • Number of Periods to Compare - display data that allows you to determine how many periods you want to look back and compare (*Current limit is 13 periods)
Important note: All filters apply to all widgets as a rule

The KPI metrics shown at the top display for the Summary, Comparison and Explore tabs.

KPI Metrics Shown at the Top Display for CaliberMind Summary, Comparison and Explore Tabs

Looking at the numbers of each tile represent the definitions shown below:

  1. Pre-Opp Attribution displays the value sum of all of your Pre-Opp Attribution, or Attribution that occurs prior to an Opportunity being created
  2. Opps Attributed displays the count of all Opportunities that have Pre-Opp Attribution
  3. Post-Opp Attribution displays the sum of all of your Post-Opp Attribution opps, or Attribution that occurs after an Opportunity has been created
  4. Opps Attributed displays the count of all Opportunities that have Post-Opp Attribution
  5. Total Attribution displays the sum of all of your Pre-Opp and Post-Opp Attribution
  6. Opps Attributed displays the count of all Opportunities that have Attribution
  7. Total Pipeline displays the total dollar amount of all of your Opportunities, regardless of whether or not they have Attribution
  8. Total Opps displays the count of all Opportunities, regardless of whether or not they have Attribution

Attribution Comparisons

This widget allows the user to see Attribution created over time. It is reactive to the timeframe and number of periods you’ve selected to view. This helps you understand and determine if you are becoming more effective at attribution creation over time.

The lines charted are running sums over the period, with each period starting at zero. This means that lines can be flat or go up over time. If a line goes down, it is because there is an opportunity for a negative amount that has been assigned attribution.

The lines charted are running sums over the period, with each period starting at zero. This means that lines can be flat or go up over time. If a line goes down, it is because there is an opportunity for a negative amount that has been assigned attribution.

CaliberMind Attribution Comparisons Widget

Take note that the legend on the chart will show the charted data based on your selections with timeframe and number of periods.

The x-axis shows you a time range based on your selections of “Time Periods,” “Starting Period” and “Number of Periods to Compare” in the filter drawer. An example of how to set this up would be to select “Month” for the “Time Period,” “This Period” for “Starting Period” and “5” for the “Number of Periods to Compare.” This would allow you to see month over month performance for the last half year including this month.

Trend Details

CaliberMind Trend Details

The numbers below represent the definitions of the respective numbered rows in the image above:

  1. Attributed Touches displays the count of touches during the selected time period that have attribution associated with those touches
  2. Pre-Opp Attribution displays the sum of Pre-Opp Attribution for the selected time period
  3. Post-Opp Attribution displays the sum of Post-Opp Attribution for the selected time period
  4. Total Attribution displays the sum of Total Attribution for the selected time period
  5. Pipeline Touched is the sum of Pipeline that has had an Attributed Touch associated with it
  6. Companies Attributed is the count of Companies that have had an Attributed Touch associated with them
  7. People Attributed is the count of People that have had an Attributed Touch associated with them

How did we do?

Attribution Overview: Summary Tab

Attribution Overview: Explore Tab
