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Funnel Company Inclusion Configuration

Funnel Company Inclusion Configuration

CaliberMind Funnel Company Configuration
The intent of this tutorial is to aid the user in understanding the purpose and meaning of the funnel company inclusion configuration and the functionality of the drop-down menus, toggle buttons, and other options within the configuration screen. All examples are easily implemented within your business's Salesforce instance. Unlock the power of CaliberMind's Funnel Application using custom company inclusion configuration tools for each funnel. Before getting started, keep in mind that the fields, events, and triggers shown in the following examples are unique to the CaliberMind SalesForce instance.
It is highly recommended if custom funnel development is required that your organization reach out to your Customer Success representative for further assistance.

Company Inclusion

Accounts that are expected to become a company's most valuable customers have characteristics such as firmographic, environmental, logistic, and behavioral characteristics. Analyses are conducted qualitatively and quantitatively, and predictive analytics may be applied to circumstances such as location, size, industry, etc. Based on these company-centric characteristics, CaliberMInd's Funnel Company Inclusion tool allows your organization to include or exclude companies. Think of this configuration tool as a Venn Diagram of sorts where you can develop an active ICP strategy within your funnel framework.

Including Regional Characteristics

The following steps can be taken to INCLUDE specific regional characteristics of companies your organization wants to reach within a custom funnel:

CaliberMind Funnel Company Inclusion Configuration
  1. Click the Company Inclusion Menu selection at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the Salesforce field 'company_i_region' from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the 'equals' operator from the dropdown list.
  4. Select the desired region from the dropdown list. In this example, we have chosen North America.
  5. Click the blue plus symbol to add another row.
  6. Notice that the 'AND' boolean operator is chosen. The reason is that we want to ONLY include a second region in our statement for this custom funnel.
  7. Select the Salesforce field 'company_i_region' from the dropdown list.
  8. Select the 'equals' operator from the dropdown list.
  9. Select the desired region from the dropdown list. In this example, we have chosen South America.
  10. Click the blue SAVE button.

Company Exclusion

Excluding Regional Characteristics

The following steps can be taken to EXCLUDE specific regional characteristics of companies your organization does not wants to reach within a custom funnel:

CaliberMind Funnel Company Exclusion Configuration
  1. Click the Company Inclusion Menu selection at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the Salesforce field 'company_i_region' from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the 'does not equals' operator from the dropdown list.
  4. Select the desired region from the dropdown list. In this example, we have chosen Central Asia.
  5. Click the blue plus symbol to add another row.
  6. Notice that the 'AND' boolean operator is chosen. The reason is that we want to ONLY exclude a second region in our statement for this custom funnel.
  7. Select the Salesforce field 'company_i_region' from the dropdown list.
  8. Select the 'does not equals' operator from the dropdown list.
  9. Select the desired region from the dropdown list. In this example, we have chosen Australia and New Zealand.
  10. Click the blue SAVE button.
CaliberMind Funnel Configuration Note

How did we do?

Funnel Trigger Events Dashboard

Event Explore for Funnels
