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CaliberMind Insights - Filters & Aggregation Type

Aggregation Type

The Aggregation Type selects how your Dashboard data is aggregated (for example, whether your attribution dashboards are displaying data using a Close Date (aka Booking Date) range or Created Date (aka Pipeline Date) range. You begin selecting Aggregation Type on the Attribution Summary Dashboard. Attribution Dashboards will display based on the type of aggregation you selected.

CaliberMind Attribution Summary Dashboard Header

In the case of Attribution Dashboards, you may either view all Dashboards by the Opportunity Open Date or the Opportunity Close Date.

You May Either View All CaliberMind Attribution Dashboards by Opportunity Open Date or Opportunity Close Date
  • The Opportunity Open Date is a useful view you can use to determine which attributable events are associated with the opportunity pipeline. In other words, this view allows you to see what generated pipeline and influenced it after the opportunity was in flight. Keep in mind your sales timeline and remember that more recently created opportunities will naturally have a lower close rate.
  • The Opportunity Closed Date is handy if you prefer to do an analysis on closed won or closed lost opportunity data to determine sourcing and influence, campaign effectiveness, and other key metrics. Keep in mind that open pipeline will be visible in its given close date period unless you use probability or stage filters to narrow your visibility.
Because we've found that opportunities set to close in the distant future are often not real opportunities, we limit Opportunity Closed Date reporting to one year in the future.

Using Existing Filters

CaliberMind dashboards are designed to make it easy to drill down from the Summary or Overview dashboards so that subsequent views share the same Filters. It's also easy to Filter dashboards on the fly.

Do you have a set of data that should always be excluded from your Dashboards? Have your Admin check out our article on Object Mapping Filters.

Where are Filters?

Once you select a Dashboard, the Filters toggle button is located on the far right-hand side of your Dashboard. To find this button you need to mouse over in the middle of the window on the far right. A partially transparent arrow will become visible. (As you rest your mouse pointer on the transparent arrow it will become bolder and easier to see.)

CaliberMind Dashboard Filter Toggle Button

Click on the arrow to collapse the filter toolbar.

Turning Filters on and off

The Filter is ON if the slider button shows green.

CaliberMind Dasboard Filter button is on (green)

The Filter is OFF if it is grayed out.

CaliberMind Dashboard Filter button is off (gray)

The toggle switch turns the filter ON or OFF. (This allows you to disable a Filter without deleting it.)

CaliberMind allows you to disable a filter without deleting it

Updating on Every Change

When this option is on, any changes you make to the dashboard filters are updated immediately, and the dashboard is refreshed to reflect the changes.

CaliberMind Update on Every Change option

Best Practice: Keep the update on every change button enabled. However, If you are working with large or complex data sets that result in longer refresh times, then switch off this option. Make all your changes, and click the Update button when you are ready to update your dashboard

NOTE: This option is available for Designers only. CaliberMind viewers will only be able to make changes that will update automatically on every change.

Modifying a Filter

  1. To edit a Filter, hover over the pencil icon on the Filter Title. Select the pencil and an Edit Filter dialog box will appear.
CaliberMind Edit Filter dialog box  with flyout
  1. Toggle the radio dial to the selection you prefer and click OK:
CaliberMind Edit Filter dialog box with radio buttons flyout menu
  • If you don't see the value you'd like to use, Date Filters allow you to change the aggregate of time:
    CaliberMind Date Filters Lets You Change the Aggregate of Time if You Don't See the Value You Want to Use

Much like Salesforce, you can also specify a custom time period by selecting Calendar:

CaliberMind Edit Filter Calendar feature
  • You may also choose to only view the top X quarters, months, or years filtered by a value (such as Opportunity Dim Amount to see your most productive quarters):
CaliberMind Edit Filter Ranking feature

Modifying a Text Filter

  1. To modify a Text Filter, hover over the Filter and select the pencil or edit icon:
Editing  a CaliberMind Text Filter
  1. Select the items you want to include or deselect the items you want to exclude, then click OK:
Selecting items to include/deselect on CaliberMind Edit Filter
  • You may also want to select the Text option to apply text-based logic (such as Containing "America" to filter for North, Central, and South Americas) for Text Filters:
Selecting CaliberMind Text option to apply text-based logic

Saving Default Filter Settings

Do you find yourself updating Filters to the same set of values often? You can save your Filters as your Default Filters so your Filters remain the same after you navigate away from your Dashboard. This will save the existing Filters, their configuration, and the order in which they appear in the Filters panel.

If you have My Default Filters that are custom on a Dashboard Template, they will be overwritten each time an update is published to the dashboard. To permanently save your filter settings, Duplicate the dashboard and save it as a new version.
  • To save your current set of filters as My Default Filters, click the three vertical ellipses at the top right-hand corner of the Filters tab on the dashboard and select Set as My Default Filters:
Saving a set of filters as CaliberMind My Default Filters
Once you set your default Filters, hitting the refresh button resets your filters to Your Default Filters, not the original settings.

Restoring (Clearing) Filters

To restore your Filters, click the Restore icon next to the Filters menu:

Restoring filters using the CaliberMind Restore functionality
If you have saved "My Default Filters," the restore button will reset the Filter values to your default rather than the initial system default.

Adding a New Filter

  1. To add a new Filter, select the plus icon on the Filter section of your Dashboard:
Adding a new CaliberMind filter
  1. Search for your Field (Note: We highly recommend reviewing our data schema //coming soon// prior to adding Filters.):

CaliberMind Search for your Field functionality
  1. Choose the values and click Save:
Choose your CaliberMind filter values and save

Common use cases include adding a Region Filter to a cloned Dashboard so your Viewers don't have to make changes when they look at their specific region, or you may want to filter your campaign attribution dashboard by Net New Opportunity Type and create duplicate dashboards for Renewals and Expansion business by using Opportunity Type Filters and setting Default Filters.

Locking Filters

This feature is only available to Designers.

If you find a Filter must be set a certain way to make a Dashboard display effectively, you may lock the Dashboard Filter by clicking on the three vertical ellipses and selecting Lock:

Locking your CaliberMind Dashboard filter

Add a Dependent Filter

This feature is only available to Designers.

A Dependent Filter can be added to an existing Filter to help people further narrow their selection automatically. You can navigate to Dependent Filter by clicking on the vertical ellipses on the Filter you would like to add a dimension to:

Adding a Dependent Filter to your CaliberMind filter

There are several possible use cases for this handy feature. For example, Dependent Filters are great for narrowing down State choices or Territories if your regional manager wants to do this quickly.

If you have a subregion in the North America region, adding a state Dependent Filter to your subregion Filter would help the West Coast regional manager select his subregion and then Filter by applicable states.

If you have a subregion in the North America region, adding a territory Dependent Filter to your subregion Filter would help the West Coast regional manager select a specific representative quickly.

Background Filters

This feature is only available to Designers.

A Background Filter helps Designers limit their Viewer's options when selecting values. You can navigate to Background Filter by clicking on the vertical ellipses on the Filter you would like to limit:

CaliberMind Background Filter

A common use case is excluding the Campaign Type "Marketing Operations" from the Attribution Dashboards by adding a Background Filter. Once the Filter is applied, users can pick and choose any campaign type except the "Marketing Operations" type.

Existing Filter Definitions

This is a list of the default Filters available in our Dashboard templates. For more filter options, check out our Data Schema (coming soon).

Account Tier: A normalized alphabetized tier based on your organization's criteria.

Account Type: Your Account CRM field by the same (or similar) name.

Attribution Eligible: This is a locked filter that only allows campaign values to be considered that are eligible for attribution.

Campaign Name: Based on the Name field in your CRM's Campaign object.

Campaign Type: Based on the field of the same (or similar) name in your CRM on the Campaign object.

Channel Name: This is the channel (think UTM Medium) that a campaign is sourced from, and is often calculated by the UTM parameters collected during our Web Tracking or form fill analysis.

Close Date: Opportunity close date. The corresponding filter will only appear as "On" if you have selected the Closed Date Aggregation Type (see above) on the Attribution Summary dashboard.

Company ID: This is the full ID string from your CRM for your Account object. We recommend either turning this Filter off and using the Account Name filter on the same dashboard or navigating to the Account Detail from a Summary or Overview dashboard by clicking on the name in a Widget.

Company Name: Your CRM's Account Name field.

Engagement Tier: The Engagement Tier will display the normalized aggregate value for account by engagement score as defined by your team. This will use the Engagement Model selected for your organization in the CaliberMind Settings.

Event ID: This is the full ID string for this activity record, which may be a Campaign Member, Event, Task, or other object. We recommend either turning this Filter off and using the Event Name filter on the same dashboard or navigating to the Event Detail from a Summary or Overview dashboard by clicking on the Event name in a widget.

Industry Type: A normalized aggregate based on your industry Field. As an example, Computers & Hardware, Software as a Service, and Information Technology may all be grouped under "Information Technology."

IsWon: This is checked if the opportunity is in a Closed Won status and a handy Filter to use if you want to do a Closed Won opportunity analysis.

Name (Person Engagement Dashboard Only): The Name Field value of your Contact/Lead object in your CRM.

Open Date: Opportunity Created Date. The corresponding filter will only appear as "On" if you have selected the Open Date Aggregation Type (see above) on the Attribution Summary Dashboard.

Opportunity Type: Based on your CRM Opportunity field by the same (or similar) name.

Owner: The current account owner (not the opportunity owner unless a designer has changed the default for your organization).

Program Name: Program categories are defined by your organization during implementation and typically (but not always) are based on the Campaign Parent.

Region: This is based on your CRM region field and is filtered by the account associated with a given opportunity.

Segment: This is a normalized aggregate value based on the number of employees at a given account or as otherwise defined by your team during your implementation.

Title (Person Engagement Dashboards Only): The normalized title of contacts.

Type (Person Engagement Dashboard Only): The Contact object Type field value from your CRM.

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