Setting Up UTM Mapping in CaliberMind

Angie C. Updated by Angie C.

Configuring Your UTM Mapping

Having UTM parameters properly setup with your campaigns and ads are one of the ways to track where your audiences are coming from and what campaigns are working best in CaliberMind.

What if you have a fixed structure or specific parameters for UTMs that don't match the global standard values (i.e. utm_source; utm_campaign_id; utm_ad_id)?

Luckily, we got you! One of our customizable features in the platform is that you can configure your UTM mapping to designate into Ad Source, Campaign ID, and the Ad ID so CaliberMind can still read and track your audience's activities from URL strings with parameters outside of the standard values.

How do I configure my UTM mapping?

You can designate “Ad Source,” “Campaign ID,” and “Ad ID” using our substitution configuration in the Website section under Settings of CaliberMind. You can set the correct logic on how the properties in the columns will be substituted so we can map the UTMs and allow you to see data from your various platform sources.

Settings is only accessible by Admin users.
  1. From the Home Page click on the Settings cog icon in the left navigation.

Click on the CaliberMind Settings Cog

  1. Use the dropdown under “Website” to select the “UTM Map” option.

Select the CaliberMind UTM Map Option
  1. You will be presented with the substitution pages for Ad Source, Campaign ID and Ad ID.
CaliberMind Presents the Substitution Pages for Ad Source, Campaign ID and Ad ID
  1. Make your selection to begin configuration for that column of either Ad Source, Campaign ID, or Ad ID.
Make Your Selection to Begin Configuration for that Column of Either Ad Source, Campaign ID or Ad ID
  1. Create a statement around the UTM variable for the column selected in the available options in the column drop downs for the correct substitutions in logic.
Create a Statement Around the UTM Variable for the Column Selected in the Available Options for the Correct Substitutions in Logic
Since marketers often put valuable information in the variable as opposed to the value of the UTM, there is an option available in the columns dropdown called “URL has a UTM variable that...," which can be used to build logic around UTM variable names. For example, your URL has a UTM variable that starts with “hs_,” so you set the value of the campaign_id column to HubSpot. 

How did we do?

Setting Your Saved Filters for In-App Reporting

UTM Parameters Formatting and Best Practices
