How to check your AnalyticsJS implementation

Nolan Garrido Updated by Nolan Garrido

Once you have AnalyticsJS installed on your website, you'll want to make sure that the script is firing as expected.

The first thing you'll want to do is open developer tools in your browser. If you don't know how to do this, check out this article from AirTable.

Checking the Page call

(Option 1) To test that the Page call was fired:

  1. Open developer tools.
  2. Click into the Network tab and go to the page that contains AnalyticsJS.
  3. Search for "calibermind" (no quotes)

You should see a POST request made to "" with a 200 status code. Here's an example of what you might see in your browser (with a HubSpot embedded form). The request will be named as "p".

Testing to see if the Page Call Was Fired
If You Can't Find this Request or the Status Code Isn't 200, There's a Problem with the Implementation

If you can't find this request, or the status code is not 200, there is likely a problem with the implementation.

Checking the Identify call

If you've installed the snippet to make the identify call, here's how to confirm that the snippet is working.

  1. Open developer tools
  2. Click on the Network tab and go to the page containing the Javascript snippet. Make sure `Preserve Log` or `Persist Log` (depending on your browser) is checked
  3. Fill out a form and click submit
  4. Search for "calibermind" (no quotes)

You should see a POST request made to "" with a 200 status code (similar to the above screenshot0. The request will be named as "i".

Checking the Identity Call

If you don't see this request, there is likely a problem with the implementation, please contact your CSM or for assistance.

How did we do?

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