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Attribution Overview: Opps Tab

Angie C. Updated by Angie C.

Analytics: Opps Tab in Attribution Overview

Common Use Cases & Questions Answered with the Opps Tab 

If you're a Sales Manager seeking to analyze the performance of different Opportunity Types, use the Attribution by Opportunity Type feature by:

  1. Choosing "Quarter" as the Date Period and "All Time" as the look-back period.
  2. Setting the "Organization default Model" as the Attribution Model.
  3. Selecting "Opportunity Create" as the Opportunity Date Category.
  4. Utilizing the Attribution by Opportunity Type widget to analyze data such as Created Date, Company, Opportunity Status, Opportunity ID, Opportunity Name, Opportunity Type, Opportunity Amount, Probability, and Stage.
  5. Using filters to focus on specific Opportunity Types or other relevant criteria for detailed insights.

If you're a Marketing Analyst aiming to understand the impact of Campaigns on Opportunities, use the Attribution by Opportunity Type feature: 

  1. Choose "Month" as the Date Period and "All Time" as the look-back period.
  2. Set the "Organization default Model" as the Attribution Model.
  3. Select "Opportunity Create" as the Opportunity Date Category.
  4. Configure the Attribution by Opportunity Type widget with relevant filters and focus on key metrics.
  5. Analyze data such as Created Date, Company, Opportunity Status, Opportunity ID, Opportunity Name, Opportunity Type, Opportunity Amount, Probability, and Stage to understand the impact of Campaigns on Opportunities.

Opps Tab

This Dashboard shows you aggregated Attribution data focusing on Opportunities.

Important Note: All filters apply to all widgets as a rule.

The KPI metrics shown at the top display for the Opps, Events and People tabs.

CaliberMind Opps Tab KPI Metrics

  1. Total Touch Value displays the sum of all of your Pre-Opp and Post-Opp Attribution
  2. Opps displays the count of all Opportunities that have Attribution
  3. Touches displays the count of all Touches that happened over the time period selected
  4. Companies displays the count of all Companies with Attribution over the time period selected
  5. People displays the count of all People with Attribution over the time period selected

Opportunities with Attribution

The numbers below represent the definitions of the respective numbered rows in the image above for looking at your Opportunities with attribution:

  1. This widget allows the user to see Attribution relating to Opportunities
  2. Created Date displays the date that the Opportunity was created
  3. Company displays the Company that the Opportunity is associated with and allows you to quickly link to that Company’s Detail Overview
  4. Opp Status displays the current status of the Opportunity (won, lost, open)
  5. Opp ID displays the Opportunity ID of the inline Opportunity
  6. Opp Name displays the name of the Opportunity from the CRM of record and allows you to quickly link to that Opportunity’s Detail Overview
  7. Opp Type displays the type of the Opportunity (New Business, Renewal, Upsell etc.)
  8. Opp Amount displays the current value of the Opportunity from the CRM
  9. Opp Probability displays the current probability that the Opportunity will close successfully
  10. Opp Stage displays the current stage of the Opportunity from the CRM

How did we do?

Attribution Overview: Explore Tab

Attribution Overview: People Tab
