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Sales Funnel Metrics

Marketing Sales Funnel Metrics

Common sales funnel metrics you may use to analyze and score leads during the sales cycle. Your sales funnel numbers can help you identify performance gaps in your marketing and sales activities that may hinder lead conversion rates.   When sales activities are optimized, ROI can be achieved by improving the performance and velocity of the sales funnel. As a result, you shouldn't ignore these metrics. Taking data-driven actions will enable you to achieve consistent and continued success.  

CaliberMind's Metrics

Conversion Rates and Average Days in Stage (by Year)
The Funnels Homepage offers to-date totals for Conversion Rates and Average Days in Stage by year.
Cohort Date by Stage Journey
The Cohort Analysis Dashboard reports show totals of 'Cohort by Date' and 'Stage of Journey' along with other filters to refine your analysis. Cohorts are time bonded. A cohort is defined as a group of people who entered the funnel based on a date in time. The dashboard can be filtered by a date range.
Stage Metrics (Volume, velocity, conversion rate)
The Cohort Analysis Dashboard's Stage metrics table includes volume, velocity, and conversion rate. A volume funnel metric measures how many leads pass through each stage. A velocity funnel metric measures how long leads spend in each stage of the funnel. A conversion rate measures how many leads make it from one stage to the next.
Stage Starts by Date (with date aggregations)
The Trend Analysis Dashboard reports show the total of Stage Starts by aggregated dates for this and last year. The dashboard can be filtered by each funnel stage.
Conversion Rates (with date aggregations)
The Trend Analysis Dashboard reports show the percentage of Conversion Rates by aggregated dates for this and last year. The dashboard can be filtered by each funnel stage.
Journey Win Rates (with date aggregations)
The Trend Analysis Dashboard report shows the percentage of Journey Win Rates by aggregated dates for this and last year. The dashboard can be filtered by each funnel stage.
Exit Rates (with date aggregations)
The Trend Analysis Dashboard reports show the percentage Exit Rates by aggregated dates for this and last year. The dashboard can be filtered by each funnel stage.
Avg. Days to Advance
The Trend Analysis Dashboard reports show the Average Days to Advance by aggregated dates for this and last year. The dashboard can be filtered by each funnel stage.

How did we do?

How can I see the number of journeys in or passing through a funnel stage during a period of time?

What touches are influencing each step in the funnel?
