Table of Contents

Account-Based Marketing Reports

Account-Based Marketing Reports

ABM Reports in CaliberMind allow you to focus on a key list of target accounts (by region, sector, customer lists, or sales territory for example). See engagement and account disposition on a macro, or account level.

Activity Overview

A detailed report of all activity, attribution, and persona data collected on a key account or customer.

  • Source: cm_person_company, cm_event, cm_attribution
  • Filters: Company, Person, Aggregation, company_id, DateRange
  • Example of a custom URL looking up an account:
CaliberMind Activity Overview Screen

Account Engagement

Analyzes any Account List in CaliberMind and benchmarks engagement and account scores vs other accounts on the list.

Source: cm_person_company, [custom_account_list], cm_engagement

  • Filters: List(Account), DateRange

Analyzes a selected Account List in CaliberMind and presents a timeline trend of the levels of engagement for those accounts.

Source: cm_person_company, [custom_account_list], cm_engagement

  • Filters: ScoringModel, List(Account), TimePeriods, DateRange
CaliberMind Engagement Trends screen

Buyer Impact

Shows how much revenue different personas in deals influence revenue.

  • Source: cm_person_company
  • Filters: Job_Level, Department, DateRange

Profile Coverage

Analyzes any Account List for persona coverage (customizable level and departments based on title).

  • Source: cm_person_company, [custom_account_list], cm_event
  • Filters: List(Account),DateRange

How did we do?

Company Engagement AI Summary

Linking to CaliberMind Reports in Salesforce
