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Insights Web Tracker Health Dashboard

Insights Data Connector Health Dashboard

What is web tracker health?

CaliberMind Web Tracker Health

With CaliberMind's Web Tracking Health Dashboard, you can see how many users interact with specific elements of your site or app. Clicking buttons, entering text, or submitting forms falls under this category. Monitoring these events over time can provide you with valuable insights into your users' behavior to help you improve your site. 

When using the open-source Analytics.js spec, the Web Tracker Health dashboard allows you to track events. Your event stream is processed by CaliberMind via your integrations and is represented by the information produced. The Web Tracker Health dashboard provides visibility into the performance of your data flow, including the collection and reporting of data from events. It also allows for the monitoring of data flow for errors, latency, and other key performance indicators. This data is then used by CaliberMind to generate insights about the customer journey and other analytics. For example, the Web Tracker Health dashboard may display the number of page views received from each integration, the average latency of the data flow, and the number of events dropped due to errors.

CaliberMind's Data Web Tracker Health Dashboard - Purpose

When using the open-source Analytics.js spec, the Web Tracker Health dashboard allows you to track events. Your event stream is processed by CaliberMind via your integrations and is represented by the information produced. The Web Tracker Health dashboard provides visibility into the performance of your data flow, including the collection and reporting of data from events. It also allows for the monitoring of data flow for errors, latency, and other key performance indicators. This data is then used by CaliberMind to generate insights about the customer journey and other analytics.

CaliberMind's Data Connector Health Dashboard - Assumptions

We offer this feature to customers who use our analytic.JS pixel and track the AnalyticsJS page events.

Data Connector Health Dashboard - Description

How to access the feature

Go to your company's production site - NOT the site shown in the example

Access CaliberMind Web Tracker
CaliberMind Web Tracker
CaliberMind Web Tracker
Dashboard Tiles

Color Code: Blue= Normal Orange= Anomaly

Days Since Last Identity

CaliberMind Days Since Last Identify Tile

Average Daily Identify (Last 3 Months)

CaliberMind Average Daily Identify Tile

Days Since Last Page

CaliberMind Days Since Last Page Tile

Average Daily Page (Last 3 Months)

CaliberMind Average Daily Page Tile

Aggregation Dates

CaliberMind Aggregation Dates Tile

% Breakdown - Identify Event Count (Last 3 Months)

CaliberMInd Percent Breakdown - Identify Event Count Tile

Identify Events Over Time

CaliberMind Events Over Time Tile

% Breakdown - Page Event Count (Last 3 Months)

CaliberMind Percent Breakdown - Page Event Cournt Time Tile

Page Calls Over Time

CaliberMind Page Calls Over Time Tile

Insights Web Tracker Health Dashboard - Use Case Scenario and Analysis

Role: Marketing Tacticians, BI, Data Analysts, Data Engineers, and Operations

Volume and Data Flow Problems

Two most common volume or data flow questions that are answered using the Web Tracker Health Dashboard are:

  1. Is my AnalyticsJS data flowing into CaliberMind?
  2. Is the daily volume of AnalyticsJS data flowing into CaliberMind within normal bounds or is something weird going on?

Analysis: The use cases listed above speak to general debugging around AnalyticsJS your IT team might go through when building out your web site vs monitoring the arrival of data into our system.  Our system is primarily concerned making sure that the expected amount of AnalyticsJS data is flowing through since that can often be the most fragile part of a implementation. A prime example would be accidentally disabling the needed Javascript calls when making updates to their site. AJS data is often used for automatic lead creation and campaign attribution via UTM parameters so if this gets shut off they will see a drop in relevant leads, ROI, etc. from the rest of their stack.

Tracking Tag Issues

Two most common anomalies that may seen using the Web Tracker Health Dashboard are:

  1. A change pushed to the your website causing the tracking tags to fall off and stop firing
  2. A change pushed to a your website causing the tracking tags to fire twice causing double counting

Analysis: You should manage changes to your tags to make sure they don't negatively impact page performance. Before deployment, you should test your tags for performance and other issues. Changes to your tags can cause a number of issues, including slow loading times and conflicts with other tags on the page. Testing the tags before deployment allows you to identify and address any potential issues before they become a problem.

When testing a tag, consider the following:

  • Does the tag work correctly?
  • Does the tag affect the layout in any way?
  • What resources does the tag load? What is the size of these resources?
  • Is a long-running script triggered by the tag?

It is critical to answer these questions to understand the impact of tags on a website. This is because errors and long load times can hurt the user experience and reputation of the website. Managing tags, events, and eliminating anomalies will help your company optimize your website performance and ensure a positive user experience for your customers.

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