Customizing Report Visibility (Show/Hide)

CaliberMind is a robust tool that could offer an immense amount of information to your organization. The show/hide feature is a useful tool to help cutomize what reports non-admin users see when they log into Calibermind and can focus their attention on reports that apply to them.

Admin users can hide reports from non-admin users by the following:

  • Navigate to the reports by clicking on the analytics tab on the left and then the reports
  • Once in the report you wish to hide - click on the three dots on the top right corner
  • Select "Hide" in the drop-down menu
  • Confirm the change in the pop-up

This same sequence of actions can also be done to show a report to all users - simply follow the same steps and select "Show". This could be done when a hidden report is ready to be "unveiled" to the entire team.

Here is what an admin will see in the report section before and after hiding a report:

(Note the "Hidden" tag on the right side)

Please note that several reports could be affected by the change as iterations of a specific report template could be found both within report dashboards or standalone reports.

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