Table of Contents

Campaign ROI Overview

The Campaign Performance Tab of the ROI Dashboard in CaliberMind helps you to understand campaign historical ROI of marketing campaigns, insights into performance over time, and a near-time lens on the impact of recent strategies or tactics. This allows you to understand the direct impact of budget on pipeline performance and prioritize spend for future campaigns. The data shown in this Tab is based on the Campaign Cost data that receive from advertising platforms CRM campaigns. It provides a Bottom-Up View of ROI.

Metrics to Know

The data displayed in the Campaign Performance tab combines the spend data CaliberMind collects from your connected advertising channels with pipeline and revenue data directly from your crm to provide a Bottom-Up View of ROI.

*Important Note: All filters apply to all widgets with the ROI dashboard. 

The KPI metrics displayed at the top of the dashboard are present on both the Channel and Campaign Tabs and will provide different values depending on the tab selected. The Cost Data in the Channel tab comes from the budget entries that you specify, whereas the cost data in the campaign tab comes directly from the connected advertising platform for each campaign. 

Because the costs for channels and individual campaigns vary, the ROI numbers will be different from tab to tab. Campaigns do not always have a 1:1 relationship with Channels, so it’s possible for the attribution and bookings numbers to also be different. 

  1. Attributed Bookings: This metric displays the sum of all revenue from touches tied to Closed Won Opportunities over the selected time period.
Note: The look-ahead period only applies to the time between the touch date and the opportunity create date. If an attributed touch falls within the look-ahead period but the closed won date falls outside the period date, the attributed amount will still be included in this calculation
  1. Total Attribution: This metric displays the sum of all Pipeline Attribution generated over the selected time period.
  2. Total Cost: In the Channel Tab, Total Cost displays the total amount of Cost entered for each Channel over the selected time period. In the Campaign Tab, total cost displays the sum of dollars spent as reported by the connected advertising platform(s).
  3. Pipeline ROI: This metric is a multiplier that tells you how much attributed pipeline you earn back for every dollar spent. The math is Total Attributed Pipeline divided by the Total Cost. 
    For example: If you spent $1,000 on campaigns two quarters ago and the campaigns generated 500 touches that were assigned $5,000 in attribution within your look-ahead window, you would have a Pipeline ROI of 5x for that time period.
  4. Change vs. Previous Period: This metric displays the absolute change in the pipeline roi metric comparing the current period to the previous period. 
    For example if you select a date range of the prior quarter, and pipeline roi was 15 in the prior quarter, but was 20 two quarters ago the absolute change would be -5x.
  5. Bookings ROI: This metric is a multiplier that tells you how many dollars in attributed bookings (attributed dollars from opps that are closed won) you earn back for every dollar you spend. This is calculated by dividing the Total Attributed Bookings by the Total Cost. In this metric, it does not matter WHEN an opp becomes Closed Won -  only that it becomes closed won AND the touch date falls within the look ahead period, which is based on opportunity creation.
    For example: If you spent $1,000 on campaigns two quarters ago the campaigns generated 500 touches that were assigned $5,000 in attribution within your look-ahead window and of that $5,000, $3,000 were attributed to opportunities that are Closed Won, then you would have a Pipeline ROI of 3x for that time period. 
  6. Change vs. Previous Period: displays the absolute change in the bookings roi metric comparing the current period to the previous period. For example if you select a date range of the prior quarter, and booking roi was 3x in the prior quarter, but was 5x two quarters ago the absolute change would be -2x.

Campaign ROI Reports can be grouped by the following filters: Campaign, Campaign Status, Campaign Type, Program, Platform

Understanding the ROI Heatmap

The ROI Heat Map widget allows users to see Return on Investment based on a dynamic metric by Platform. By default we show a platform breakdown of Attributed Booking ROI, or how many dollars in attributed bookings you earn back for every dollar spent.

  1. This widget displays performance based on Campaign Cost Data and allows you to toggle metrics for Pipeline ROI, Bookings ROI, Total Bookings Attributed, Total Pipeline Attributed, Cost. 
  2. The Y-axis shows your configured Channels.
  3. The X-axis shows time.

A common challenge when comparing ROI values over time is the need to have a fixed time horizon. In ROI calculations, cost is realized immediately (e.g. you spent money in Jan) but value is realized over time as things mature (e.g. you spent the money in Jan and it generated bookings in March). 

In order to truly compare campaigns across time, we allow you to set a Look-ahead Period. If you set a Look-ahead Period value of 30, then you’re essentially comparing two campaigns based on the amount of revenue they each generate within 30 days of their touch. 

The Platform Heatmap applies the same Look-ahead Period to all campaigns (giving you an apples-to-apples comparison). It’s critical to note that look-ahead periods might include dates in the future for campaigns that are still running or still collecting attribution data. 

Once the Look-ahead Period for a specific campaign has elapsed (meaning all attribution data for a specific campaign has been collected for the entire look-ahead period), ROI data for that campaign’s touch is considered “locked” (or no longer subject to change) within the heatmap. 

If the time in the Look-ahead Period for a specific campaign has NOT elapsed (CaliberMind is still collecting attribution data because there is still more time needed to collect full attribution) then the data is considered “unlocked.” 

The data for the period which is considered locked will display with a brighter color set, the unlocked period will be a more muted version of those colors. 

Setting a shorter Look-ahead Period shortens the feedback loop for analyzing campaigns and gives us more “locked” pieces of data that can be reliably compared. However, analysis with this shorter Look-ahead Period comes at the cost of reducing the amount attribution, and ultimately bookings, that will be counted towards a campaign. 

A longer Look-ahead Period will display more accurate information (think of it as more game-tape to judge performance), but lengthens the feedback loop for comparing campaigns over time. 

Note: The Look-ahead Period used in this context compares the time elapsed between the touch related to the campaign or channel and the opportunity created. The Opportunity Closed Won date is not a factor in this report. 

The Detail Table Widget

  1. The title of this widget is dynamic based on your “Group by” selection (Campaign, Campaign Status, Campaign Type, Program, or Platform), in this case “Platform” was selected.
  2. Total Bookings: This metric displays the sum of all revenue from Closed Won Opportunities over the selected time period.
  3. Total Attribution: This metric displays the sum of all Pipeline Attribution generated over the selected time period.
  4. Total Cost: In the Channel Tab, Total Cost displays the total amount of Cost entered for each Channel over the selected time period. In the Campaign Tab, total cost displays the sum of dollars spent as reported by the connected advertising platform(s).
  5. Pipeline ROI: This metric is a multiplier that tells you how much attributed pipeline you earn back for every dollar spent. The math is Total Attributed Pipeline divided by the Total Cost. 
    For example: If you spent $1,000 on campaigns two quarters ago and the campaigns generated 500 touches that were assigned $5,000 in attribution within your look-ahead window, you would have a Pipeline ROI of 5x for that time period.
  6. Bookings ROI: This metric is a multiplier that tells you how many dollars in attributed bookings (attributed dollars from opps that are closed won) you earn back for every dollar you spend. This is calculated by dividing the Total Attributed Bookings by the Total Cost.
    For example: If you spent $1,000 on campaigns two quarters ago the campaigns generated 500 touches that were assigned $5,000 in attribution within your look-ahead window and of that $5,000, $3,000 were attributed to opportunities that are Closed Won, then you would have a Pipeline ROI of 3x for that time period. 
NOTE: In this metric, it does not matter WHEN an opp becomes Closed Won -  only that it becomes closed won AND the touch date falls within the look ahead period, which is based on opportunity creation.

The Time Cohort Table Widget


  1. Time Cohort: This table allows you to see ROI performance over a period of time at an aggregated level.
  2. Date: Will display the time period formatted as YYYY-MM.
  3. Total Bookings: This metric displays the sum of all revenue from Closed Won Opportunities for the given month.
  4. Total Attribution: This metric displays the sum of all Pipeline Attribution generated over the selected time period.
  5. Total Cost: In the Channel Tab, Total Cost displays the total amount of Cost entered for each Channel over the selected time period. In the Campaign Tab, total cost displays the sum of dollars spent as reported by the connected advertising platform(s).
  6. Pipeline ROI: This metric displays the multiplier of Pipeline dollars generated for each channel based on dollars spent for a given month.
  7. Bookings ROI: This metric displays the multiplier of Closed Won Opportunities dollars generated for each channel based on dollars spent for a given month.

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