Pushing CaliberMind ABM Scoring Fields to Salesforce.com

Nic Zangre Updated by Nic Zangre

Pushing CaliberMind ABM Scoring Fields to Salesforce.com

One of the best features in a Customer Data Platform, such as CaliberMind, is the ability to READ and WRITE to core systems. For example, a Sales Manager may want to make sure her reps spend most of their time in Salesforce.com (to avoid task switching between tools).

In such a situation it doesn't make sense for the sales person to log into CaliberMind directly. That said, there are absolutely some strong insights in our data that can greatly assist the seller. The solution is to push data fields from CaliberMind -to-Salesforce using a flow. The result looks like this:

Pushing data fields from CaliberMind to Salesforce

CRM Readiness / SalesOps Preparation

At this point, you'll want to involve your CRM Administrator. Discuss and create any relevant Account Fields in Salesforce from the below list, also note fields can be renamed or different than these-- but here are some ideas:

Step 1 - Create Placeholder Fields
CRM Field


CM Buyer Journey

Formula / Hyperlink

Opens hyperlink in new tab to the CaliberMind Platform to the selected account.

HYPERLINK("https://my.calibermind.com/analytics/dashboard/account-search/report/activity-overview?company_id=" & CASESAFEID(Id) ,"View in CaliberMind")
Engagement Sparkline

Formula / Text

Displays an inline chart of the last 6 weeks engagement on the account layout.

IMAGE('https://quickchart.io/chart?bkg=white&c={ type: "sparkline" , data: { datasets: [{ data: [' + Weekly_Touches__c + '] }] }}', 'Weekly Engagement', 20, 100)
CM Engagement Score

Numeric (16,0)

The live account engagement score based on your organization's primary scoring model. For example, if you want to aggregate scores for the last 90 days your list criteria could select a default model for this timeframe: Inbound (standard90).

Weekly Touches

Text (60)

A comma separated list of numerical touches on an account over 6 weeks. (This field is required to be named Weekly_Touches__c for the above spark-line to work)

CM Engagement Index

Number (3,1)

The CM Engagement score indexed against all other accounts in the database. For example, an index of 80.1 would indicate the given account is scoring higher than 80% of other accounts.

MQA Date


The programmatic date for when the account is "Marketing Qualified". This is typically based on your machine learning model OR set via an external source mapped into CaliberMind.

Last Touch Date


Last inbound event observed

Last Scored Touch


Last name of an event scored by CaliberMind on the account.

Last Scored Touch Time


Last timestamp of an event scored by CaliberMind on the account.

CM WoW Engagement

Numeric (10)

CaliberMind Engagement score change week-over-week.

CM MoM Engagement

Numeric (16)

CaliberMind Engagement score change month-over-month.

Touches last 30 days


# Touches to Leads and Contacts matching to this account scored in last 30 days.

People engaged last 30 days


# Contacts Leads and Contacts matching to this account scored in last 30 days.

Last Intent Surge (offsite)**


Last date the account expressed interest in topics relevant to your product.

**Bombora data not included with CaliberMind license. We do, however support ingestion of account surge data and raw topical info.

Last Intent Topic (offsite)**


Last topic in which the account expressed interest, relevant to your product.

**Bombora data not included with CaliberMind license. We do, however support ingestion of account surge data and raw topical info.

Step 2 - Work with your CSM to enable the workflow to populate the fields created

  • We will create a "preview list" of the data available for review and download in CaliberMind.
  • Once your team approved the list logic looks correct we will test sending data to Salesforce.
  • If any errors occur, we will coordinate with your Salesforce Administrator to resolve it.

CRM Go-Live

Once data is validated and CM flow to salesforce is healthy, You can then add these fields to your account layout in Salesforce.

That's it! You're now ready to have insights consumed from Salesforce for Account-Based Sales (ABS)-- and for use in your marketing automation for Account-Based Marketing (ABM)!

Custom Flows and Advanced List Editing

If you're an advanced user of CaliberMind, you can try the DIY version of enabling this workflow.
  1. Create a LIST in CaliberMind for example: "FLOWS - Update ABM Fields"
  2. Cut and paste the below SQL found in THIS LINK into the list and save.
  3. Create a new flow:
    1. Select Update / Create records in Salesforce
    2. Select the list you created in step 2
    3. Select the "ACCOUNT" object
    4. Map the Company ID field to the Account.ID field
    5. Map other fields
    6. Set to daily and then run now!
  4. Check the log file after the workflow has been competed to see if the there were any errors from Salesforce.

How did we do?

Lead-to-Account Matching (L2A)
