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Funnel Stage Definitions

Funnel Stage Definitions

The following definitions are meant to capture 80% of net new business Starter use cases in the B2B space and can accommodate most businesses with very minor modifications.

If you want additional stages or your business does things a little differently, please work with sales and your customer success team.
Stage 1: Awareness
An inbound event has taken place on a lead or contact associated with an account. This could be an email response to a salesperson, a website page visit, or any non-CRM-bound campaign activity (AKA “source system is not Salesforce.”)

Activity: Intent signal, page visit ...

Exit Criteria: The person associated with the event (if known) is moved to a Status containing “Nurture” or “Disqualified.”

Time Out: If there isn’t another inbound response within 180 days, the account will move back into the “Prospect” pool and re-enter Awareness once they engage again. The number of days can easily be modified in the stage configuration screen.
Stage 2: Automatically Qualified Account - AQA
An inbound event from your CRM campaign object has occurred.

Activity: Form fill, chat, attendee ...

Note: This rule does not look outside of campaign member activity by default, so if you want meetings or certain successful phone calls recorded in your CRM to automatically qualify an account, you’ll need to work with your Customer Success team to modify this rule.

Time Out: If there isn’t another inbound response within 180 days, the account will move back into the “Prospect” pool and re-enter Awareness once they engage again. The number of days can easily be modified in the stage configuration screen.

Stage 3: Sales Qualified Account - SQA
An opportunity exists against the account with a probability of less than 10%.

Activity: Meeting set by Inside Sales

Note: This rule can easily be modified to fit your organization’s opportunity stage structure by changing the probability to map to your standard setup. For example, if the first stage that meets your pipeline threshold is 15%, you can update the probability to less than 15% by editing the rule in the configuration screen. Also, if you don’t have an inside sales team and your account executives create an opportunity that automatically registers at greater than 15%, you can simply delete this rule.

Exit Criteria: Is Closed is true and Probability is 0%.

Time Out: N/A
Stage 4: Opportunity
An opportunity exists against the account with a probability of greater than 10%.

Activity: Opportunity qualified by Account Executive.

Note: This rule can easily be modified to fit your organization’s opportunity stage structure by changing the probability to map to your standard setup. For example, if the first stage that meets your pipeline threshold is 15%, you can update the probability to 15% or greater by editing the rule in the configuration screen.

Exit Criteria: Is Closed is true and Probability is 0%.

Time Out: N/A
Stage 5: Customer
An opportunity exists against the account with a probability of 100% or a Stage of Closed Won. Meeting this stage is considered a “Success” and ends the journey. Once the journey is completed, an account cannot re-qualify unless you update the configuration to allow churned accounts.

Exit Criteria: N/A

Time Out: N/A

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Funnel Terms and Concepts
