Table of Contents

Person Detail - Search Results

Why search for a Person in CaliberMind?

Searching for a record in CaliberMind can reveal a ton of details about that record, which makes the detail pages ideal for:

  • Demonstrating the full breadth of brand interactions CaliberMind captures
  • Troubleshooting reports

What can I see when I search for a person in CaliberMind?

When people search for a lead or contact in CaliberMind, they will be presented with highly detailed lists and summary information related to the products they have purchased in CaliberMind. For example, if (and only if) a customer has purchased funnels, they will see funnel journey details for the given account.

The following is a description of each possible section and how someone may benefit by using it.

Person Header

The Person Header is consistent across tabs on the person search result once you open the person's record.

person search header details
Personal information has been redacted to protect the privacy of the contact.

Person Information

  1. Company Logo - displays the company logo for the Person selected. Person Name - displays the Person’s Name. Website Domain - this is a clickable link to the associated Company’s website
  2. Link to CRM - Takes the user to the Person’s profile in their CRM
  3. Person ID - The ID of the person from the source system.
  4. Email - The email address associated with the selected person (if known).
  5. Job Title - The raw text title of the selected person.
  6. Department - The normalized department extracted from the title of the selected person.
  7. Created - The date the selected person record was created in the source system.
  8. Last Updated - The CRM stamped date of the last update to the selected person record.
  9. Type - A calculated field that indicates whether the record is a Contact or Lead in the source system.
  10. Status - The current status of the lead record in the source system

Person Tab Options

The tabs beneath an account record's headers allow you to see summary information specific to that person.

people tab options

Here are a few reasons you may want to use each tab:

Attribution: "I want to see which touchpoints associated with this person are assigned attribution dollars."

Engagement: "I want to see which activity is scored and how it is weighted using my selected engagement model for this person."

Funnels: "I want to see exactly which activity happened by stage and how many touches this person engaged in."

Events: "I want to see a complete history of every interaction we've captured between this person and our brand. I even want to see the touchpoints we don't score in our engagement model."

Person Attribution Tab Results

Person Attribution Tab High-Level Metrics
The attribution results are for your organization's default attribution model unless you have updated the model in your filters for this result.
attribution metrics for person search
  1. Attribution Assigned - The portion of attribution dollars assigned to this person’s record.
  2. Attributed Touches - The count of touches on this person’s record that have associated attribution dollars.
  3. Campaign Types - A table showing the campaign types associated with touches that have attribution dollars assigned.
    1. Campaign Type - The campaign type associated with the event detail. Typically, this is the Type field on the campaign object in your CRM or a designated Type if the activity comes from other source systems.
    2. Attributed Touches - A count of touches with attribution that have this Campaign Type.
    3. Attributed Opps - A distinct count of opportunities associated with the touches that are assigned attribution.
    4. Attribution - The dollars associated with this person's touch points.
    5. Pre-Opp - The dollars associated with the person's attributed touch points that took place before the related opportunity was opened.
    6. Post-Opp - The dollars associated with the person's attributed touch points that took place after the related opportunity was opened.
    Event Detail with Attribution
    attribution event detail on person search

  1. Event Date - The date the activity that's associated with the person and attribution dollars.
  2. Event Name - The name of the activity that's associated with the person and attribution dollars.
  3. Pre-Opp - The dollars associated with the person's attributed touch points that took place before the related opportunity was opened.
  4. Post-Opp - The dollars associated with the person's attributed touch points that took place after the related opportunity was opened.
  5. Event Type - The type of event classified by the source system or logic created in CaliberMind if the data is not in the source system. In the case of CRM campaign activity, this value may match the campaign type.
  6. Campaign Type - The type associated with either the campaign in your CRM or derived from logic if the campaign exists. If a campaign is not associated with the activity, this value will be null.
  7. Channel - The UTM Medium associated with the the first web activity associated with this person on the day of the listed activity.

Person Search Engagement Tab Results

The attribution results are for your organization's default attribution model unless you have updated the model in your filters for this result.
High-Level Engagement Metrics
person event tab search results
  1. Weighted Score - The sum of points assigned to all events associated with this Person after multipliers and decay are applied for your default (or selected) model.
  2. WoW Change - The change in the Person’s raw score from this week to last week.
  3. Avg Person Score Index - The index or where the person ranks of the person's current raw score compared to all people in your database.
  4. Touches Scored - The count of activities that qualify for an engagement score.
Engagement Over Time
Engagement over time for the person search result

Engagement Over Time - This chart shows the raw engagement score for the selected Person by month.

Engagement Types
person search event type chart

  1. Event Type - The type of activity. This may either be the type associated with a campaign (if the activity has a campaign) or a derived type if the activity is from a different source system.
  2. Touches Scored - The count of activities that qualify for an engagement score for this Event Type.
  3. Raw Score - The sum of points assigned to all events associated with this Person before multipliers and decay are applied.
  4. Weighted Score - The sum of points assigned to all events associated with this Person after multipliers and decay are applied for your default (or selected) model.
Event Timeline with Engagement Amount
event detail timeline on person result

  1. Event Date - The date of the logged activity.
  2. Event Name - The name of the event.
  3. Inbound Event - A True/False indicator that is True when the event is a proactive interaction by the person associated with the event.
  4. Raw Score - The points assigned to the event before multipliers and decay are applied.
  5. Weighted Score - The points assigned to the event after multipliers and decay are applied.
  6. Event Type - The type of the event. This may be the campaign type if the activity is associated with a campaign or it may be some other type derived by the source system.
  7. Campaign Type - The type associated with the campaign linked to the activity. If the activity is not linked to a campaign, this field will be null.
  8. Channel - The standardized/logic-based channel derived from the UTM medium linked to the person on the day of the event.

Person Search Result Funnel Tab

Touches in Stage by Journey Over Time

This chart allows the user to see all the journeys associated with the selected person. It shows when the person had inbound events in each stage and tallies a count of events that occurred in that stage before stage advancement or journey termination.

Touches in Stage by Campaign Type

This chart shows you the number of touches in each stage and their Campaign Type.

Touches in Stage by Event Type

This chart shows you the number of touches in each stage along with their Event Type.

Event Timeline

This table shows all of the events associated with Funnel Journeys.

  1. Event Date - The date of the activity.
  2. Funnel Stage - The funnel stage the journey was in when the event occurred.
  3. Trigger - A true/false statement on whether this was the event that caused the funnel stage to change.
  4. Event Name - The name of the event.
  5. Event Type - The type of the event. This may be the campaign type if the activity is associated with a campaign or it may be some other type derived by the source system.
  6. Campaign Type - The type associated with the campaign linked to the activity. If the activity is not linked to a campaign, this field will be null.
  7. Channel - The standardized/logic-based channel derived from the UTM medium linked to the person on the day of the event.
Person Search Results Event Detail Tab

This tab allows you to see all events associated with this person and filter the returned results to find particular events you may have questions about.

person search event detail results
  1. ID - The ID string of the record as it is listed in the source system for the activity.
  2. Event Date - The date the brand interaction or "touch" or "event" took place.
  3. Event Name - The name of the event. This may be a campaign name, task name, or some combination of system labels.
  4. Campaign ID - The campaign ID from the source system associated with the activity record. If the activity is not linked to a campaign, this field will be blank.
  5. Campaign Name - The campaign name from the source system associated with the activity record. If the activity is not linked to a campaign, this field will be blank.
  6. Campaign Type - The campaign type from the source system associated with the activity record. If the activity is not linked to a campaign, this field will be blank.
  7. Company - The company name of the company linked to the person on the activity.
  8. Company ID - The company ID of the company linked to the person on the activity.
  9. Company Domain - The URL domain of the company linked to the person on the activity.
  10. Event System - The source system that logged the interaction.
  11. Event Class - Indicates whether the interaction was proactive outreach from the company's contact (email response, meeting attended, page visited, etc.) or an attempt by your company to reach the related contact through outbound prospecting.
  12. Event Type - This is a descriptive category for the touchpoint. In some cases, this may be the Campaign Type; in others, it's a descriptive phrase.
  13. Event Detail - An exhaustive text collection of values that describe what the event is and what was logged with the event.

How did we do?

Campaign Detail - Search Results

Opportunity Detail - Search Results
