Table of Contents

Custom Programs for Campaigns

Create a Custom Program for Campaigns

Marketers use marketing campaigns to advertise services and products for a specific period of time. The start and end dates of a marketing campaign are fixed.

An ongoing series of marketing activities is referred to as a marketing program.

Customers regularly have a need to create Custom Programs to better organize a group of Campaigns. In order to allow for this we’ve created Custom Programs. These Programs can be assigned to Custom Campaigns via the Program Logic page.

Create a Custom Program Instructions

  1. Navigate to the Admin area by clicking the cog in the top right corner.
CaliberMind Settings Cog
  1. A) Click the Campaign menu on the left navigation bar. The Campaign menu will appear. B) Select Campaign Program from the menu.
CaliberMind Campaign Program
  1. To create a custom program A) Click on the blue plus symbol. The B) Create Custom Program dialog window will open. You are now able to update the dialog box with the required information.
  2. Input all required fields.
    1. Program Name - name
    2. Program Status - status
    3. Campaign Type - type
    4. Start Date - cm_start_date
    5. End Date - cm_end_date
    CaliberMind Custom Program
  3. Click on an existing Custom Programs name to view the modify screen where you can update any of the previously entered information.
CaliberMind Custom Program

  1. From the listing page, you can filter and search based on any of the information in the listing
CaliberMind Filter Custom Program

For information regarding Program Logic, click here.

How did we do?

Campaigns - Start Here!

Campaign-Program Membership
