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What Is a CaliberMind Event or Event Table?

What Is a CaliberMind "Event"?

The CaliberMind Event table is probably the most central element in all of CaliberMind's data models. To oversimplify, the CaliberMind Event table is a timeline of interactions with your brand from all your connected systems. These touchpoints can span interactions between prospects and customers with different departments within your organization, website visits, email opens and clicks, digital advertising clicks, and offline campaign activities (like tradeshows and other in-person events), to name a few.

Events are also interchangeably referred to as "touchpoints" or "touches." They represent an interaction with your brand.
where do calibermind events come from

CaliberMind events aren't just marketing campaign activities -- although they can be if that's all your business needs. During implementation, we work with your team to create a comprehensive list of the interactions your organization considers important to the sales process.

Anyone who has tried to stand up a database integrating their organization's systems knows how hard it is to build a table that houses useful records from different systems. The tallest hurdle is figuring out how to associate different system records with accounts and people in your CRM. Systems like Google Analytics, Marketo, and Salesforce think of identities differently.

In CaliberMind, we pull each data source into its designated tables. Google Analytics thinks in terms of IP addresses, Marketo is person-based and thinks in terms of unique emails, and your CRM uses its own 18-string ID. CaliberMind looks at the different variables and uses complicated logic to marry your systems to look at the world the same way your business does - by CRM ID when possible, and by another identifier (email address, IP address, etc.) when not.

calibermind events link activities with account and contacts

The CaliberMind Event table is a collection of interactions with your brand organized by person ID and company ID. The Event has information like campaign type (if applicable), the system the record comes from, when it happened, whether it was an inbound or outbound interaction, and more. CaliberMind also creates benchmark events based on key events in your CRM history tables and Funnel stage benchmarks.

What Are Some Key Fields I Should Know About?

The full table schema for cm_event can be found by clicking here.

Here is a short table of key fields you should familiarize yourself with if you'd like to configure new models or build custom reports:




The unique id for the activity. Sometimes this is the CRM task or event id string. Sometimes it's a campaign member id string, and, occasionally, it's a unique key generated by CaliberMind for an external system that doesn't organize the data the same way your CRM does (like web visits).


The date and time the interaction between the person, company, and your brand occurred.


The source system for the activity. The system may be Salesforce, LinkedIn, aJs, or any systems integrated with CaliberMind.


This is meant to be a clear descriptor of the type of activity being recorded and can be modified to fit your organization's language. For example, "Sales Outreach" is a bucket CaliberMind uses for any Outreach Sequence activity, and "Page Visit" is the label we often apply to any analytics JS script captured web activity via the web tracker.


This field will only be populated if the event record was generated by a campaign member activity in your CRM or the name of the integrated system if it's a marketing platform.


This field will only be populated if the event record was generated by a campaign member (and will contain your CRM campaign name) or the campaign name in your digital advertising platform that links to the UTM parameters that are captured in the interaction.


Campaign Type will only be populated if the event record was generated by a campaign member record in your CRM with the Campaign Type on the associated campaign.


If the person associated with the event is linked to a CRM account ID, we will display that ID string. Otherwise, the field will be blank.


The person field will typically display the person's email address if they have been identified. Otherwise, they will display as "Anonymous" or blank.


If the person's email address or another identifier linked to a person (Lead or Contact) record in your CRM, that 18-string ID will display. Otherwise, the value will be left blank.


The field value will be TRUE if the touchpoint results from the person proactively interacting with your brand. Examples include campaign responses, social media form fills, website visits, email clicks, email opens, or email responses. When this value is FALSE, your brand pushes information to the person (for example, an email send or event invite).


The field value is TRUE if the touchpoint resulted from someone in your organization pushing information or trying to interact with the prospect. Examples of these activities include email sends and unsuccessful call attempts.


The event detail is a more comprehensive description of the interaction and will include information like the task name (which is very helpful when looking at Outreach or Salesloft integrated touchpoints from your CRM), subject line of an email, or full URL string including UTM parameters from a page visit.


To broadly classify events, the CaliberMind system reviews an event’s directionality, the type of record, and other key attributes related to the event - to create a standardized value for the events class. The event_class values are intended to be broad so that they can encompass all types of events that occur in all of the connected systems.


Using only the interactions related to a specific lead or contact, a ranking is noted on each data point as to the event order in relation to all of the other events associated with the person record.


Using only the interactions related to a specific company, a ranking is noted on each data point as to the event order in relation to all of the other events associated with the account record.

Where Is the Event Table Used?

None of our models could exist without an event timeline or the CM Event table. They each rely on events to understand which tactics work best.

Because our CaliberMind reports are either entirely activity based (like Surge Scoring) or combine Activity (CM Event) and Opportunity data, the CM Event table is used in every model. This includes Surge Scoring, Funnels, and Attribution.

When configuring a model in CaliberMind, part of the process is selecting which events to include or ignore when calculating scores, attribution, or funnel stage attainment.
calibermind events are central to data models

How Is CM Event Used in Funnels?

All event records can be considered in funnel models, and CaliberMind also creates events with the event class "Funnel Event" when funnel models are enabled. When we configure funnels, we tell the system when a stage threshold is met, and this creates a CM event record with the event class "Funnel Event" related to the person, company, and opportunity (if applicable). Then CaliberMind uses these benchmarks to calculate company journeys and person journeys for each of your funnels.

For example, let's say your accounts are marketing qualified when a campaign response happens AND the company meets an ICP score of 70. We would configure the Marketing Qualified Account stage to fire when a campaign response event happens on a company with an ICP Score of 70 or greater. This means CaliberMind would create a Marketing Qualified Account timestamp in the CM Event table, and the company's journey would be flagged as meeting that stage.

funnel event in calibermind

We also include all touchpoints (event records for that company or person) in reports that display all of the touchpoints that happen between funnel start and end, trigger reports, and push analysis to figure out which touchpoints are influential in engaging prospects.

How is CM Event Used in Attribution?

There are several attribution models, and the configuration of each model determines which CM Event records will be used to estimate attribution. The event records are then "pushed" to the cm_campaign_member and cm_attribution tables to populate your dashboards and reports. For more information on what kind of events and how far before opportunities are created ,we incorporate events, check out this article on attribution models.

Events must be Inbound TRUE or a proactive interaction with your brand to be considered in any attribution model.

CaliberMind does support custom models and will make recommendations around which events should and should not be included to best fit your business needs. For example, if you want a multi-touch attribution model that demonstrates "marketing's share" of pipeline and bookings, we'll encourage you to ignore low-barrier events like page visits and email opens, and we will encourage you to include events that were generated by your product and sales team.

Attribution models take the events you deem relevant (first touch only? multi-touch?) and then assign opportunity dollars according to how you want to weigh those touchpoints.

calibermind attribution model illustration

How is CM Event Used in Surge Scoring?

Surge scoring (also known as ABM scoring or engagement scoring) models allocate points to an event record based on what kind of event it is, what kind of person or company it is associated with, and how recently it took place. Think of it like lead scoring but instead of being restricted to campaign activities, we can look at any interaction you have access to and we sum the points by event, person, and account level, not just at the person level.

Events are usually (but not always if requested by the customer) Inbound TRUE or a proactive interaction with your brand to be considered in any surge scoring model.

For more on configuring scoring models, click here.

How did we do?

How Does CaliberMind Define a "Channel"?

How to use Dashboards
