Using ClearBit Flows

Eric Westerkamp Updated by Eric Westerkamp

CaliberMind has a number of different workflows built specifically around Clearbit. These flows enable you to access many of the Clearbit capabilities. Outlined here is each specific flow and how they are used to enrich information within CaliberMind.

Flow Name


Clearbit: Combined Enrichment

Combined Enrichment takes an input list that contains Email addresses and enriches both the Account and Contact information. The results are placed into a new List that can then be used to send to Salesforce, a Marketing List, etc.

Clearbit: Prospector Enrichment

Prospector enables you to take a list of accounts (by domain) and input titles, seniority and business unit information to find contacts. The results are put into a list that can be used to send to Salesforce or your marketing automation platform.

Clearbit: Name to Domain Enrichment

Name to Domain will take a list of Account Names and enrich their Web-site domains. This is a useful enrichment when looking to take a list of source companies and eventually enrich the Account information and then specific targets at the company by title.

Clearbit: Combined Enrichment

Using Clearbit Combined Enrichment is very easy. All you need is a source list that contains email addresses as input. When run the flow will take the input emails, enrich them for both Account and Contact information, and put them into an Output List.

To start the go to the Flows page and select New Flow. Once in select the Clearbit: Combined Enrichment Card.

List - This is the name of the Source list that should contains your email addresses. Select the list from the drop-down.

Table name - Table name shows you what the name of the resulting table will be once the flow has run.

Email Column - Select the column (from all columns in the source list) that contains the email addresses.

Limit - Limit will reduce the number of calls made to Clearbit to a maximum provided in the Limit number. Use this to cap the number of calls and make sure you don't exceed your credit limits against Clearbit.

Once you have set your List and Column name set the schedule (None to run once) and if you want the flow to run directly after the save. Select Save from the upper right of the screen.

Ex. Screen

Sample CaliberMind Clearbit Combined Enrichment Flow

Once the flow has run a new list will be generated and available in the List Builder. The name will be <<Source Name>> - Clearbit Combined Enriched where <<Source Name>> is the original name of your list.

The resulting list will contain all of the original columns and be augmented with new columns based on the data returned by Clearbit's enrichment. You can see an example of the resulting columns below.

Clearbit: Name to Domain

Clearbit Name to Domain enrichment allows you to take an input list of company names and enrich them with the company's domains. Those domains can then be used to send to other calls to get the company firmographic information and potentially prospect for contacts.

List - This is the name of the Source list that should contains your source company names.

Table name - Table name shows you what the name of the resulting table will be once the flow has run.

Company Name Column - Select the column (from all columns in the source list) that contains the source company names.

Limit - Limit will reduce the number of calls made to Clearbit to a maximum provided in the Limit number. Use this to cap the number of calls and make sure you don't exceed your credit limits against Clearbit.

Once you have set your List and Column name set the schedule (None to run once) and if you want the flow to run directly after the save. Select Save from the upper right of the screen.

Ex. Screen

Testing Clearbit Domain Enrichment

Once the flow has run a new list will be generated and available in the List Builder. The name will be <<Source Name>> - Clearbit Domain Enriched where <<Source Name>> is the original name of your list.

The resulting list will contain all of the original columns and be augmented with new columns that contain the Domain information. The result list will only contain rows for the Companies that could be successfully enriched. Below you can see a sample of the output.

Output List Format - Note that the original columns from the source list will appear in the output as the first set of columns.

enriched_record - Raw output from Clearbit. Ex. {"name""}

enrichment_timestamp - The date and time of the enrichment. Ex. 2019-03-14T16:40:01.89456

domain - The clear text version of the enriched domain. Ex.

logo - The URL of the logo on Clearbit's site Ex.

name - The company name Normalized. Ex. or 3M

date - Normalized date showing jus the date enrichment occurred

enrichment rank - internal CaliberMind index of the enrichment if multiple enrichments on the company have occurred

Clearbit: Prospector Enrichment

Prospector enrichment allows you to start with a company domain and then find target prospects at the company using a combination of Title, Seniority and Functional area. This API is critical to any organization that wants to find new contacts at target companies.

List - This is the name of the Source list that should contains your source company domains.

Table name - Table name shows you what the name of the resulting table will be once the flow has run.

Domain - This is the field name in your source list that contains the domain names. A value is required.

Domain Limit -

Roles - Drop Down list of Clearbit Roles that you can select from. Multiple selections are possible. Ex. Marketing, Legal, Engineering. No value is required.

Seniorities - Drop Down list of Seniorities. List contains Executive, Director, Manager. No value is required and multiple values are possible.

Titles - Comma separated list of Titles you wish to search for. Ex. Marketing Operations, Business Analyst, VP Engineering. No value is required.

City - Filter the list to just prospects in a certain city.

State - Filter the list to just prospects in a certain state.

Countries - Filter the list to just prospects in a specific Country.

Name - Filter the list to just prospects with a specific name

EU Suppression - Drop down list of options for specific filtering of contacts in the European Union

CaliberMind Clearbit: Prospector Enrichment sample screen

For all examples below it is assumed that the List and Domain field have been set.

Example 1 - say you wish to search all companies for Marketing ALL marketing executives. Set Roles to Marketing, Seniorities to Executive and leave all other fields blank.

Example 2 - what if you want all Business Analysts in the company? Set the Titles field to Business Analyst and the rest blank.

Example 3 - Maybe the last example didn't get you the results you want so instead try a specific Role but broaden the title? Set Roles to Information Technology and Marketing but Titles to Analyst.

The results will contain the original columns in the input file plus the following new enriched columns.

enriched_record - Raw output from Clearbit. Ex. {"domain":"","roles:[marketing"}

enrichment_timestamp - The date and time of the enrichment. Ex. 2019-03-14T16:40:01.89456

company_name - The prospects company name. Ex. 14 West, 3M, IBM

email - prospects email. Ex.

id - Clearbit ID for the contact

linkedin - Linkedin URL for the contact if known

location - CIty, State, Country for the contact. Ex. Baltimore, MD, US

name_family_name - Contacts Last Name

name_full_name - Contacts Full Name (First and Last)

name_given_name - Contacts First Name

role - Role in the company, i.e. Marketing, Engineering, Information Technology

seniority - One of the three seniority levels from Clearbit. Ex. Director, Executive or Manager

title - Persons title. Ex. Director of Online Marketing, CMO, VP Engineering

verified - if True then Clearbit has an exact match based on Email.

avatar - link to the contacts avatar

twitter - contacts twitter handle if known

facebook - contacts facebook link if known

date - Normalized date when the contact record was last updated.

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