Table of Contents

Insights Data Connector Health Dashboard

Insights Data Connector Health Dashboard

What is data connector health?

CaliberMind Data Health

The CaliberMind data connector health means you have a single source of truth for accuracy, performance, platform connectivity, and behavioral data allowing you to determine full funnel performance. With the CaliberMind connector, you can access all of your data in one place. This eliminates the need to manually track individual lines of incoming data from multiple sources, saving time and resources. It also helps ensure that data usage is consistently reported across all of your systems, providing a reliable and comprehensive view of your data connections and syncs. For instance, the CaliberMind connector health report can automatically track data from Salesforce, Marketo, and HubSpot, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, and Fivetran connection values and syncs providing a single source of truth for all of your data usage.

CaliberMind's Data Connector Health Dashboard - Purpose

Ensure that the data in your platform is healthy

Data is the key to your business' success. In the eyes of leadership, it is too late if something is wrong. Therefore, it is paramount to ensure the accuracy and integrity of data to avoid any issues down the line. With CaliberMind's inherent flexibility, you can ingest, manipulate, enrich, and present data in a variety of ways that require proactive monitoring to ensure successful and healthy data exchange.

CaliberMind's primary functions are as follows:

  1. Sync data from different sources/platforms
  2. Aggregate, standardize and run analytics on the data in CaliberMind
  3. Visualize data integrity and health
Who uses the Data Connector Health Dashboard?

A data engineer needs to be able to observe and alert for issues in data pipelines. Using machine learning, a company can learn its unique data patterns over time. As a result, automated solutions can detect anomalies more efficiently, despite the traditional testing and checks that have been a standard practice for years. CaliberMind's Connector Health Dashboard identifies problems and notifies users immediately by monitoring an organization's entire data ecosystem. As a result of downtime being so costly, this proactive approach to quality assurance can have a significant impact on a company's bottom line.

CaliberMind's Data Connector Health Dashboard - Assumptions

We offer this feature to customers who use our analytics JS pixel.

Data Connector Health Dashboard - Description

How to access the feature

Go to your company's production site - NOT the site shown in the example

Data Connector Health Step 1 and 2
Data connector health step 3 and 4
Dashboard Tiles

Color Code: Green = Working Red = Not Connected

Connector Health Tile

Connector Health

Average Monthly Rows Tile

  • This is a log of how many rows have you used.
Average Monthly Rows

Total Active Rows

  • This represents current monthly active rows.
Monthly Active Rows

Fivetran Current Monthly Active Row Usage

Currently monthly active row

Active Monthly Rows Over Time

Active rows over time

Connector Sync Table

CaliberMind Connector Sync Table

CaliberMind Data Connector Health Connector - List of connectors.
CaliberMind Data Connector Health Table - List of tables associated with connectors.
CaliberMind Data Connector Health Last Synced - The last synced date of each table.
CaliberMind Data Connector Health Days Since Last Synced - Count of days sincetable last synced. Sort button in top right of col.
CaliberMind Data Connector Health Page Navigation - Navigate to next pag, first, last page.

Insights Data Connector Health Dashboard - - Use Case Scenario and Analysis

How do I detect anomalies in incoming data streams?

Role: Marketing Tacticians, BI, Data Analysts, Data Engineers, and Operations

Analysis: At a high level Calibermind does 3 things in this order:

  1. Sync Data from different sources/platforms
  2. Aggregate, Standardize and run Analytics on the data in CaliberMind
  3. Visualize data integrity and data health

Steps 1 and 2 are supposed to happen daily in most cases. But order matters, so if parts of Step 1 are failing then there are going to be problems in the downstream Steps 2 & 3. This table can show you where potential issues in Step 1 are, so someone can determine if that’s a problem that needs to be rectified or not.

Action: The most common reasons why days since last sync will ever be greater than 1:

  1. It’s by design for whatever reason (this is rare and also means there may or may not be a problem depending on if the days since last sync is much greater than the scheduled interval
  2. There is a problem that is preventing the sync from happening (this is a problem, and is usually rectified by making a change in Sisense)
  3. A table was deprecated or manually disabled from the sync (this is fairly common and might happen to tables that aren’t being used as a means to save money

How did we do?

Creating Formulas Based on Criteria and Conditions (Filters)

Dashboard Function Reference
