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Funnel Person Inclusion Configuration

Funnel Person Inclusion Configuration

CaliberMind Funnel People Configuration
The intent of this tutorial is to aid the user in understanding the purpose and meaning of the funnel person inclusion configuration and the functionality of the drop-down menus, toggle buttons, and other options within the configuration screen. All examples are easily implemented within your business's Salesforce instance. Unlock the power of CaliberMind's Funnel Application using custom person inclusion configuration tools for each funnel. Before getting started, keep in mind that the fields, events, and triggers shown in the following examples are unique to the CaliberMind SalesForce instance.
It is highly recommended if custom funnel development is required that your organization reach out to your Customer Success representative for further assistance.

Person Inclusion

By creating personas, you can represent your key audience segments in a reliable and realistic way. Analyzed web analytics and qualitative user research should form the basis of these representations. Ultimately, your personas will only be as useful as the research behind them. Effective personas:

  • Represent one of your product or service's major user groups
  • The most relevant user groups should be identified and their needs described
  • Determine how the prospect is likely to use your product or service as well as their expectations
  • Provide assistance in identifying universal features and functionalities
  • Give a description of a real person with a real background, goals, and values

Once these and other characteristics have been identified they can be used to craft a winning marketing funnel using the CaliberMind Funnel Person Inclusion Configuration Tool.

Including Person Characteristics
CaliberMind Funnel Person Inclusion Configuration

The following steps can be taken to INCLUDE specific characteristics of persons your organization wants to reach within a custom funnel:

  1. Click the Person Inclusion Menu selection at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the Salesforce field 'job_level' from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the 'equals' operator from the dropdown list.
  4. Select the desired job level from the dropdown list. In this example, we have chosen Director.
  5. Click the blue plus symbol to add another row.
  6. Notice that the 'AND' boolean operator is chosen. The reason is that we want to ONLY include a second job level in our statement for this custom funnel.
  7. Select the Salesforce field 'job_level' from the dropdown list.
  8. Select the 'equals' operator from the dropdown list.
  9. Select the desired job level from the dropdown list. In this example, we have chosen VP.
  10. Click the blue SAVE button.

Person Exclusion

Excluding Person Characteristics
CaliberMind Funnel Person Exclusion Configuration

The following steps can be taken to EXCLUDE specific person characteristics your organization does not wants to reach within a custom funnel:

  1. Click the Person Inclusion Menu selection at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the Salesforce field 'job_level' from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the 'does not equals' operator from the dropdown list.
  4. Select the desired job level from the dropdown list. In this example, we have chosen Functional.
  5. Click the blue plus symbol to add another row.
  6. Notice that the 'AND' boolean operator is chosen. The reason is that we want to ALSO exclude a second job level in our statement for this custom funnel.
  7. Select the Salesforce field 'job_level' from the dropdown list.
  8. Select the 'does not equals' operator from the dropdown list.
  9. Select the desired job level from the dropdown list. In this example, we have chosen Manager.
  10. Click the blue plus symbol to add another row.
  11. Again, the 'AND' boolean operator is chosen. The reason is that we want to FINALLY exclude a third job level in our statement for this custom funnel.
  12. Select the Salesforce field 'job_level' from the dropdown list.
  13. Select the 'does not equals' operator from the dropdown list.
  14. Select the desired job level from the dropdown list. In this example, we have chosen Sr Functional.
  15. Click the blue SAVE button.
CaliberMind Funnel Configuration Note

How did we do?

Funnel Static Event Configuration

Funnel Person Status Exits
