Object Mapping: Create a Replacement

Replacement rules help admins standardize text fields by replacing variations of a word with the standardized word. For example, replace "Company" with "Co.", replace hyphens with spaces, or remove quotations. Regex expressions are permitted.

Important: The rules are processed in the order they are displayed.

  1. Navigate to the Admin area by clicking the Setting Cog in the top right-hand corner:
    Navigate to the CaliberMind Settings Cog
  2. Select the Object you would like to configure from the left-hand navigation menu. In this example, we’ll select the Campaign Object:
    Select the Object You Want to Configure from the CaliberMind Navigation Menu
  3. Select the “Create Replacement” button. If a Replacement already exists, it will be listed in the Campaign Replacements section. If you need to edit any rules, select “View Replacement” next to the rule.
    Select the CaliberMind Create Replacement Button
  4. Once you click “Create Replacement, select the Field you would like to create a rule for from the dropdown menu:
    Select the Field You Want to Create a CaliberMind Rule for from the Dropdown Menu
  5. Select the “Add Block” button:
    Select the CaliberMind  Add Block Button
  6. Enter a text string that you would like the system to search for and the text string that you want the previously entered string to be replaced with:
    Enter a Text String You Want CaliberMind to Search for and the Text String You Want the Previous Inputted String to Be Replaced With
  7. Click the “Add Block” button to add replacement rules for text strings:
    Click the Add Block Button to Add CaliberMind Replacement Rules for Text Strings
  8. In the second rule, enter another text string that you would like the system to search for and the text string that you want that first string to be replaced with:
    In the Second Rule, Input Another Text String You Want CaliberMind to Search for and the Text String You Want that First String to Be Replaced With
  9. If you didn’t order the logic rules properly (remember, they process in the order they are entered), you can drag and drop rows to change the order of operation. This is useful if you need to add another replacement in the future. When the rules and logic order are complete, click the “Save” button.
Dragging and dropping CaliberMind rows

How did we do?

Object Manager: Campaign Member

Object Mapping: Create a Campaign Substitution
