Engagement Scoring Time Decay - How It Works & How to Change It

Engagement Scoring Time Decay - How It Works & How to Change It

Any newly created model will take up to 24 hours to update for use.

What is Time Decay?

CaliberMind's engagement models all include a linear time decay, and the timeframe for that decay is included in the model's name. For example, Inbound30 gives an event's full "points" on day one, half the points on day 15, and zero points on day 30. This attribution model makes the assumption that the closer the encountered touchpoint is to a customer's conversion, the more influential it is in the rate of conversion.

Sample CaliberMind Time Decay Model

Why Use Time Decay?

Utilizing a linear attribution model has the advantage of considering all touchpoints. If you're seeking a macro-level understanding of your overall marketing strategy, tailoring a linear attribution model may be the best way to get started. As long as the traffic source is relevant, each source gets a score.

How to Change or Edit an Engagement Score Time Decay

  1. Click on the Time Decay link. The Time Decay input screen appears.
CaliberMind Time Decay input screen
  1. Insert the Number of Days for the model and click the blue plus symbol to save the entry.

Enter a number of days in the CaliberMind Time Decay input screen
  1. Continue adding the Number of Days within your Time Decay Model. After each entry click the blue plus symbol to save the entry.

Add additional days in the CaliberMind Time Decay input screen
  1. Continue adding days as needed. Note: You may enter up to 6 different days.

CaliberMind Time Decay lets you add a maximum of 6 different days

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