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How to Add or Change Engagement Score Multipliers

How to Add or Change Engagement Score Multipliers

Any newly created model will take up to 24 hours to update for use.
This is a multi-step tutorial

What Is a Multiplier?

Behind our scoring models, we allow you to control how many points each event type can get. We also allow you to add multipliers for firmographic and demographic data points that indicate a good fit for your products/services.

Before a time decay is applied, an inbound touch gets a score based on your Touch Scoring setup. Then we layer on a multiplier if you know a certain company profile or person profile is more likely to become a customer. A few examples may include:



Industry contains (software, hardware, internet, or technology) and Employee Size is greater than 250


Title contains (VP, Vice President) OR Title equals (CEO, CFO, CIO)


Title contains (Student, Janitor, Priest)


Given the example above, if I have a meeting (that is worth 5 points) with a VP at a Software company with 500 employees, my touch would have a score of 30 points before time decay is applied. If the meeting is with a Janitor at a Software company with 500 employees, my touch is worth 0 points.

See our article on Touch Scoring to see how to modify inbound event scores based on the type of activity.

Why Would I Want to Change the Multiplier?

The only constant in marketing is change. If your product has evolved or you've found a new use case, you'll want to modify your multiplier. Some common use cases may include:

  1. A hardware product that originally only seemed applicable to the Media industry has potential in the Genomics industry.
  2. We originally thought the VP was essential to close a deal, but are finding that the more important stakeholder is actually Marketing Operations -- who we rely on as an advocate for the product.
  3. A security loophole that prevented the product from being sold in Healthcare has been fixed.

As a best practice, scoring models should be evaluated on an ongoing basis (ideally, quarterly) to determine whether the highest scores correlate to more wins and if there have been any changes in ICP or market fit.

How to Change a Multiplier

You must have administrator access to CaliberMind to make these changes.
Multiplier rules are processed in the order they are listed on your screen from top to bottom. The order matters!
  1. From the CaliberMind app, navigate to the Settings page by clicking the cog icon in the top right-hand corner:
    Navigate to CaliberMind Settings Cog
  2. Click ABM on the left-hand vertical menu:
    Click on CaliberMind ABM
  3. Select the default scoring model by clicking on its name:
    CaliberMind default engagement ABM scoring model
  4. Make sure the Multiplier tab is selected before making any edits:
CaliberMind engagement score multiplier tab screen
  1. In our instance, we've created a custom grouping for people in the C-Suite in the job_level field called "cxo." We are going to look for that value OR job_level values containing "VP" and assign them a 2x multiplier:
    Look for Job Level Values Containing "VP" and Assign Them a 2x Multiplier
  2. In an additional block, we're going to add logic that checks for a job_level containing "director" and apply a 1.5x multiplier. Because we've already looked for cxo and VP, we do not need to exclude records with these values from the second block (they've already been processed):
    In an Additional Block, We will Add Logic that Checks for a Job Level Containing "Director" and Apply a 1.5 Multiplier
  3. When we're done creating specific rules, we can create a catch-all category "Otherwise" to assign a multiplier of 1 to all records that do not meet earlier criteria:

    Creating a Catch-All Category "OTHERWISE'' to Assign a Multiplier of 1 to All Records that Don't Meet Earlier Criteria

How did we do?

How to Change Event Touch Scores

Add or Change Engagement Score Filters
