Setting Up Workflow - Lead Deduplication

Tyler Nguyen Updated by Tyler Nguyen


Deduplication is the process of merging duplicate data to a single record. The CaliberMind platform connects with your CRM to extract data. As it is extracting the data, the CM platform will automatically check for duplicate records. If it finds duplicate records it will merge the records (If there is matching information) to reduce redundancies in your data.

Because CaliberMind merges the records, you aren’t left with orphaned tasks or opportunities. Having a deduplicated database is a critical step in accurate reporting and efficient processes.

Lead 1 (loser)

Lead 2 (winner)

Final Merged Lead

First Name: David

Last Name: Johnson


Title: <missing>

First Name: David

Last Name: Johnson


Title: Marketing Manager

First Name: David

Last Name: Johnson


Title: Marketing Manager

Setting up Lead Deduplication workflow:

  1. Create a Custom list in CaliberMind, for example: “FLOW - Lead Deduplication” 
  2. Copy and paste the below SQL found in THIS LINK into the list and save.
Copy and Paste the SQL Query Into Your CaliberMind List and Click on the Save Button
  1. Hit "Test" and confirm if the data is shown correctly


Used for testing to validate the matching is working.


The Lead ID to be merged into a winning record.


The Lead ID to receive partial data from a losing record.

  1. Create a new flow:
    1. Select “Merge records in Salesforce”
    Select CaliberMind Merge Records in Salesforce
    1. Select the list you created in step 2
    2. Select the "Lead" object
    3. Set a schedule and/or limit (optional)
Set a CaliberMind  Schedule and/or Limit
  1. Launch flow!
  2. Check the log file after the workflow has been completed to see if there were any errors from Salesforce.

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Using ClearBit Flows

ZoomInfo - Add-to/Enrich your database
