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Setting Up Answers - Start Here!

Angie C. Updated by Angie C.

Setting Up Answers - Start Here!

CaliberMind has been hard at work trying to solve a problem that we’ve heard from pretty much everyone we’ve spoken to. Getting Insights out of Dashboards is just not easy.

Executives expect their team to be able to look at a Dashboard and extract the Insights that are most important to their organization. Team Leads have to explain the model to apply and the filters to set in order to get critical information that their company needs to make data driven decisions. This can take up a lot of time - time you don't have…

CaliberMind Answers those tricky questions by putting the Insights your organization needs in the hands of the person that needs them using the systems they’re already accustomed to. Here’s how to get started:

  1. To configure your first Answer an Admin user needs to log into the Settings page of CaliberMind and click the new Answers Section.
  1. Click the Configure Answer button.
  1. Now, the adventure begins…! Based on your current package, the relevant Answers will appear.
  1. Each Answer has its own configuration page with different parameters that can be set. The number of parameters illustrates why answering a simple question can be such a difficult task.
Update the name of the Answer to include what makes this Answer different from your other versions of it. If you plan to send this Answer via Email or Slack you’ll want to pay attention to the “Delivery Frequency” selection as well.
  1. If at any time you have questions about configuring this Answer, click on the link to “Learn more about this Answer.”
  1. When you’ve completed the configuration click the “Answer Enabled” toggle and the “Create” button at the bottom of the page.

  1. Once the Answer has been Enabled and Created, you are able to determine who should be receiving the Answer. This will use the UI & Email tab and Slack tabs.
  1. The UI & Email tab allows you to select teammates from within your organization and select whether they should have access to view the Answer within CaliberMind, or receive an email to the selected address.
Reminder - Frequency of delivery is set on the “Answer” tab.
  1. The Slack tab allows you to see the channels that the Integration Profile has access to. In order to see private channels, you'll need to go into that Slack channel in Slack and type: /invite @calibermind
  1. Now that you’ve got an Answer set up, you can find it in the Left Navigation. Here you will find all of the Answers that your user has been set up to receive. These Answers are run live as you hit the page!

How to Use CaliberMind Answers

See these different articles to understand how to use our Answers feature on:

How did we do?

Using CaliberMind Answers to Understand Campaign Performance
