Insights - Engagement - Dashboard Terminology & Key Concepts

General Dashboard Functionality

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How Is My Data Organized?

Engagement dashboards, by default, display underlying data by Event Date, or a campaign member's response date.

A chart can also be aggregated by the frequency of dates you choose in the Date Aggregation Filter.

CaliberMind  Date Aggregation Filter screen

The filters you select also determine which data is displayed. In the Filter example below, we are filtering out any "accounts" that are really companies listed on lead records and only viewing true account records in our CRM with the "Company ID Doesn't Start With 00Q" Filter. For more on using Filters, click here.

The CaliberMind filters you pick will determine which of your data is displayed

Your Admin may apply Object Mapping Filters to prevent records that should be consistently filtered out of Dashboards from showing up in the source data.
Raw engagement score data only is stored for 365 days. If you notice a drop off in engagement activity one year in the past, that is because the data does not exist.

Terminology and Key Concept Definitions

Account Score Change Month over Month - The difference between this month's engagement activity and last month's engagement activity.

Accounts Engaged - The number of accounts that engaged with your company over the given time period that still have a score greater than zero. This may be higher than your person engagement if you have enabled the web tracker and are tracking semi-anonymous (known company IP but unknown person) data.

Aggregation Dates - This dashboard component toggles between different date increments. If you have a large time range selected, viewing by years may make sense. If you're evaluating a very short time period, you may want to get as granular as days.

CaliberMind Aggregation Date filters
Changing your aggregation date will not change the underlying data or restrict/expand your time period. That is done with filters.

Campaign Type - This is a grouping of campaigns by Type field or other CRM equivalent. For more information on campaign hierarchies, read more here.

Channel - Channels typically document how someone found a particular campaign via UTM parameters (think of the UTM Medium). For example, a form fill may come from one of the following channels:

  • Organic Search
  • Paid Search
  • Paid Social
  • Retargeting

While the paid channels may be campaigns in their own right, the channel helps us document when a prospect navigates away from the paid advertising landing page and fill out a form elsewhere on the website. For more information, read more here.

Inbound Touches - The count of activities that took place during the given time period where the prospect actively interacted with your brand.

MQA Date - The date an account first had a cumulative engagement score that exceeded the MQA (or Marketing Qualified Account) threshold.

People Engaged - The number of identified people who were captured interacting with your company during the given time period that still have an engagement score.

Program - Programs are a family or category of campaigns, and this logic is typically established during your onboarding process. For example, you may have an industry-specific campaign family (Program) of "2021.05 Automotive Blitz" with sub-campaigns that branch across multiple channels. For more information on Program logic, read more here.

Total Engagement Score - The aggregated amount of engagement (activity x weighted score for the activity x time decay) that took place with your company over the given time period.

Total Raw Score - The summed score of activities (activity x weighted score for the activity) in a given time period ignoring time decay.

Total Score (with Decay) - Each of our Engagement Score Models has a decay formula that counts down to zero at the number of days in the model name. For example, Inbound180 slowly depreciates the event value until day 180 and beyond when the value for the activity is zero.

Changing Scoring Models

At the top of each dashboard, users have the option to change which engagement scoring displays in the dashboard. Simply choose the engagement scoring model you would like to select and click Apply.

CaliberMind  lets you pick the Engagement Scoring Model you'd like to select or change the engagement scoring data displayed

Chain-based - Chain-based weighting is available to machine learning clients and has a more nuanced weighting system. We look at engagements leading up to an opportunity and score the inbound activities associated with winning opportunities (our "training" population or ideal scenario) heavier than those that do not.

Inbound Models - Engagement models that start with "Inbound" have the time decay timeline in their name. For example, Inbound30 applies a linear decay. In the case of Inbound 30, any inbound activities that happened greater than 30 days ago get a score of 0. Inbound activities that took place today get the full score, which depreciates a small amount for each day that passes.

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Insights - Engagement Overview
