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How To Connect: HubSpot

Why Connect Hubspot?

Many customers use Hubspot solely as a marketing automation platform and integrate it with their Salesforce instance. In cases where all data is synchronized between the two systems, there will still be some data that only lives in Hubspot that can add a lot of value to your engagement scoring model and attribution. For example, adding negative engagement scores for unsubscribes and bounces is recommended. We can also reference historical data about form fills, visits, and other key information to help supplement your data pre-web tracker.

Here are additional notable use cases when an additional connection between Hubspot and CaliberMind is advisable:

  • You only store a subset of Contact data in Hubspot to avoid additional fees, but still want to incorporate associated data for engagement scoring
  • You have historical Deal or Company data that are only stored in Hubspot that you want to be included in your lookback period for trending purposes
  • You have static segmentation lists in Hubspot that you want to use to create filters or segments in CaliberMind (we recommend recreating active lists in CaliberMind)
  • You want to push segments from CaliberMind into Hubspot

Setting Up Your Connection

Setting up your HubSpot connector in CaliberMind only takes a few clicks!

  1. Go to Settings >> Integrations >> Add New Connector
Adding the HubSpot connector to CaliberMind

  1. Give your HubSpot connector a name and click "Authorize". Please make sure when connecting that all the below API permissions are available. You should have:
  • Users and Accounts
  • Reports
  • Business Intelligence API
  • Contacts
  • Content
  • Forms

(If you're missing one, please check the permissions of the user creating the sync and also the version of HubSpot you're using.)

Requesting missing HubSpot integration permissions in CaliberMind
  1. Log into HubSpot to verify the connector was approved.
  2. HubSpot system tables such as hs_companies and hs_deals will begin to show in CaliberMind within one to two hours. Data will be refreshed hourly.

You'll see the following tables in CaliberMind once the initial export is complete:

  • hs_events
  • hs_deals
  • hs_contacts
  • hs_campaigns
  • hs_engagements
  • hs_lists
  • hs_companies
  • hs_deal_pipelines_stages
  • hs_lists_filters
  • hs_timeline_changes
  • hs_keywords
  • hs_deals_associations_associatedcompanyids
  • hs_deals_associations_associatedvids
  • hs_owners
  • hs_social
  • hs_deal_pipelines
  • hs_form_form_submissions

Your work is done! Reports and system views will be set up automatically.

To get more information on how CaliberMind data is mapped to HubSpot, refer to the following spreadsheet:

CaliberMind To HubSpot Mapping

How did we do?

How to Connect: Google Sheets

How to Connect: Klaviyo [via FiveTran]
