Linking to CaliberMind Reports in Salesforce

Andrew Sawusch Updated by Andrew Sawusch

Whether your organization does or does not wish to actively write CaliberMind Engagement Data back into your Salesforce environment, linking to CaliberMind reports directly inside of Salesforce is a great way to access the CaliberMind data with minimal work required.

A quick method for accessing an Account's event timeline and other related information inside of CaliberMind is by creating a link on the Account record which opens a browser window to the "Account Overview" report. To set this up, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new field on the Account object
    Setup >> Objects and Fields >> Object Manager >> "Account" >> Fields & Relationships >> "New"
  2. Select "Formula" Data Type, click on "Next"
  3. Enter a Field Label (ex: "CM Buyer Journey"), enter a Field Name (ex: "CM_Buyer_Journey"), select "Text" for the Formula Return Type, click on "Next"
  4. Enter the following formula:
    HYPERLINK(""&CASESAFEID(Id)&"/engagement","View in CaliberMind")

Enter the following "Description" and "Help Text": Link to the CaliberMind Account Overview report for the Account

Select "Treat blank fields as blanks", click on "Next"

  1. Provide visibility for the new field to the Profiles as required, click on "Next"
  2. Add the field to the Page Layouts as required, click on "Save"
    *Note: After saving, be sure to move the newly created field into the Account record "Details" section as desired using "Page Layouts" so it is easy for your team members to find

A quick method for accessing a Contact's event timeline and other related information inside of CaliberMind is by creating a link on the Contact record which opens a browser window to the "Person Overview" report for that specific Person record. To set this up, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new field on the Contact object
    Setup >> Objects and Fields >> Object Manager >> "Contact" >> Fields & Relationships >> "New"
  2. Select "Formula" Data Type, click on "Next"
  3. Enter a Field Label (ex: "CM Buyer Journey"), enter a Field Name (ex: "CM_Buyer_Journey"), select "Text" for the Formula Return Type, click on "Next"
  4. Enter the following formula:
    HYPERLINK(""&CASESAFEID(Id)&"/engagement","View in CaliberMind")

Enter the following "Description" and "Help Text": Link to the CaliberMind Person Overview report for the Contact

Select "Treat blank fields as blanks", click on "Next"

  1. Provide visibility for the new field to the Profiles as required, click on "Next"
  2. Add the field to the Page Layouts as required, click on "Save"
    *Note: After saving, be sure to move the newly created field into the Contact record "Details" section as desired using "Page Layouts" so it is easy for your team members to find

A quick method for accessing a Lead's event timeline and other related information inside of CaliberMind is by creating a link on the Lead record which opens a browser window to the "Person Overview" report for that specific Person record. To set this up, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new field on the Contact object
    Setup >> Objects and Fields >> Object Manager >> "Lead" >> Fields & Relationships >> "New"
  2. Select "Formula" Data Type, click on "Next"
  3. Enter a Field Label (ex: "CM Buyer Journey"), enter a Field Name (ex: "CM_Buyer_Journey"), select "Text" for the Formula Return Type, click on "Next"
  4. Enter the following formula:
    HYPERLINK(""&CASESAFEID(Id)&"/engagement","View in CaliberMind")

Enter the following "Description" and "Help Text": Link to the CaliberMind Person Overview report for the Lead

Select "Treat blank fields as blanks", click on "Next"

  1. Provide visibility for the new field to the Profiles as required, click on "Next"
  2. Add the field to the Page Layouts as required, click on "Save"
    *Note: After saving, be sure to move the newly created field into the Lead record "Details" section as desired using "Page Layouts" so it is easy for your team members to find

For Account Owners, a quick method for accessing CaliberMind Engagement reports related to only the accounts owned by that user is by creating a link to these reports directly from a user's dashboard. To set this up, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new field on the User object

Data Type: Formula

Formula Return Type: Text

Field Label: CM Engagement Reports

Field Name: CM_Engagement_Reports

Description/Help Text: Links to the CaliberMind Engagement Trends and Profile Coverage reports for the current user's owned accounts


"&ScoringModel=Inbound (standard365)&daterange={\"days\":365}"
,"CaliberMind Engagement Trends")
+ BR() +
"&ScoringModel=Inbound (standard365)&daterange={\"days\":365}"
, "CaliberMind Profile Coverage")

*NOTE: Be sure to update the Inbound (standard365) portions of the formula with your desired Scoring Model, as well as the numeric value in the "days\":365 portions of the formula with your desired number of days to have as the lookback window

  1. Create another new field on the User object

Data Type: Formula

Formula Return Type: Checkbox

Field Label: Current User is User

Field Name: Current_User_is_User

Description/Help Text: Is the current user the same as this user?



  1. Create a Report in Salesforce
  • Click on "Reports", search for Report Type Name of "Users", click on "Start Report"
  • Add Column "CM Engagement Reports", remove all other columns
  • Add a Filter to the report of "Current User is User" = True
  • Name the report "CaliberMind Reports", Save and Run the report

*NOTE: Be sure that the report's folder location is shared with the required users, and that the users have the necessary Profile permissions to access the report

  1. Add Report to Dashboard in Salesforce
  • Add the report as a Component inside of any Salesforce Dashboard that Account Owners use on a frequent basis. Now, anytime the user comes to the dashboard - two links will appear to the "Engagement Trends" and "Profile Coverage" reports with their user ID pre-selected for the "Account Owner" filter
    Add Report to CaliberMind Dashboard in Salesforce

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Account-Based Marketing Reports
